Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Programme/Submissions/Encouraging the spirit of new editors - A structured approach to mapping onboarding efforts

Encouraging the spirit of new editors - A structured approach to mapping onboarding efforts

Title of the submission
Type of submission (lecture, panel, workshop, lightning talk, roundtable, poster)
  • Workshop
Author(s) of the submission

Christine Domgörgen


Christine Domgörgen (WMDE)



  • New editor retention
  • Skills around attracting new editors
Abstract (up to 100 words)

The question of how we can retain new editors, how we can keep them motivated and help them learning what they need to know in order to become Wikipedians has immense importance for all communities.

This workshop will focus on mapping onboarding materials and efforts, like learning materials, mentoring programs etc. for Wikipedia - online and offline. Using a structured approach participants will map and assess onboarding efforts in their respective communities and for different groups of users. The goal is to identify and share successful approaches and evaluate under which conditions a transfer to other communities is possible. The result of the workshop will be a structured map giving an overview under which conditions which onboarding efforts are being used, how successful they are and where future efforts could be directed.

How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?

This session will have the following outcomes:

  • a comprehensive overview of approaches to onboarding new editors in the CEE region
  • a structured understanding of onboarding methods and parameters for success
Special requirements

A room with flexible tables and chairs. Presenter. Ideally space on the walls.

Slides or further information

Slides from last year's presentation at CEE 2018 on new editor retention.

CEE 2019 Workshop Encouraging the spirit of new editors

Interested attendees


If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).

  1. Bonvol (talk) 07:35, 19 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Samat (talk) 22:26, 3 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Juandev (talk) 18:02, 10 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Tgr (talk) 19:33, 10 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  5. W (talk) 10:53, 18 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]


  • mapping onboarding efforts to encourage new members
  • goal is to try to map onboarding efforts
  • what we can do, what are the difficulties
  • help the new guys stay as editors and to be good editors
  • for a journey for new editors
  • inform people that they can participate, raise awareness
  • get them involved
  • onboarding experience is a long period (need to learn rules on how to behave, sense of belonging to the community)
  • if the onboarding is successful the higher chances are for retention
  • new editors need to learn how to contribute, need to learn the rules, online training, welcoming messages, training in person
  • something needs to happen after the edit-a-thon so we can increase the retention
  • a low rate of retention after edit-a-thon (sometimes even less than 10%)
  • training modules help for new members to edit more
  • Comment: More research and data needed
  • What are the challenges for new guys?
    • technical challenges
    • cultural challenges
    • conceptual challenges
  • This is important to keep in mind for helping the new guys.
  • Issues that they have with onboarding
    • no formal program
    • no channel where we can establish an easier communication
    • automated messages to be sent to newbies
    • more systematic way, awarding them, welcoming message
    • we need to work more with them
    • administrators need to be more appreciative towards the newbies
  • Which initiatives for onboarding the newbies are present in your community?
    • large number of ideas
    • same idea can have different results in different communities
    • more personalized message can have better results
    • Wiki guides and mentoring
    • project that have a high impact
    • activities for children
    • some people do not realize that the welcoming message is personalized for them
    • series of edit-a-thons in order to motivate people to edit
    • using discord so people can get answers more quickly