Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023/CEE for Human Rights

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CEE for Human Rights is a sub-contest within the time frame of CEE Spring (21 March – 31 May 2023) aimed at creation of articles about notable topics related to human rights in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. It is also part of the #WikiForHumanRights campaign whose main topic in focus this year is "Right to a healthy environment".

Please add your name in the list of participants, and add your contributions in the tables below.

If you like, make a commitment for the minimum number of articles you would write during the "CEE for Human Rights" and impress us with your achievement!

Recommendations for translation and writing


Please consider to suggest articles to this shared list of recommendations, ideally ones that should have at least regional and contemporary, not just local/national or historic prominence. Also consider somewhat practical criteria that there is EN page (exceptions can be made especially if other big language translation exists) and image (exceptions can be made especially if other media or extra quality exists).

Articles (Статьи / статті)

(страны / країни)
(ф / ф)
(и / і)
(статья / стаття)
(кБ / кБ)
(фото / фото)
(доп. / дод.)
Wikidata item
(элемент В-данных / елемент В-даних)
1 Albania     Human rights in Albania no report d:Q5938112
2 Armenia     Human rights in Armenia no report d:Q8026096
3 Austria     Human rights in Austria no report d:Q5938153
4 Azerbaijan     Human rights in Azerbaijan no report d:Q5938150
5 Belarus     Human rights in Belarus no report d:Q4354722
6 Bosnia and Herzegovina     Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina no report d:Q86752342
7 Bulgaria     Human rights in Bulgaria no report d:Q7484007
8 Croatia     Human rights in Croatia no report d:Q5938215
9 Cyprus     Human rights in Cyprus no report d:Q5938223
10 Czech Republic     Human rights in the Czech Republic no report
11 Estonia     Human rights in Estonia no report d:Q4375756
12 Georgia     Human rights in Georgia no report d:Q4375747
13 Germany     Human rights in Germany no report d:Q8025959
14 Greece     Human rights in Greece no report d:Q5938259
15 Hungary     Human rights in Hungary no report
16 Kazakhstan     Human rights in Kazakhstan no report d:Q4353954
17 Kosovo     Human rights in Kosovo no report d:Q109649354
18 Latvia     Human rights in Latvia no report d:Q2028121
19 Lithuania     Human rights in Lithuania no report d:Q104843118
20 Macedonia     Human rights in Macedonia no report d:Q5938532
21 Malta     Human rights in Malta no report d:Q65070873
22 Moldova     Human rights in Moldova no report d:Q5938369
23 Montenegro     Human rights in Montenegro no report
24 Poland     Human rights in Poland no report d:Q5102697
25 Romania     Human rights in Romania no report d:Q5938414
26 Russia     Human rights in Russia no report d:Q953879
27 Serbia     Human rights in Serbia no report d:Q5938112
28 Slovakia     Human rights in Slovakia no report d:Q5157784
29 Slovenia     Human rights in Slovenia no report
30 Turkey     Human rights in Turkey no report d:Q2495699
31 Ukraine     Human rights in Ukraine no report d:Q4375762
32 Czechoslovakia     Human rights in Czechoslovakia no report
33 Soviet Union     Human rights in the Soviet Union no report d:Q4375752
34 Yugoslavia     Human rights in Yugoslavia no report


No. Started on (MM-DD) Username Language code Make a committment! Progress
1 10 April Culamar (Belarusian) 10 9
2 10 April Apokats (Greek) 5 6
3 13 April Ivka20 (Macedonian) 36 36
4 24 April IvshinPavel (Russian) 10 3
5 31 May Qolcomaq (Azerbaijani) 13 13


