Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda/WikiGap 2024 in Uganda

Wikigap 2024 Uganda


Wikipedia is the world’s largest online and user-generated encyclopaedia. Knowledge is power, and Wikipedia has the potential to colour our view of the world. But there is great imbalance between men and women on the website, like in society at large.

Ninety per cent of those who add content to Wikipedia are men. There are four times as many articles about men as there are about women. The figures vary regionally, but no matter how you look at it, the picture is clear: the information about women is less extensive than that about men. Regardless of which language version of Wikipedia you read. We want to change this.

WikiGap is an event during which people around the world gather to add more content to Wikipedia about women figures, experts and role models in various fields. Similar events have already been arranged worldwide to improve women’s representation on the internet.

Together, we want to bring about a more gender-equal internet – and a more gender-equal world.

Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda and four education institutions are planning to organize a Wikigap Contest starting on 16th March to 30th April 2024.

Organizers and partners




Same as last year we are organizing 4 regional events in Kampala, Gulu, Mbarara, and Tororo.

16th March - Makerere University



Time Activity
8.30 - 9.00 Arrival and Registration of participants
9.00 - 9.30 Welcome Remarks – Hosting University
9:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00

Tea break

11:00 – 12:30 Edit-at-thon

List of Women in Uganda with missing articles(google doc)

12.30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:00 Completion of Wikipedia articles
3:00 Closure


No. Name Sex Role Wikimedia User Name
1 Kwera Faith F Trainer Kyakwera
2 Odere Fabian M Attendee Odere Fabian
3 Erisa Kainerugaba M Attendee Erisa Kainerugaba
4 Mujurizi Joel M Attendee M'jurizi
5 Wamakota Alex M Attendee Wamakota
6 Samuel Abaho M Attendee Sam Abaho
7 Ronie Buyinza K M Attendee Ronie Buyinza
8 Mujjuzi Pius M Attendee Treva Trizo
9 Akampulira Joan F Attendee AkampuliraJo
10 Emmanuel Oruk M Attendee Emma Oruk
11 Nabaggala Zaharah F Attendee Zahara5555
12 Musene Reagan M Attendee Musene Reagan
13 Erina Mukata M Attendee Erinamukata
14 Modo Fredrick M Attendee ModoFredrick
15 Chris Liberty M User Owobusigye
16 Kalyango Brian Jordan M Attendee Kalyango.b.jordan
17 Nabong Joshua M Attendee Nabong Joshua
18 Tyobo Harriet Yake F Attendee Harriet Hatty
19 Zibya Fionah F Attendee Zibyafionah1
20 Apio Monica Joyce F Attendee Monica Joyce
21 Kizito William M Attendee Williamcrookes
22 Bakutenda Herbert M Attendee Bakutenda Herbert
23 Elukut Emmanuel M Attendee Elukut
24 Nagawuga Leticia F Attendee Leticia Kiregga

16th March - Gulu University



Time Activity Incharge Resource
8.30 - 9.00 Arrival and Registration of participants Everyone Registration form
9.00 - 9.30 Welcome Remarks
  • Hosting University
  • Wikimedia Community Usergroup Uganda
  • Q&A
Douglas Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda
9:30 - 10:30 Alvin and Douglas General Presentation Template
10:30 – 11:00 Tea break
11.00 – 1:00 Edit-at-thon Everyone Event tool:
1:00 - 2:00 Lunch break
2:00 - 3:00 Completion and review of updated Wikipedia articles Alvin
3:00 - 3:30 Closure and next steps Douglas

Participants for Gulu

No. Name Sex Role Wikimedia User Name
1 Alvin Ategyeka M Trainer Alvinategyeka
2 Douglas Ssebaggala M Organiser and Support Douglaseru

16th March - Mbarara at Hive Colab



Time Activity
9:00 - 9:30 Arrival and registration of participants
9:30 - 9:50 Welcome Remarks
  • Organisers
  • Wikimedia Community Usergroup Uganda Representative
9:50 - 10:20 Tea Break
10:20 - 13:00

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14.00 – 15:00 Edit-at-thon


No. Name Sex Role Wikimedia User Name
1 Kateregga Geofrey M Trainer Kateregga1
2 Baluku Brian M Organiser & Trainer BalukuBrian
3 Macholi Chris Benard M Trainer & Organiser Macholi

