Wikimedia дахь Казах хэлний хэрэглэгчийн бүлэг/үйл явдал/хурал
Казах Уикипедиягийн төрсөн өдөрт зориулан зохион байгуулагдаж буй Казах Уикипедияийн хурал 2023 оны 7-р сарын 3-4нд Астана хотод болно.
Энэ арга хэмжээ нь Казах хэлийг улам сайжруулах зорилгоор хоёр өдөр үргэлжүүлнэ.
Эхний өдөр хурал болно, хоёр дахь өдөр нь хотод аялал хийнэ.
Тухайн хурал нь Казах хэл дээр байх болно, гэхдээ англи, орос хэл бас ашиглагддаг.
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan, located on the banks of Ishim River, within the Akmola Region, though administered as a city with special status separately from the rest of the region. For more data you can read Wikipedia article, or Wikivoyage guide article on Astana. The city has 2 major railway stations that connects with a whole country and some locations in neighbouring Uzbekistan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan. Its airport located in the outskirts of the city and has flight connections with most of the world.
Our conference will be located at the Eurasian National University at 13, Kazhymukan street.
![Use the entrance at the centre of the building](
Оролцох сонирхолтой байна
Хэрэв та үйл явдалд оролцохоор төлөвлөж байгаа бол жагсаалтад овог нэрээ бичнэ үү. Энэ нь зохион байгуулагч нар оролцогчийн тооноос хамаарч (суудал, хоол г.м) ойролцоогор тооцоолох болно.
- --Kaiyr (talk) 02:44, 19 January 2023 (UTC)
- (talk) 17:03, 19 January 2023 (UTC)
- --Amangeldi Mukhamejan (talk) 11:40, 23 January 2023 (UTC)
- --Aidyn93 (talk)
- --Ниялова_Гүлфайруз (talk)
- --Madi Dos (talk)
- --Qayrat Sultan (munozara) 08:32, 11 February 2023 (UTC)
- --Lycanaga (talk) 09:35, 16 February 2023 (UTC)
- --Ashina
- --Салиха
- --Рахман999
- --Нұрлан Рахымжанов
- --Nurtenge (talk)
- --AlibiKazken
- --Сариев Ербол (talk)
- --Алтынай Турахан (talk)
- --Рустем Ешпанов
- --Muzaffar Turgunov
- --Akmaral55
- --:Жетпісбай Бекболатұлы
- --:Maqsat Arzaman
- --:Murat Karibay
- Amina Zhemeney
- Assyl Baraman
- --:Malik Nursultan B (talk) 27 April
- Syrlybek Syrlybek (talk) 13:15, 1 May 2023 (UTC)
- Arsen Madinov Marsenyx (talk) 10:39, 29 August 2023 (UTC)
We are also planning to make a video broadast from the conference and allow online participants to take part in discussions. You can add yourself to the list down below to inform others that you will be participating online.
Link to the translation:
- --Frhdkazan (talk) 15:58, 8 February 2023 (UTC)
- --AAkhmedova (WMF) (talk) 11:15, 13 February 2023 (UTC)
- --Uali Aizhan Berikovna (talk) 11:20, 1 Marth 2023 (UTC)
- --Hedeyohu22 (talk) 04:48, 3 March 2023 (UTC)
- --Үміт Оңғарқызы 01:54, 14 March 2023 (UTC)
- --Amal Ramadan, 20:08, 24 May 2023 (UTC)
We're planning to offer a stipends for community members from other locations. There will be two types of stipends: full ones, that will cover all costs, including travel to the venue and hotel stay, and partial ones, that will cover only travel. To apply for a stipend, create a section on a talk page with your username and write shortly about yourself, your activity in Wikimedia projects and other involvement with Free Knowledge and location from where do you need the transportation from and to. Feel free to share any data you consider important regarding your application. Note that all applications should be in Kazakh.
First day
Begin | Speaker(s) | What | End |
09:00 | Gathering and registration of participants | 10:00 | |
10:00 | Batyrbek Alimzhanov Nikolay Bulykin |
Opening ceremony | 10:10 |
10:10 | Vice principal of ENU | Greeting speech | 10:20 |
10:20 | Icebreaker with the participants | 10:35 | |
10:35 | Batyrbek Alimzhanov | Current state of the Kazakh Language User Group — statistics and trends | 10:55 |
10:55 | Amangeldi Mukhamejan | Community logo discussion | 11:10 |
11:10 | Coffee break | 11:30 | |
11:30 | Nikolay Bulykin | Speech about using photo tools, such as drones (in Russian) | 11:45 |
12:45 | Batyrbek Alimzhanov | Presentation and facilitated discussion on the state of the Kazakh language community | 13:15 |
13:15 | Nikolay Bulykin | Presentation about WLE, announcing the winners (in Russian) | 13:30 |
13:30 | Lunch break | 14:30 | |
14:30 | Presentation about the UCoC, lessons from the global communities on implementing the UCoC (in English) | 15:00 | |
15:00 | Kaiyr Rysbayev | Freedom of Panorama speech | 15:15 |
15:15 | Yuliya Sukhomlinova | Getting data for Wikipedia from the library (in Russian) | 15:30 |
15:30 | Coffee break | 15:50 | |
15:50 | Yekaterina Borisova | How to illustrate Wikipedia and not go mad (in Russian) | 16:10 |
16:10 | Nikolay Bulykin | How to apply for grants and get results in Wikimedia projects (in Russian) | 16:30 |
16:30 | Volunteer speakers from auditory | 16:45 | |
16:45 | Batyrbek Alimzhanov Nikolay Bulykin |
Closing ceremony | 17:00 |
Second day
Visit to the national museum of Kazakhstan is planned for the 2nd day. It is located at 54, Tauliesizdik avenue, meetup at 11:00 near the entrance.
This conference sill be organized by Wikimedia Community of Kazakh language User Group along with other Wikimedians.
- Красный — general coordinator
- — community liaisons
- Kaiyr — venue and on-place organizing
- Amangeldi Mukhamejan — technical support