Wikimedia Deutschland/Plan 2022/Programs & Objectives

Strategies Programs & Objectives Budget 2022

On this site, we present the programs we are working on to implement our strategies. In each program, we set success criteria that reflect the change we want to achieve this year – and by which we can determine if we are successful.



Strategy: Cooperation with the communities


Program 1: Funding


Without the work of volunteers in Wikipedia & Co. these projects would not exist. They create and maintain contributions, but also search for new references, plan joint projects to create and share free content, launch competitions, and explain to public institutions how they can be part of the wiki world. We support them by covering travel expenses, venue rentals, literature procurement, technology lending, and insurance, to name just a few examples. Every year, we provide hundreds of such fundings and ensure reliable processing and quality of the funding.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Members of the communities should be able to make their contributions to Free Knowledge in the best way possible.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Volunteers can reliably access financial and organizational support from Wikimedia Deutschland for their work on Free Knowledge. Grant recipients continue to rate WMDE funding (individual & project funding) very positively (average rating at least 9 out of 10 in the funding barometer).
Interim results/ Outputs
  • Relaunch of the technology lending service
  • Acquisition of three additional publishers for the Wikipedia Library
  • Adjustments based on community feedback, changed tools or processes (e.g. CRM) have been implemented.

Program 2: Community Management


Several volunteers work together with Wikimedia Deutschland to create events, competitions and thematic projects for supporting the contributions of many more volunteers. We are strengthening this multiplier work and developing support structures and services. We offer exchange and feedback formats so that volunteers can shape the way we support them in a spirit of partnership.

Success criteria 2022
Program goal: Volunteers collaborate with Wikimedia Deutschland to create programs for more people of all kinds to contribute to Free Knowledge.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Potential multipliers receive initial needs-based support for their multiplier projects by WMDE. Volunteers from the communities participate in our exchange formats and qualification opportunities, and their needs are incorporated into the further development of community work.
In our exchange formats, volunteers and WMDE staff provide mostly positive feedback on the way we work together.
A new community portal receives positive feedback from multipliers as a central information and interaction service.
Interim results/ Outputs
  • At least one campaign to promote the funding to underrepresented groups has been implemented and evaluated for impact.
  • Online community forums to discuss changing topics of WMDE’s work for the community are held on a regular basis.
  • The annual conferences AdminCon and FemNetz take place in collaboration with volunteer multipliers.
  • Annual competitions Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth have been realized with volunteer multipliers and are visible to the public.

Program 3: Technical Wishes


With the Technical Wishes project we are improving MediaWiki, the software behind Wikipedia and its sister projects, to make the volunteers' work easier. The collaboration with the Wikimedia communities is a central part of this effort. Since 2019, we have been working on focus areas chosen by the German-speaking community. We will complete work on the focus area chosen in 2019, "Making it easier to work with templates," and continue to work on the focus area chosen in 2020, "Better support for geospatial information." In addition, we will conduct a community survey to determine a new focus area, which will replace the area chosen in 2019 once it has been completed.

Success criteria 2022
Program goal 1: Community members should be able to make their contributions to Free Knowledge in the best possible way.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

The ability to create and edit interactive maps on the German Wikipedia site is improving. Users in dewiki can now create interactive maps in articles using the "Kartographer" extension.
Interim results/ Outputs
  • Help and information about "Kartographer" is available.
  • "Kartographer" is available on dewiki.
Program Goal 2: Members of the communities can collaboratively determine which technical improvements are implemented in Wikimedia projects.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

More people and more people with diverse backgrounds from the German-language Wikimedia projects help determine the technical improvements to be tackled. Participation increases in the Technical Wishes survey on the German-language Wikipedia as compared to the 2020 survey (baseline 2020: 1010 participants).
At least 15% non-male-identifying participants take part in the Technical Wishes survey on the German-language Wikipedia. Assessed via a subsequent participant survey (comparison with baseline 2020: 10.5%).
People with disabilities participate in the processes around project research and implementation.
We have a better understanding of what kind of collaboration on technical improvements works well with our communities. Interim results/ Outputs
  • We offer a variety of methods for participation that address diverse needs and preferences within the community.
  • Joint reflection with the community on how well collaboration is working and whether it could be improved.

