Wikimedia Deutschland/2013 annual plan/projects/kt2

Key theme 2: Increasing diversity of knowledge


The mission of the worldwide Wikimedia movement is to make the sum of all knowledge accessible to everyone on the planet. We are still very much at the beginning of this journey: many languages and cultures are still not adequately represented in Wikimedia projects, many levels of society are still not sharing their knowledge with the rest of the world, and many people still shy away from participating in our projects. The small number of women involved is a particularly striking aspect of many Wikimedia projects.

The aim of our work is to activate the knowledge and commitment of these groups, to expand the Wikimedia project pool of knowledge, and to help to create a heterogeneous, colorful and diverse community.

By first focusing on increasing the participation of women in its projects, Wikimedia Deutschland will develop methods and processes that can be applied on an international level and subsequently used to activate other under-represented groups.

Goal 2: Wikimedia Deutschland will increase the diversity of knowledge in the Wikimedia projects.


2.1. Changes for new active contributors


Better support structures will encourage new contributors to remain involved in the Wikimedia projects.

Beginners of the Wikimedia projects face obstacles that make it difficult for them to participate on a long-term basis. The resulting brain drain is damaging to the projects, as the knowledge of every individual counts.

Offers of assistance for new contributors such as hotlines, support contacts on social media platforms, and local working groups are designed to reverse this brain drain and to complement existing internal programs such as the tutoring program with new mechanisms. Experienced authors can also benefit from these support mechanisms as soon as they find themselves in a new situation (e.g. the first proposed deletion of an article written by them).

Our goal will be achieved if these support structures encourage more new contributors to remain involved in the projects.

Projects directed at implementing this change in 2013:


2.2. Changes for diversity


Wikimedia Deutschland will develop a concept to bring more diversity into Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is diversity in action. People write on every subject, but not all people write. The worryingly small number of female participants has already been mentioned. What we need is a concept about what diversity in Wikipedia really means and how we can achieve it.

In cooperation with the communities and experts, we will organize events at which our existing approaches are developed further and new ideas are worked out. Previously isolated enquiries into the representation of individual groups in Wikimedia projects will be compiled into an overall concept.

Our goal will be achieved when we have developed a promising concept.

Projects directed at implementing this change in 2013:


2.3. Changing participation


Wikimedia Deutschland projects will encourage a wide range of different groups to participate.

Problems such as declining author numbers and the gender gap are among the biggest threats to the future of Wikimedia projects. Our work at schools, universities, and with senior citizens is a good way of tackling these trends. However, we need to expand the scope of our activities.

The central focus of our activities next year will be to try out new formats, expand our networks, and produce suitable education and information materials.

Our goal will be achieved if many new formats have been tried out and the successful ones are replicated on a wider scale.

Projects directed at implementing this change in 2013:
