Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia/Reports/WikiNusantara 2019

WikiNusantara 2019 is the first conference ever held by the Wikimedia Indonesia that were joined by Wikimedians community of Nusantara islands.

WikiNusantara 2019

Taking place in Jogjakarta, Indonesia on 26–28 April 2019, this is the first regional conference for these Wikimedia communities

Report Summary



First of all, I am grateful to be representing the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia to follow the WikiNusantara Conference held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. WikiNusantara is a very good conference platform to join and I am very grateful for being able to participate in this conference. Thank you to Wikimedia Indonesia for inviting me as one of the speakers in the Malay Wikipedia slot. Why do I say this conference is great? This is because every time space is filled with project presentation that is so informative. For example is when the Wikimedia Incubator slot. In the past, I was unclear about its functionality but as soon as I joined this slot, I was able to find out more about how it works in creating new language Wikipedia projects. Also, the time spent in the project was also beneficial to learn about Bots with Rahmat as I could not join the Bots Workshop as a result of duplication of the slot with my slot. Thanks to him, I now understand a little bit about how to use Bots and have created a Bots account and applied what was learned at this conference in the Malay Wikipedia. Although WikiNusantara has ended, I am still in contact with Rahmat to learn and seek advice on using Bots. It was such an eye opener for me to be able to meet fellow experienced Wikimedians throughout the region. Everyone was eager to learn more about Wikimedia to bring back to their community. Most of the talks are about on how to engage with the community for Wikimedia projects, primarily Wikipedia. The talks were quite insightful and interesting. The use of technology media is adopted by Wikimedia Indonesia as one way of reducing the knowledge gap about the Wikimedia project among its communities. The rules they share will apply to the Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia to recruit more contributors to a particular Wikimedia project. Wikimedia Indonesia became an icon of the Wikimedia Community User Group for the business. This conference is actually not only limited to exposure to the Wikimedia project, but also I was exposed to such an interesting Indonesian culture during my visits to historical places (carried by Adien and Thirza) and cultural performances using traditional instruments. Participants are also given the opportunity to play the musical instruments including myself. In conclusion, there are many benefits that I have gained through this program but I can not list them individually thoroughly. However, all of its slots are very good. I strongly urge the Indonesian Wikimedia Committee to organize this conference again. Well done!

Through this conference, I have been acquainted with many of the Indonesian thinkers of either age or older. Through this conference, I took the opportunity to hear from them as they contributed to the Wikimedia Project. Indeed, more than 10 Indonesian volunteers have been my collaborators and we are still connected to this day.


This is my second Wikimedia conference and I was given the chance to give a talk this time for the conference. Even though WikiNusantara is actually for Indonesians, however Wikimedia Indonesia made some room for 2 Malaysians to give a talk for them. This conference truly showcast Indonesian culture and everything went well. I was asked to take part in a collaborative video as well about the conference. I am really amazed by all the activities and efforts done by Indonesia and it resonates me to do more for my community in Malaysia.

Entry Process


In April 2019, I (CyberTroopers) was informed via WhatsApp Group in ESEAP Group that a conference were about to hold  by the Wikimedia Indonesia and they seeked for volunteers from Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia that contributed in Malay Wikipedia. I did discussions about it in our WCUGM Whatsapp Group then I was nominated to represent our user group since I had never go  to any conference yet plus I’m still new into “Wikimedia World.”

I contacted the organizers and completed all the necessary entry process.

It was also suggested I submit a presentation for the Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu talk session.

I proposed one that introduced Malay Wikipedia, clarified issues that are currently sticking in Malay Wikipedia and listed possible ways to manage those issues. In the same time, I personally shared my 2025 mission for Malay Wikipedia which is to have 500, 000 articles available in Malay Wikipedia.

I (Tofeiku) was approached by Mia from Wikimedia Indonesia to give a talk in WikiNusantara. She needed one from Malaysia (peninsular) and another from the Borneo region (Brunei or East Malaysia). Zulfadli from Brunei could not make it for this conference due to other commitment. Hence, I went instead to talk about the Wikimedia movement in East Malaysia and Brunei. My presentation was in the Wikipedia bahasa Melayu session together with other two speakers which are CyberTroopers and Ramzy from Wikipedia Minangkabau.