Program 4: Care and Communication Culture online


Where people create things together, everyone involved needs to feel safe and welcome. Wikimedia communities make no exception to this rule. With externally facilitated workshops or communication trainings, we help volunteers who want to shape the climate in Wikipedia in an appreciative and inclusive way. Where we are (co-)organizers, we work towards ensuring that volunteers can take responsibility for safe, inclusive, and welcoming events in a well-informed manner. We will also increasingly and more systematically support volunteers in protecting themselves from attacks – online or offline.

Success criteria 2022
Program goal 1: Community members and Wikimedia Deutschland work together to ensure constructive and respectful conflict management.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

We solicit new suggestions from the community on how to further improve the handling of conflicts in Wikipedia. More volunteers participate in our discussions on the topic (baseline: 60 participants in 2020 and 2021).
Administrators and functionaries work together with WMDE to develop needs-based support ideas and an initial offering of support.
Interim results/ Output
  • Three WMDE workshops for constructive on-wiki conflict management.
Program Goal 2: Wikimedia Deutschland and community members work together to ensure protection and safety for people working in Wikimedia projects.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

The "care concept" to be developed for events and meetings (online and offline) for which WMDE is responsible enters its pilot phase, closely monitored by a steering group of volunteers and WMDE staff. The implementation and enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct in this context has been clarified in cooperation with the Wikimedia Foundation and the community. The steering group decides on the work plan and time schedule for concept development, taking into account information and feedback opportunities for the community. Information and feedback opportunities for the community are considered.
Contact persons from various teams at Wikimedia Deutschland, as well as interested volunteers, receive training for the roles and responsibilities in the care concept.
Interim results/ Output
  • The reporting office for the care concept begins work reliably.
  • There is a written care framework in place by the end of the year.

Program 5: Local community spaces


Wikipedia and Co. can not only be used on the net, but also experienced live! In Berlin, Fürth, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne and Munich there are rooms on site. There, volunteers open their doors, work on joint projects and gladly explain the Wiki world to guests. We finance these rooms and advise the local groups on their projects.

Success criteria 2022
Program goal: Volunteers collaborate with Wikimedia Deutschland to create programs for more people of all kinds to contribute to Free Knowledge.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

The organizing teams of the local community spaces reach the goals they set for themselves in ongoing partnership with Wikimedia Deutschland. The local organizing teams meet with WMDE regularly for information exchange and active participation as well as inspiration for their Free Knowledge projects.
Each local organizing team sets their own goals (corresponding to their funding request) that describe how the volunteers will advance Free Knowledge.
The local organizing teams and WMDE provide each other with regular feedback in order to further improve the cooperation and to jointly reflect on the achievement of objectives.
The local organizing teams evaluate the space management supported by WMDE (as outlined in the manual) as positive.

Program 6: WikiCon


Many people who improve Wikipedia or other projects in their spare time also meet beyond the screens. The largest meeting in the German-speaking world is WikiCon. There, hundreds of people come together to discuss their favorite topics, plan joint activities and feel like part of a community. Every year we support the organization, logistics and implementation of WikiCon.

Success criteria 2022
Program goal: Strengthening community cohesion and volunteer motivation.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Together with the community, we hold WikiCon 2022, at which community members share their experiences, create and maintain contacts and reinforce motivation for their volunteer work. At least 75% of participants evaluate WikiCon 2022 as helpful for their volunteer work.
Interim results/ Output
  • WikiCon 2022 takes place in cooperation with a volunteer organizing team.

Strategy: A vital community


Program 7: Campaigns


Everyone can participate in Wikimedia's communities, but is everyone aware of it? And does everyone know how? In German-speaking countries, a few thousand volunteers regularly improve something in Wikipedia. Many, on the other hand, cannot imagine that even after 20 years there is no central editorial office, everything can be changed – and that it works. Because Wikipedia and its sister projects always need volunteers, we run campaigns to invite people to join in.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: People become aware that they can participate in Wikimedia communities.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

People with the potential to participate in Wikimedia projects increasingly show their interest by interacting with our offerings. The initial conversion rate* for first contacts (not inventory contacts) in 2022 is higher than the previous benchmarks in the various communication channels (including email, Wikipedia banner, social media, postal mailing).

Interim results/ Output

  • Activation of a sufficient number of interested individuals with enough potential to attain 100 active editors (with at least 5 edits after registration).