16th March - Busitema University, Tororo



Time Activity Lead
09ː30 – 10:30 Tea break
10ː30 - 11.00 Arrival and registration of participants
11.00 - 11.30 Welcome Remarks
  • Host Institution
  • Wikimedia Community Usergroup Uganda
  • Q&A
Micheal Kaluba
11:30 - 12:30 Micheal Kaluba and

Devine Nanteza

12.30 – 1:30 Edit-at-thon Micheal Kaluba
1:30 - 2:30 Lunch break
2:30 - 3:00 Review of work done Micheal Kaluba
3:00 - 3:30 Closure and next steps Micheal Kaluba


List of people who attended the Busitema event
No Name Sex Role Wikimedia Username
1 Micheal Kaluba M Lead Trainer Micheal Kaluba
2 Devine Nanteza F Trainer DivieneGaby
3 Nyaweere Hedwig M Attendee HEDWIG NYAWERE
4 Woopo Tomasi M Attendee WOOPO TOMASI
5 Masette Priestone M Attendee Masette Priestone
6 Tamale Ronald M Attendde TAMALE RONALD
7 Mumbere Agabus M Attendee Mumbere Agabus
8 Muzira Moses M Attendee Muzira Moses
9 Twebaze Ignatius M Attendee TWEBASE IGINATIUS
10 Masereka Cosmas M Attendee BAGHENI
11 Nagozera Frank M Attendee FRANK NAGOZERA
12 Oboel George M Attendee cynthian acham
13 Apoko Patricia F Attendee Pataisha256
14 Emurwon Marvin M Attendee emurwon
15 Muwonge John Bosco M Attendee john-b-muwonge
16 Habaja Rogers M Attendee Habaja Rogers
17 Muwanguzi Elija M Attendee MUWANGUZI ELIJA
18 Obua Benjamin M Attendee Obuabenjamin
19 Tiondi Gilbert M Attendee Tiondi gilbert
20 Nakalyango Josephine M Attendee Nakalyango Jose
21 Ariho Partson M Attendee ARIHO PARTSON
22 Obbo Arthur M Attendee Arthurobbo21
23 Tamale Shahidu M Attendee Hudztete
24 Kaweru Pius Tonny M Attendee KAWERU PIUS TONNY
25 Odong Joel M Attendee ODONG LONDONG
26 Ssempebwa Paul M Attendee Sempo.code
27 Amanya Moses M Attendee Moses Amanya
28 Natuhwera Prossy F Attendee PROSSY NATS
29 Okidi Enos M M Attendee ENOS MAXINDI OKIDI
30 Nakabale Godfrey M Attendee Godfreyy
31 Ssekajigo Edward M Attendee Ssekajigo Edward
32 Nawoya Kananiya M Attendee Nawoya
33 Ssemujju Hansel M Attendee Hansel1122
34 Ayebale Jenifer F Attendee 2003jenie
35 Ekit Judith F Attendee 12ekit
36 Akobo Fredrick M Attendee FredrickFiona
37 Okullo Solomon M Attendee KloonSolomon
38 Kabalega John Vianney M Attendee johnvianney10
39 Muhangi Raymon M Attendee MuhangiRay
40 Wabuyi Andrew M Attendee WabuyiAndrew
41 Wafula Denis M Attendee DenisWafula
42 Bogere Wilson M Attende Bogere Wilson
43 Musinguzi Pias M Attendee musinguzi pias
44 Ayella Patrick M Attendee Patrick Ayella Ojok
45 Mukwaba Musa M Attendee Mmukwas59

Missing articles/articles need to improve on notable Women in Uganda


List of articles TBA

Get started


Choose one of the activities

  Improve and expand an article
Help make improvements to Women's biographies on Wikipedia.
  20 minutes
Improve with a reference
Improve Women's biographies with citations.
  20 minutes
Translate articles to other languages
Translate Wikipedia articles from one language to another.
  45 minutes
Create a new Wikipedia article
Choose a person you want to write a new Wikipedia article about.
  60 minutes

Extra activities

Share your contribution in social media. Use #wikigap as hashtag.
  5 minutes
  Upload to Commons!
Upload your event photos under a free license on Wikimedia Commons. Please add them to the category c:Category:WikiGap 2024.
  10 minutes
  WikiGap in Uganda