Wikimedia Conference 2011/Preparation

As in the previous years, all chapters are asked to prepare a 3 minute presentation for the "State of the Chapters" session. (Please note, that due to timing constraints, the presentations cannot go over the time limit. A longer break is scheduled after the State of the Chapters session to allow for follow-up questions or explanations in smaller groups.)

Some of the sessions will rely on documentation already available before the meeting, perusing them before the meeting would enhance the discussion a lot.

What should be in my presentation at State of the Chapters?


At the Chapter's Meeting, each chapter is given an opportunity to give a 3-minute presentation.

We would like you to use this time to tell the other chapters what is so special about your chapter. You can decide on the content of your presentation, but it is recommended that you include briefly the following elements:

  • A short overview of the basic facts of your chapter (date of founding, number of members, volunteers, media coverage)
  • The activities of last year (April 2010–March 2011)
  • The plans for the coming year
  • Problems you are encountering

For example, if your chapter has been struggling a lot with finding active volunteers, you could describe shortly that, and what you tried to work on it. Or if you had a very successful event, you can give a short impression of that. If your chapter has big plans to professionalize or to organize a big conference, and has that been your main focus last months? Please tell us more about that. The idea is that you give an impression of what your chapter is like.

You might not have time to cover all of the above suggestions, so focus on catching really briefly the essence of your chapter and use the other sessions, breaks and possibly your chapter's reports to expand on the points.

Because of the time limitation and to help the audience, it is highly recommended that you make your presentation available on the schedule page as soon as it is ready.

Please contact Bence if you have any special technical needs to give your presentation (e.g. playing a DVD, printing a poster, anything you can think of).

What else can I do to tell more about us?


If your chapter wants to show some outreach material to the other chapters (pens, leaflets, books, whatever you can think off) - we are organizing a special booth stand for that. Please bring this material to the Beletage on Friday morning. You can take it home again afterwards, of course.

(Remember, that the Wikimedia Foundation is looking to decorate a wall of their San Francisco office with cool Wikimedia T-shirts, so if you have something you would like to add to that wall, bring it to Berlin!)

If you want to share more information by email about your chapter, please use the Wikimedia Announce list for that (you can also find more reports from other chapters here).