Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023/Submissions

This page provides general information and guidelines on the process of submitting session proposals for the Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023.

Important dates

  • Call for submissions opened on 1 April 2023 00:00 (CEST).
  • Call for submissions closed on 31 May 2023 23:59 (CEST).

Submission types


The sessions at the conference will be organised in several formats and you will have the choice between the following submission types:

  • Lecture: One or two presenters offer(s) a presentation followed by questions and comments from the audience. The total time for a lecture (including questions and comments) will be 30 minutes.
  • Panel: A small group of people presents or discusses a particular topic and responds to questions and comments from the audience. The total time for a panel will be 60 minutes.
  • Workshop: One or two moderators present(s) a topic by actively interacting with the audience. The total time for a workshop will be 90 minutes.
  • Lightning talk: One presenter gives a talk with no follow-up by the audience. The total time for a lightning talk will be 5 minutes.
  • Roundtable: A group of 10-15 people discusses a particular topic. The total time for a roundtable discussion will be 45 minutes.
  • Meetup: A group of people with common interests informally meets to discuss different topics. The total time for a meetup is not pre-determined and depends on the proposer’s preferences.
  • Poster: A topic is presented on a poster that is displayed on a visible place in the venue.

Note: All session types, except the meetups, will be included in the main conference programme. The meetups will take place in the evening after the first conference day.

Application form


You will be asked to provide the following information in the application form:

  • the title of the submitted proposal;
  • the general topics covered with the proposal;
  • the level of advancement of the proposed topic;
  • the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s);
  • an abstract describing the topic of the proposal; and
  • a brief statement on how the proposal is beneficial.

You will not be asked about the time needed to present your proposed session because each submission type will have standardised duration to which you will have to abide (see Submission types). So please make sure that you have properly adjusted your proposal to fit within the standardised duration for the specific submission type.

How to submit a session proposal?


You can submit your session proposal by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Insert the title of your proposal in the text entry box below.
  • Step 2: Click on the "Add new proposal" button to create a new application form.
  • Step 3: Fill in the application form and save the page to submit your proposal.

Please make sure that you have logged in before submitting your proposal.

Note: By submitting a proposal, you must agree that:

  • your proposal's abstract and any slides associated with it will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Licence 3.0; and
  • if accepted, the session will be broadcast and/or recorded and made available in audio and/or visual form under the aforesaid licence.

If you prefer not to be filmed during your session, please indicate it as a special requirement while submitting your proposal.

Contact us


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us via wmceem23.program

Presentation template


If you have a presentation and haven't prepared the presentation material yet, you can use the template we designed specifically for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023. Here is the presentation template in Google Slide format, make a copy (Click FileMake a copyEntire presentation) and personalize it to best fit your needs.