Conference Experience


Conference Day 1: Saturday, 27 April 2019

Please find details to programmes and presenters here.

Session Notes
Opening Ceremony and Introduction Event opening was slightly chaotic, some technical glitches, language barrier, shy crowd, lackluste
Talkshow    The first session was started by a talkshow by three panels which are the senior contributors in Wikimedia Indonesia; Ichsan Mochtar, Iskandar Adnan and Panjisakti Basunanda. The three panels shared their experiences while living in the Wikipedia world and their contributions to Wikimedia Indonesia.
GLAM 1 Rachmat, Pramono

This session presented the history of the GLAM (Gallery, Library, Archives, and Museum) program conducted by Wikimedia since 2014. Also shared are some of the procedures that this community has undertaken to digitize old manuscripts. Looking at the equipment they use for that purpose, it's not so complicated as it could be applied to Wikimedia Malaysia itself. However, it is not an easy task when it comes to a very dull and old manuscript. Participants get information on how digitalization that can be used to develop the Wikimedia project.

Wikipedia+Pendidikan Nur Rahmi Nailah
  • Introduced about Wikipedia Menyang Sekolah which is one of the projects under Indonesian Wikimedia.
  • Presenters describe the integration between their community and their curriculum and related education.
  • Stereotypes about the Javanese language have been changed by the community to make learning more interesting as technology advances.
  • Introduction to the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse which is a pilot program that uses a startup incubator model alongside a rigorous online course in Wikimedia & Education project management
Wikimedia Incubator Cahyo R
  • Comprehensive introduction about Wikimedia Incubator
  • Policies of creating Wikipedia in a new language
  • Multilingual Wikipedia projects have been successfully created by Wikimedia Indonesia volunteers
  • Sharing about the problems encountered during the creation of such projects as the lack of contributors even though the language is worth creating and so on.
Komunitas Wikipedia Indonesia    Ichsan Mochtar, Rinto Jiang

This session is about the movement of Indonesian Wikipedia community. This session presents the activities of the community and their future challenges and opportunities for Wikipedia in Indonesian.

Conference Day 2: Sunday, 28 April 2019

Session Notes
Lightning Talks Mimihitam, Elicefa, Mfikriansori

This session discusses the new system for improving the quality of Wikipedia and also demonstrates how comprehensive reviews can be used as a form of strict quality control in Wikipedia.

Komunitas Wikipedia Aceh, Banjar, dan Using

The session filled by representatives of the Aceh, Banjar, and Using Wikipedia community. Community representatives presented the history of the Wikipedia language of the area, how it has grown up to date, and some of the challenges faced by building quality communities and articles on Wikipedia in Aceh, Banjar and Osing

  • Shared the xperiences on how the Acehian Wikipedia community faced the challenge of building Wikipedia
  • Discussed on things should be done after nine years of Banjar Wikipedia to improve the quality of articles and build community.
WikiLatih Raymond Sutanto
  • Coverage of current and future WikiLatih programs.
  • Achievements that Wikimedia Indonesia has made today through the WikiLatih program.
  • The main obstacles encountered during the training.
  • Brief instructions on how to conduct Wikipedia training and develop a Wikipedia community in your own city.
Google Toledo Vincentius Haryanto (Google Affiliation)
  • Some briefing of Google's support of freeing knowledge, in particular Wikimedia Indonesia.
  • Collaboration with Google and Wikimedia Indonesia in two activities, the Toledo Project and the Saraswati Project.
  • Toledo Project - automated translation project for non-existing Indonesian Wikipedia articles (primarily for science and health topics).
  • Saraswati Project - Indonesian and regional content development project with regular competition and edit-a-thon.
Penerjemahan konten (English:Content Translation) Dimas Agus Putera Hardijanto
  • Highlighted common mistakes made during article translation.
  • Ways to translate articles properly and correctly.
  • Discussed on ability to use some features or assistance to help with the article translation process.
Wikimedia Indonesia: Pencapaian dan Ulasan (English:Wikimedia Indonesia: Achievements and Reviews) Biyanto Rebin

Brief on:

  • History of Wikimedia Indonesia
  • Indonesia's Wikimedia position in the global movement
  • Wikimedia Indonesia projects and projects
  • Strengthening cooperation with conference participants.