*Conversion from first contact (e.g. banner impression) to first action (e.g. email open, visit landing page, etc.)

Donors and supporting members learn more frequently than before about opportunities to get involved in volunteering in the context of Wikimedia. No outcome yet in 2022

Interim results/outputs

  • More addresses on the topic of volunteer engagement in the context of Wikimedia to this group (donors and sustaining members).
  • Appropriate ways of addressing (activating this group for interaction) are identified in a data based manner
Interested individuals or those already supporting us financially can let us know their interests with regard to volunteering in the context of Wikimedia. People who already provide financial support share information about their interests with us. Their information can be used to target further communications.

Interim results/outputs

  • Adaptations in the infrastructure have been made (mass emailing system, CRM) in order to be able to map basic aspects of digital volunteer engagement.
  • We have found at least 10 testimonials who are willing to share motivational stories about their commitment to Wikimedia projects.

Program 8: Orientation


Between learning that it is possible to get involved in Wikimedia projects and creating a user account in one of the projects, people make a deliberate decision that they want to get involved. Because it is not that easy to decide for oneself where to start and whether digital engagement is the right choice, they need information about where and how specifically they can get involved. The aim of the orientation is to provide information and strengthen motivation to participate and try things out.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: More people know how to participate in Wikimedia projects and are motivated to do so.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

People decide to create a user account in reaction to our services and information. Interaction rates in services such as the involvement section of the WMDE-website are increasing compared to 2021 (click rates, registrations, page retention).
People interested in participating receive further information (increased mail opening rates, click rates, registrations, fewer unsubscriptions than in 2021).

Interim results/ outputs

  • The involvement section of the WMDE website has been revised.

Program 9: Onboarding


With many platforms and providers on the net, the advertising for new users ends successfully when an account is created or a newsletter is subscribed. With Wikipedia it is different. Here the challenge for many people begins afterwards: An account is quickly created, but with all the possibilities, rules and practices, many newcomers find it difficult to find their way around. Many people who would like to contribute to Wikipedia lose heart if they can't find an approach for their contributions or if something doesn't work. In cooperation with many volunteers, we offer learning materials, explain the cultural and social concept of Wikipedia, and improve the technical conditions.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: People feel welcome in Wikimedia communities and get involved.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

New users find onboarding services that help them stay involved. At least one onboarding service has a positive effect on the retention rate of new users.
For new and existing volunteers, it becomes easier to find suitable networks and opportunities for connection in Wikimedia projects. Members of selected focus groups (e.g., underrepresented groups) join networks (online or offline) in which they were previously inactive.
Community members are working with WMDE to improve conditions for participation. Experienced community members continue to participate in implementing onboarding services and in structured discussions about orientation and onboarding.
In collaboration with the community, rules on Wikipedia (e.g. about writing for pay) have been made more comprehensible.
Optional: Interim results/ outputs
  • The community portal in Wikipedia is available to serve as a central information and interaction hub.
People among those who still have few edits are motivated to become more active. 10 % of the people with still few edits that we address with participation suggestions and information show a higher number of edits in the 3 months after the address (expected to be about 600 out of 6,000 contacts).



Strategy: Wikidata


Program 10: Wikidata


Wikidata is a free, collaboratively created database of structured data. In 2012 we started the project at Wikimedia Germany, in 2021 it celebrated its 9th birthday. During this time, both the amount of data and its subsequent use have increased significantly. We support the Wikidata community in creating and maintaining a trustworthy and equitable knowledge graph for the Wikimedia projects and the world. In 2022, we are placing a special focus on providing the editors with everything they need to keep data quality on Wikidata high and making it easier to make high-quality contributions. As part of this we will also encourage and enable re-users of Wikidata’s data to take a more active role in the maintenance of Wikidata’s data.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal 1: Wikidata should be a source of high quality data.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

