Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018/Programme/Submission/Advancing Gender Equity report

Title of your proposal


Advancing Gender Equity: Conversations with Movement Leaders

Name(s) and/or username(s)

  • Presenter: Christel Stegenberger (WMF), Trust and Safety Specialist, Wikimedia Foundation
  • Wikimedia Foundation staff to contact with questions about the Advancing Gender Equity report: Marti Johnson (WMF), Project Grants Program Officer, Wikimedia Foundation,


  1. Strategic discussions:
    • Increasing the level of cooperation on the level of communities.
    • Attracting new editors and creating comfortable conditions for them.
    • Implementation of Wikimedia 2030 strategy in the region (knowledge equity focus)
    • Gender gap.
  2. Capacity development:
    • Encouragement of new editors.
  3. Working groups:
    • Gender Gap.

Type of submission (Please choose one)

  • Presentation with discussion (one-to-many + Q&A)



The Wikimedia Foundation recently published Advancing Gender Equity: Conversations with Movement Leaders, a report summarizing 65 interviews with Wikimedians who lead gender equity projects. These conversations explored the unique challenges and successes of their work to advance gender equity on Wikimedia projects. This report provides a succinct overview of what we learned from them.

This presentation will provide an overview of the report and invite participants to share their responses and brainstorm strategies for implementing changes in their work in order to support gender equity.

Advancing gender equity means that we seek fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all genders. Because some genders have been historically underserved and underrepresented, equity requires that we identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented their full participation in society.

Expected outcomes

  • Participants will:
    • have a broad understanding of best practices and major challenges for achieving gender equity in the Wikimedia movement
    • reflect on how the report findings play out in their own communities
    • brainstorm strategies for implementing changes in their own work in order to support gender equity

Duration (without Q&A)


40-50 minutes

Specific requirements

  • Powerpoint projector

Slides or further information


The full report is here:

A previously recorded version of the presentation is available on YouTube here:

Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).
