Wikimedia Conference 2011/Chapters' Meeting/Survey


Assessment form ++ + ‑‑ N/A Total [1] Mean ratings[2] Satisfaction rate (Change from last year)[3]
Overall rating for Wikimedia Conference 2011 32 36 1 69 1,43 99% (-1)
Communications before the conference (e-mails, Meta Wiki, availability of information) 38 18 4 60 1,5 93% (+15)
Participants\' package & documents 40 26 1 2 69 1,57 99% (+13)
Programme & sessions
Overall rating for the conference programme (did it meet your expectations/needs) 23 39 7 69 1,13 90% (-5)
Consideration of the chapters\' wishes & feedback in the programme 27 26 6 1 10 70 1,2 88% (+5)
Facilitation (facilitators, facilitation material) 34 29 4 1 68 1,381 94% (+14)
Documentation (preperation for the meeting) 24 37 6 67 1,17 91% (+12)
Usefulness of the meeting (contacts, outcomes) 36 30 3 69 1,43 96% (+1)
Ratio of presentations / discussions / workgroups 29 28 10 1 2 70 1,09 84% (-14)
Around the conference
Conference venue (rooms & overall setup) 54 14 1 1 70 1,7 97% (=)
Lodging (comfort, cleanliness, overall convenience) 31 21 9 2 6 69 1,11 83% (-5)
Food and drink during the conference (availability, quality, convenience) 14 30 15 10 69 0,33 64% (-19)
Organized social activities during the conference 26 32 7 1 2 68 1,14 88% (+5)
Possibility to discuss informally during breaks & free time 43 25 1 69 1,59 99% (-1)
Location of the venue 50 19 69 1,72 100% (+5)
Transportation in Berlin (information provided, tickets) 46 18 2 2 68 1,63 97% (+2)


  1. There were 89 participants, 70 feedback forms were filled in to varying degrees.
  2. The mean of the ratings using the following conversion: very satisfied=2, satisfied=1, unsatisfied=-1, very unsatisfied=-2; N/A ratings were not counted.
  3. The ratio of ratings that are either satisfied or very satisfied. N/A ratings are not counted.



These were the textual comments provided on the back side of the assessment form. Comments touching upon more than one category are only included once.


  • Better internet access.
  • Also we are used to stable internet
  • Also WiFii
  • Better broadband.
  • Better internet access!
  • better WiFi if possible :)
  • Better Wifi-Access
  • Have wifi access for several dozen users simultaneously.
  • I don´t think it will be a surprise but better wifi would be helpful :)
  • I'm aware of wireless difficulties, although I wasn't actually affected.
  • Improve the Wifi
  • Internet must work!
  • Wifi: more and better. It's really quite unstable.
  • More reliable internet connection.


  • Food
  • More meat :)
  • No meat :(
  • non-vegetarian food
  • About the lunch in the venue! So green! :P
  • Better food maybe ;)
  • Food – more variety needed (even if vegetarian). This was done very well in 2010.
  • Food was interesting, but also plentiful and tasty.
  • Food!!
  • Food: Meat! Softdrinks, not necessarily free.
  • Good with veggie-food!
  • I was not convinced by food.
  • I would even more emphasize the fact that food choices differ an that not everyone only eat veggies.
  • I would prefer to have meat dishes available
  • I´d provide real food. We are not vegans.
  • Maybe the food?
  • non-vegetarian option
  • Not only vegetarian food, please!
  • Please, think in the people that isn`t vegan (?!)
  • Different food services to meet different people needs.


  • Host city? LOL
  • Not located in Europe. Major investment in time and effor for Asia and NA chapters to attend. *Would be nice to spread this around.
  • Social Acticities
  • Some small souvenirs concerning the place (city)
  • the weather
  • This year there was no particular need for transport tickets. Very nice, but maybe a way to save *money (because everything was so nearby)
  • Also, a somewhat better map of the town could be useful, although it's really not essential.
  • Weather info
  • Perhaps you can use a twitter visualizer instead of a non-working wall (don't remember the address now).
  • Photos of participants in order to keep in touch.