The Wikidata community has identified possible improvements to Wikidata’s tools and community processes that would make it easier for the community to improve data utility. We have collected and analyzed feedback and ideas from the global Wikidata community about a set of possible improvements to tools and processes.
More data re-users (especially those who benefit significantly from Wikidata's data) share their knowledge about possible data improvements with the Wikidata community. At least 15 re-users of Wikidata’s data receive information about the tools and processes with which they can address data quality issues in Wikidata, and the users provide positive feedback.
At least 10 re-users of Wikidata’s data have provided information about quality issues in Wikidata.
In at least one case, the community uses information from re-users to improve the usefulness of Wikidata’s data in an important area.
The Wikidata community is using Entity Schemas more widely as a way to make work on data quality easier. The use of Entity Schemas in community processes has increased (as measured by the number of accesses to Entity Schema pages or their text representation – baseline yet to be defined).
Program Goal 2: Wikidata’s data should be an equitable representation of the world.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

We clarify the next steps needed to make Wikidata’s decision-making processes more equitable. The Wikidata community has identified the first actionable steps for improvements to Wikidata’s software & decision processes (e.g. based on the ideas from the “Re-imagining Wikidata from the margins” initiative).
Program Goal 3: More people should be empowered to build applications powered by Wikidata’s data.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Documentation for re-users with various backgrounds has substantially improved. The new documentation receives positive feedback from existing and new re-users.
Developers have a more standard programming interface available to work with Wikidata. Developers begin using the new programming interface, such as a REST API (as measured by the number of API calls and users, perhaps).

Program 11: Shared Software Development for Wikidata (Arcadia)


Wikimedia Deutschland wants to invest in skill and capacity development and empower local communities in the Wikimedia movement. We want to achieve this by exploring new ways of collaboration and initiate a partnership with a movement partner for a shared software development environment for Wikidata. We see the lexicographic part of Wikidata as a good starting point to working together on Wikidata with local partners as they have the awareness and expertise needed to build the technology they need for their languages.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Members of under-resourced and/or underrepresented parts of the movement sustainably contribute to a shared software development environment.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

An identified movement partner (affiliate, user group, etc.) has the necessary infrastructure to start working on portions of the Wikidata software, in collaboration with WMDE. A movement partner has committed to join the collaboration.
The identified movement partner was able to initiate the hiring process and hire initial staff to begin software development.
The partner has defined its activity focus on software development for Wikidata together with WMDE.
Interim results/ outputs
  • WMDE and the partner establish structures for exchange and learning about Wikidata software development.

Strategy: Wikibase ecosystem


Program 12: Wikibase


Wikibase, the software behind our Wikidata project, is used by more and more projects and institutions. The resulting ecosystem gives Wikimedia a strong lever to increase the sum of all freely available knowledge. In 2020 and 2021, we provided a technical solution that resulted in closer links between the Wikidata ontology and external Wikibase instances, strengthening Wikidata's role as a central hub in the Wikibase ecosystem. Looking forward, we must now support a broader range of organizations in using Wikibase in their projects so that their data can benefit Wikimedia projects and partners. We want to make it easier for institutions and other users to jointly contribute to the success and growth of the Wikibase Ecosystem by enabling them to build reliable, stable tooling on top of the core software.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal 1: A greater number of diverse knowledge projects can independently join the Wikibase Ecosystem.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Additional organisations and/or projects outside of Europe and North America join the Wikibase ecosystem. Three more organizations or projects located outside Europe and North America invest resources in their own pilot projects with Wikibase.
Users can join the Wikibase ecosystem without a complex installation and setup process. When given the option, at least 75% of the active users* of the legacy platform WBstack choose to migrate to our Wikibase as a Service offering,

* WBstack account holders who have created at least one Wikibase on the platform, and whose Wikibase has had at least one non-spam edit made in the last 6 months.

25 new users or projects successfully join the platform in 2022.
User surveys show that installing new Wikibase instances in is easier than installing them yourself.
Interim results/ outputs
  • Our Wikibase-as-a-Service offer,, is launched.
Program Goal 2: Wikibase users can extend the functionality of the Wikibase software for their specific use cases.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

External developers have a clearer picture of the possibilities for tools and extensions that align with the development of the Wikibase software. The Wikibase team and external developers and other stakeholders engage in a successful exchange of information regarding building extensions and tools.
Interim results/ outputs
  • We publish documentation on best practices, guidelines and limitations for building extensions to Wikibase.

