Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong/Resolutions/Resolutions of Members/14 June 2021
Other language versions of this Resolution might be provided. However, the English version of this Resolution shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the English version and other language versions.
Ref: MR#2021/00001
WHEREAS the collective discussion between attended members during a virtual general meeting held on Jitsi on 13th June 2021; and
- The English title referring member(s) of the Board of WMHKG is thereby officially shifted from "board member(s)" to "director(s)" where the Chinese title remains unchanged, which such an issue is passed by an ordinary resolution; and
- Division 1 and 2 of Part 3 of the User Group's Articles is thereby officially valid and enforced, which such two issues are passed by two special resolutions respectively.
User:だ*ぜ (Dasze)
Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong
Date: 13th June 2021
See also: