Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Programme development

Facebook event

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019
Belgrade, Serbia, 11–13 October
Broaden Your Capacity!

This page is devoted to the programme development for the Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019.

Programme Committee


Topics of interest


The following table reports the results from a community survey that was launched to identify the needs of the communities across the region. The indicated topics in the survey are classified in four groups and accordingly prioritised on a scale from 1-4.

Description Priority
Strategic discussions

What are the top issues affecting your community that need to be discussed in person?

Top issues that need to be discussed at the conference are:
  1. International / regional projects and collaboration
  2. Strategy in terms of similar goals in each country’s context
  3. Organization development
  4. Capacity building of existing volunteers and new ones
  5. LGBT+ topics
  6. Staff/Board balance, responsibilities and controls
  7. External funding and fundraising
  8. Division of activities for employees, the Chapter leadership and the community
  9. Community growth
  10. Sharing experience about successful stories, knowledge, tools, models of cooperation  and challenges with institutionalizing
  11. Online community at offline events
  12. Wikipedia Education Program
Capacity development

Are there important skills that many people in your community need to learn?

These are the skills that communities think are necessary to gain and apply:
  1. Communication skills (conflict resolution, dealing with failure)
  2. Wikidata and tech skills
  3. Leadership building
  4. Project management
  5. Time management
  6. Skills around creating inclusive friendly spaces and community health
  7. Strategic thinking and planning
  8. Skills around attracting new volunteers
  9. Social media
Working groups

Are there joint projects that need to be planned in person?

Things that need to be planned in person are:
  1. CEE Spring
  2. Strategic planning / development of existing and new regional projects
  3. Board decision-making process on larger-scale issues
  4. Wiki camps and expeditions
  5. Edit-s-thons
  6. Grants
  7. GLAM - sharing tools, successful stories and context in different countries
  8. Getting people interested in new initiatives
  9. People may feel safer sharing in person about community health and communities under political pressure
  10. Onboarding new volunteers with limited exposure to wider movement
  11. Sharing results of local projects
  12. Training people new skills
Community building

Are there other important in-person activities for community building?

Other topics that do not fall into the previous categories are:
  1. Experiences from communities in sister projects, particularly Wikibooks, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage and OpenStreetMap
  2. Filling in geographic gaps in participation
  3. CEE Newsletter
  4. Financial independence



The slogan for the conference was Broaden Your Capacity!.



See: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2019/Submissions



The themes of the conference were defined based on the topics indicated in the submitted session proposals.



This is a list of appointed programme liaisons with the areas they cover.


Activity Deadline Status
Survey results published March 2019 Done
Call for submissions opens 15 April 2019 00:00 (CEST) Done
Announcement sent
  • to
  • to
  • to Facebook group
15 April 2019 Done
First reminder sent
  • to Facebook group
15 May 2019 Done
Second reminder sent
  • to Facebook group
15 June 2019 Done
Extension announced
  • to
  • to
  • to Facebook group
28 June 2019 Done
Third reminder sent
  • to
31 July 2019 Done
Call for submissions closes 10 August 2019 23:59 (CEST) Done
Submissions are evaluated by the programme committee June-September 2019 Done
Applicants are notified about final decisions September 2019 Done
Draft schedule published September 2019 Done
Final schedule published late September 2019 Done