Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Programme/Submissions/Time management, priorities or delegation

Time management, priorities or delegation

Title of the submission
Type of submission (lecture, panel, workshop, lightning talk, roundtable, poster)
  • workshop
Author(s) of the submission

Jan Lochman





  • Education
Abstract (up to 100 words)

The goal of this workshop is to teach Wikimedians how to organize their time more effectively, set priorities and set the task for delegation (if possible). The method is based on setting priorities and scaling them. Then the list of the next day activities is created with time donation. On the end, there is the evaluation, fixing times really needed and comparing the priorities with real activity. For those, who can delegate we'll learn the way to identify tasks for delegation.

How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?

Attendees will be able to do more in the wiki environment, and they'll be happier with their wiki work without stress.

Special requirements

A4 papers for each participant for making notes

It would be great to have two 45 mins sessions, one on the beginning and the other on Sunday, such way participants can learn better

Slides or further information



Interested attendees


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Why are you here? NL: just need to slow it down sometimes. How to cope with the stress. Is it about wiki work or over all? NL: Wikipedia and Wikimedia stuff is happening at the same time. The issues are somethimes coming all at the same time. Samat: it looked interesting, I would like to know what you could teach about time management. it is not easy to find the right balance between the fulltime job, family and wiki work and chapter work and many other commitments over time. I always have peckles and not fulfilled issues. Matej: we do projects but not as well as we would like to since we do not have as much time as we would like to: we all have full time jobs or other commitments name? writing is more fun for me, he is not fond of admin activities but also feels it is important, still has to find time to do that name? wants to improve how to deal with the many time commitments Zafer: Jafer (Turkey) from SLO he is by far the most active editor and sometimes it is difficult to focus and to try to do all the stuff you are psassionate about, it is difficult to motivate other people in a small community like that. It is eating into my personal well-being. Also likes editing more. Sidba: Albania: relates to Matej because they have a small UG and have a wish to do many activies and projects and with every group member having other commitments it is hard to be able to do to all of these projects. So was curious what other groups were doing and how to uoptimise how we work.

1 Why are you here? - how to cope with stress - how to find balance between private life, work, family, volunteer work on the project, chapter work - how to make enough time to fulfill set projects within the chapter - how to set priorities (chapter priorities and personal priorities) - how to teach others time management (how to find time for it) - how to improve handling time management - how to find balance between different project within the chapter and how to prioritise - how time management can influence on motivating other people in a small community - how to acomplish projects in a small user group when all of them are working

Main problems: personal problems and problems within the organisation

Things you love and the things you do not like, work that needs to be done for the chapter (not employed) and things that we gladly do as they bring grather reward

if the chapter has many things to be done and if there is not enough people for it, it should not be done. Some people do not want to take responsibility. This is hard to be delegated if the chapter is consisted from volunteers only.

Staying as a user group due to the lack of people to help with the thing that must be done (administration work within a chapter). This usually bring a lot of pressure within the people working on a project hence the issues with the time management.

2 How much time does it take?

Depends on our dedication towards our goal. Similar to learing a new language. Changing our habits and having patience throughout it.

Smaller tasks can be useful to make better progress. Do we ignore something in order to do something else? Do we divide it equally? If something needs to be done constantly (patroling...), that can make you feel negatively in the long period as you do not see the end of it. Different strategies in dividing time can produce different outcomes (not always satisfactory ones). Our habits are key to correct time management. Changing habits is helpful towards better time management.


3 Planning - you need to plan on regular basis - set certain goals (what you would like to do, what you have to do, what you need to do, what you can do) - if some task remain for the next day you can prioritise it or to rethink if you really need to do it. You can delegate it as well, only if possible.

Do you need to do it at all? We should ask ourselves this before taking up a task.

4. Evaluation and planning another two day cycle

  • less intense tasks - week planning cycle
  • more intense tasks - shorter cycle
  • leave time for cycle planning in the plan itself
  • meting for evaluation?
  • get the idea about
    • progress
    • duration


  • too focused on personal organisation,
  • more on how to delegate things,
  • separate session on how to organise within the wikimedia organisation,
  • changing habits was a positive thing on the session
  • scheduling may not work with everyone
  • more work on team management and how to manage it within the team
  • annual plan for team time management
  • too much time spen on talking how to make a schedule for oneself
  • more active work from the participants