  • We should all make an additional effort to read things like the editor trend study, outreach wiki and so on; arrive more informed and let more time for working groups with an actival outcome. The for preparion and brainstorming. Round tables / circles!
  • Seperate discussion & presentation
  • More workgroups! Attendees did a lot of reading but not so much session-specific preparation work. 50% of time was spent "catching up" without a clear sense of direction. --> this can be better done (translated...) online/before.
  • More time on the chapters state.
  • More chapter´s meeting.
  • Conference has to become a meeting point for driving decisions on engaging with Wikimedia Foundation and agreeing on Pioneers for WMF. Currently it is more an information sharing and networking event.
  • Adding a 3rd parallel sessions would be more useful. Digital feedback forms!
  • 45 min sessions with us praticipants expecting discussion outcome is not realistic. Either have smaller groups or longer sessions.
  • I would organize the discussions in an O oder U shaped seating formation instead of an auditorium. Unconference techniques, especially Open Fishbowl should also be considered.
  • More presentations / teaching of key experiences + "featured projects"
  • I would introduce WMF Board & WMF Staff to the general audience at the beginning. 2) I would make a space for cultures to introduce themselves with a song (?), a dance (?)
  • More focus on answering the questions at hand; Stronger moderation; How can we let small chapters involve better?; Another city!
  • Meetings should outline the objectives and the expected outcomes so as to give direction. * *Coordination is great, it was just difficult to squeeze all agenda in a short period of time
  • More smaller-sized discussions and workgroups instead of (semi-) plenary meetings/presentations. *This would provide more focussed discussions that may lead to actual follow-up.
  • I´d extend time for workshops. I ´d limit intervention by WMF staff in chapters deliberatly.


  • Less people per room at the hostel.
  • I would respect the fact that some people need private space at the hostel. It would be nice if these issues could be addressed.
  • NON WMF Guest were making so much noise during the night --> no sleep :( Please consider designated hostel or at least floor(s) - Weather? :) More Beanbags!!!)

  • WMF staff living in the same ho(s)tel as other participants
  • Avoid splitting ppl btw 2 hotel or at least don't segregate staff vs. Chapters.


  • Would love to see representatives of seven continents next year.


  • more fluent facilitator
  • Facilitators should know more about internals of the movement (i.e. community member should assume that rule).
  • More visualization… Clone Annalena. Humor :)
  • Stronger moderation;
  • Visual documentation is great.
  • Visualization poster were great (Anna Lena).
  • The visual documentation thing was really great!
  • Very positive experience , excellent facilitators who helped discussions along; friendly staff / volunteers from WMDE; you always put in the extra effor and it is appreciated.


  • :)
  • All was good
  • Everything else was actually okay to great.
  • Thank you for all for the work that did this conference possible!
  • Thank you very much! WMDE and WMF
  • Thank you, WMDE! You are an inspiration to all of us.
  • Thanks for the invitation and organization, the venue was wonderful and the venue too!
  • Thanks for the wonderful meeting!
  • Thanks once again to WMDE + volunteers for wonderful organization.
  • Thanks!
  • You guys rock! Danke!
  • You guys rock!!! Amazing Job you´ve done
  • Have Wikimedia Deutschland organize it.
  • Anyway, congratulations to everyone involved, again, WMPT has had a great time.
  • Great job Wikimedia Deutschland! Your are our heroes!
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you, Bence, a young entrepeneur.
  • Thanks for you disposition all the time. You were amazing!
  • The number of mics was very nice. Thank you!
  • Venue, hostel, availability of food/tea/sweets was PERFECT. Not everything was very useful, but it's all right.
  • Very happy with hospitality. Nice to see the cooperation of chapters organizing this event. Hopefully another chapter can take the lead for organizing the next year's event.
  • You were great! I enjoyed it and hope to meet you all soon.
  • You're doing a wonderful job. Thank you so much and more power to WM Deutschland!