Created on (MM-DD) Username #Article per User Language code Article in local Wikipedia Wikidata item Total # of articles
04-10 Culamar 1 be be:Правы чалавека ў Албаніі d:Q5938112 1
04-10 Apokats 1 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στην Αλβανία d:Q5938112 2
04-10 Culamar 2 be be:Правы чалавека ў Арменіі d:Q8026096 3
04-11 Culamar 3 be be:Правы чалавека ў Азербайджане d:Q5938150 4
04-13 Ivka20 1 mk mk:Напад на Тбилиси Прајд во 2021 година d:Q107550341 5
04-13 Ivka20 2 mk mk:Канабис во Грузија (земја) d:Q27984777 6
04-13 Ivka20 3 mk mk:Грузиски протести во 2023 година d:Q117010346 7
04-17 Culamar 4 be be:Правы чалавека ў Казахстане d:Q4353954 8
04-18 Ivka20 4 mk mk:Проституција во Грција d:Q55630640 9
04-18 Ivka20 5 mk mk:Трговија со луѓе во Грузија (земја) d:Q17071119 10
04-19 Apokats 2 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στη Ρουμανία d:Q5938414 11
04-19 Apokats 3 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στη Μολδαβία d:Q5938369 12
04-19 Apokats 4 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στη Μάλτα d:Q65070873 13
04-19 Apokats 5 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στη Λιθουανία d:Q4375750 14
04-20 Culamar 5 be be:Правы чалавека ў Малдове d:Q5938369 15
04-24 IvshinPavel 1 ru ru:Собеского, 100 d:Q110097295 16
04-24 IvshinPavel 2 ru ru:Польско-белорусская стена d:Q110714838 17
04-25 Ivka20 6 mk mk:Феминизмот во Грција d:Q5442836 18
04-25 Ivka20 7 mk mk:Киднапирање на невеста во Казахстан d:Q12576318 19
04-26 Culamar 6 be be:Правы чалавека ў Грузіі d:Q4375747 20
04-26 Ivka20 8 mk mk:Трговија со луѓе во Казахстан d:Q5938857 21
04-26 Ivka20 9 mk mk:Ирена Веисаите d:Q226030 22
04-26 IvshinPavel 3 ru ru:Мустафаев, Сервер Рустемович d:Q85996130 23
04-27 Culamar 7 be be:Правы чалавека на Мальце d:Q65070873 24
04-28 Ivka20 10 mk mk:Ромас Каланта d:Q1929407 25
04-28 Ivka20 11 mk mk:Литванска Хелсиншка група d:Q12663215 26
04-28 Ivka20 12 mk mk:Туран Дурсун d:Q693103 27
04-28 Ivka20 13 mk mk:Ахмет Танер Кишлали d:Q4696205 28
04-28 Ivka20 14 mk mk:Човекови права во Литванија d:Q4375750 29
05-05 Ivka20 15 mk mk:Минимална плата во Хрватска d:Q56550185 30
05-05 Ivka20 16 mk mk:Мисијата на ОБСЕ во Хрватска d:Q6593628 31
05-08 Ivka20 17 mk mk:Угур Мумџу d:Q542578 32
05-08 Ivka20 18 mk mk:Абди Ипекчи d:Q308154 33
05-08 Ivka20 19 mk mk:Проблеми со јавното здравје во регионот на Аралското Море d:Q7257751 34
05-10 Ivka20 20 mk mk:Уставен акт за правата на националните малцинства во Република Хрватска d:Q16973054 35
05-10 Ivka20 21 mk mk:Канабис во Казахстан d:Q48732074 36
05-10 Ivka20 22 mk mk:2016 Казахстански протести против земјишните реформи d:Q23978207 37
05-10 Ivka20 23 mk mk:Црна кутија (видео магазин) d:Q106833252 38
05-13 Culamar 8 be be:Правы чалавека ў Сербіі d:Q13580889 40
05-15 Apokats 6 el el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα στη Ρωσία d:Q953879 41
05-15 Ivka20 25 mk mk:Васил Макух d:Q12120669 42
05-15 Ivka20 26 mk mk:Центар за граѓански слободи (организација за човекови права) d:Q114452906 43
05-15 Ivka20 27 mk mk:Енвер Хадри d:Q5380938 44
05-15 Ivka20 28 mk mk:ЛГБТ правата во Северен Кипар d:Q648119 45
05-16 Ivka20 29 mk mk:Вирџинијус Синкевичиус d:Q42393850 46
05-13 Culamar 9 be be:Правы чалавека ў Польшчы d:Q5102697 47
05-26 Ivka20 33 mk mk:Марија Патакиова d:Q12772193 51
05-26 Ivka20 34 mk mk:Јанина Очојска d:Q55823 52
05-26 Ivka20 35 mk mk:Адам Боднар d:Q9139352 53
05-26 Ivka20 36 mk mk:Бахрије Учок d:Q465465 54
05-31 Qolcomaq 1 az az:Albaniyada insan hüquqları d:Q5938112 55
05-31 Qolcomaq 2 az az:Aleksandra Matviyçuk d:Q108128555 56
05-31 Qolcomaq 3 az az:Bolqarıstanda insan hüquqları d:Q7484007 57
05-31 Qolcomaq 4 az az:Dmitri Lubinets d:Q19402646 58
05-31 Qolcomaq 5 az az:Enver Hadri d:Q5380938 59
05-31 Qolcomaq 6 az az:Əli İsmail Qorxmaz d:Q16591158 60
05-31 Qolcomaq 7 az az:Kommunist Albaniyasında islam d:Q28136169 61
05-31 Qolcomaq 8 az az:Qazaxıstanda ölüm cəzası d:Q17092138 62
05-31 Qolcomaq 9 az az:Qunars Astra d:Q3846275 63
05-31 Qolcomaq 10 az az:Maltada insan hüquqları d:Q65070873 64
05-31 Qolcomaq 11 az az:Uğur Mumcu d:Q542578 65
05-31 Qolcomaq 12 az az:Ute Bok d:Q89137 66
05-31 Qolcomaq 13 az az:Yekaterina Karavelova d:Q12279579 67



International prizes


The ten most prolific participants will be awarded vouchers from Amazon in the following amounts:

  • 1st prize: a voucher worth €50
  • 2nd prize: a voucher worth €40
  • 3rd prize: a voucher worth €30
  • 4th prize: a voucher worth €20
  • 5th-10th prize: a voucher worth €10

See the rules on international level for more details.

Other prizes


Local organisers are encouraged to award prizes for the best contributors to topics related to human rights. Furthermore, participants with contributions in the period from 15 April to 15 May 2023 can compete for a prize in the WikiForHumanRights challenge.



Editors can exchange postcards from their place of residence! If you want to send postcards from your place, please add your name and location below.

Add yourself (Добавьте себя)

  • ...


Place Editor Total new articles Total characters added Note
1 Ivka20 38 voucher worth €50
2 Culamar 9 voucher worth €40
3 Egilus 7 voucher worth €30
4 LeeMarx 5 voucher worth €20
5 19user99 3 64,667 voucher worth €10
6 IvshinPavel 3 27,312
7 Stary Jolup 3 16,732
8 Eremu1 2
9 Тиверополник 2
10 Arnel 1
11 Zblace 1
12 Pinky sl 1
13 Sadko 1

Source: Ranking of participants in CEE for Human Rights 2023.

Notes: IP addresses are not ranked. The total number of characters as a tie-breaker was calculated based on the data on article lentgth. Given the low number of participants and newly created articles, the international team decided to award only the first five prizes.