Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Timeline

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017
Warsaw, Poland, September 22-25

Basic timeline

October 2016

Committee decision: Warsaw

November 2016

Grant application

February - May 2017

Programme committee

May 2017

Scholarships & Visas

May - July 2017


23-25 September



October - December


Post-conference works

Detailed jobs timeline

Deadline Job Area Team Member

in charge

30.11.2016 Submission of grant application Grant & Finances Tomasz done
02.12.2016 Contract with POLIN Museum Venue & Hospitality Tomasz done
02.12.2016 Contract with MDM Hotel Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof done
20.12.2016 Discussions with grant reviewers Grant & Finances Tomasz done
28.02.2017 Assembly of Programme Committee Programme Natalia done
1.03.2017 Final preparation of meta page of the Conference General All team done
15.03.2017 Establishing social media presence (Facebook event page etc.) Programme Natalia done
28.03.2017 Final contracts with meals providers Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof done
09.04.2017 Program Committee creates and sends a programme survey to chapters Programme Natalia done
15.04.2017 Final arrangements with Polin and hotel Venue & Hospitality Tomasz, Krzysztof done
15.04.2017 All the details of Birthday event & party GLAM + Venue & Hospitality Marta/Krzysztof done
15.06.2017 Final agreements with GLAM Tracks partners GLAM Marta done
15.06.2017 Deadline for registration of CEE chapters & usergroups scholars Travel & Scholarship Anna done
15.06.2017 Visa invitations of scholars needing visas Visas Wojciech & Janusz done
15.05.2017 Survey results published Programme Natalia done
15.05.2017 Preliminary, general shape of programme published by Programme Commitee Programme Natalia done
15.05.2017 Call for conference applications Programme Natalia done
30.05.2017 Bus hire contract with MZA (the bus company) HR & Transport Jarosław done
15.06.2017 Airplaine tickets for chapters' & usergroups' scholars purchased Travel & Scholarship Anna done
20.09.2017 Merchandise purchase orders Merchandise Małgorzata done
30.06.2017 Deadline for program applications Programme Natalia done
15.07.2017 Recruitment of short-term volunteers HR & Transport Jarosław done
15.07.2017 Preliminary, detailed programme published Programme Program Committee done
17.07.2017 Second call for programme application - for topics not well covered Programme Programme Committee done
15.07.2017 Invitation to special lecturers sent Programme Programme Committee done
30.07.2017 Technical arrangements for audio & video registration Programme Natalia done
16.08.2017 Deadline for second call of applications Programme Programme Committee done
20.09.2017 Final visa trouble-shooting Visas Wojciech & Janusz done
15.09.2017 First official info e-mail to participants: travel arrangements Travel & Scholarships Anna done
20.09.2017 Purchase of late submitters airline tickets, travel arrangements Travel & Scholarships Anna done
15.09.2017 Final programme published Programme Programme Committee done
15.09.2017 Assigning staff and volunteers to conference tasks and shifts HR & Transport Jarosław done
15.09.2017 Assigning hotel rooms to participants Travel & Scholarships Anna done
15.09.2017 Rehearsal of the Old Town guided tour GLAM Marta & Michał done
15.09.2017 Press release (incl. media invitation to Birthday celebrations) Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof not done
19.09.2017 Final checks with POLIN Museum & MDM Hotel. Passes, clearances etc. Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof & Polimerek done
20.09.2017 Final checks with GLAM Track Partners GLAM Marta done
20.09.2017 Final checks with meals providers Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof done
21.09.2017 Setup in the venue, hotel etc. Venue & Hospitality Team done
conference Supervision of volunteers, assisting in arrivals and check-ins HR & Transport Jarosław done
conference Operational troubleshooting with POLIN, MDM and meal providers Venue & Hospitality Krzysztof done
conference Special services for VIP guests (e.g. WMF Executive Director) All Areas Tomasz done
conference Conference main reception desk All Areas Małgorzata & Anna

& Marta & Natalia & Jarosław

conference Supervision of conference programme Programme Natalia done
conference Supervision of records and social media output Programme Natalia done
conference Supervision of GLAM Programme GLAM Marta done
01.10.2017 Survey for participants prepared and sent Grant & Finances Natalia & Jarosław in progress
15.10.2017 Results from Survey for participants published Grant & Finances Natalia & Jarosław [tba]
30.11.2017 Financial closure of the project Grant & Finances Marek, Tomek & Anna in progress
15.12.2017 Final grant report Grant & Finances Tomasz tbd