Strategy: Innovation engine


Program 13: UNLOCK Accelerator


Wikipedia, Wikidata, and other Wikimedia projects have sparked a powerful movement for free knowledge in recent years. The UNLOCK Accelerator aims to further drive this movement: By promoting new ideas and activating new communities to develop innovative products and services for Wikimedia and Free Knowledge, on the one hand. On the other hand, we aim to anchor this program more and more in the global Wikimedia movement, using existing structures for exchange, collaboration and joint learning. This approach facilitates the development and promotion of innovation potential and synergies within the movement. In doing so, we enhance the sustainability and strengthen the innovative power of the Movement (Movement Strategy Recommendations #1 and #9). UNLOCK supports the participating teams over a period of three months in validating, testing and further developing their project ideas with the help of coaching, events for interaction and collaboration, a network of experts and, if required, a scholarship. The application is open to teams with project ideas related to our thematic areas, which are defined at the beginning of each cycle. The program is open to volunteers from existing Wikimedia projects, but also to those who are not yet part of the Wikimedia movement.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal 1: People with innovative product ideas for free knowledge develop them into functioning prototypes.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

A diverse group of people is developing innovative solutions for Wikimedia and free knowledge. At least 2/3 of the teams reach the criteria for the second phase of the program and complete the program.
All teams that completed UNLOCK 2022 evaluate the program's offerings as having been helpful in further developing their ideas.
The working prototypes developed within the program have the potential to contribute to positive change in line with the Wikimedia 2030 strategic direction (assessed against a defined evaluation framework).
Interim results/ outputs
  • At least 50 applications were submitted in response to the Call for Ideas (Baseline 2021: 24).
  • At least 50% of applicants came from communities that have been underrepresented to date in our Movement* (Baseline 2021: 9.6%).

* according to the definition 'emerging communities'

Program Goal 2: The prototypes developed in UNLOCK will be further developed into sustainable products and services that can be used in existing and future Wikimedia projects.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Project teams further develop the prototypes created in the UNLOCK program into scalable products and services. At least five projects from UNLOCK 2020 and 2021 are active at the end of 2022, and the prototypes created have been further developed into sustainably usable products and services (status 2021: 3 from 2020).
At least three project teams from UNLOCK 2021 are making clear progress towards further development and perpetuation of their projects (further development plans, funding options, partnerships or similar).
Interim results/ outputs
  • Support of up to three project teams from UNLOCK 2021 in the further development and perpetuation of their projects.
Program Goal 3: Other players in the international Wikimedia movement benefit from efforts to facilitate innovation.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Players in the global Wikimedia movement can contribute more of their perspectives to UNLOCK as a means of facilitating innovation. At least three players from the international Wikimedia movement (regional user groups, affiliates, other groups) have contributed to the implementation of UNLOCK 2022 (baseline 2021: 1).
Interim results/ outputs
  • We participate in at least five events for dialog, collaboration and shared learning on the topic of facilitating innovation within the Movement (baseline 2021: 3).

Conditions for Free Knowledge


Strategy: Political Frameworks


Program 14: Civil liberties in the digital realm


In the context of Wikimedia, freedom refers in particular to the right of all people to express themselves. Since knowledge is passed on by media, we have always been strongly committed to copyright policy. However, the free exchange of knowledge is also secured by freedom rights such as freedom of opinion and information, freedom of art and science, and the protection of individuals from surveillance by third parties. For this reason, we are advocating to policymakers in Germany and Brussels to ensure that these freedoms are not unreasonably curtailed in the digital realm.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: We make our arguments for Free Knowledge and a Free Internet heard on as many political levels as possible.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

More members of society become aware of knowledge equity (in the spirit of our Movement Strategy) as a concept and as a field of activity at WMDE. Five social and political institutions that we find relevant address knowledge equity in their publications and media.
Six management-level individuals at social and political institutions that we find relevant take part in the WMDE event series “Wissen.Macht.Gerechtigkeit”.
Wikimedia Deutschland is perceived as a relevant partner by newly elected and re-elected members of parliament associated with digital policy and their respective offices. Members of parliament responsible for digital policy (and their staff) regularly participate in events organized by the F5 initiative and Wikimedia Deutschland.
We expand our network of direct contacts in the new federal government and the public sector. At least ten authorities associated with the free-knowledge regulatory framework with whom we have not been in frequent contact previously are engaged in background discussions with WMDE.
Our efforts to ensure that the planned legal entitlement to Open Data contains as few exceptions as possible are successful. The law that was passed or is still under discussion does not contain any field exemption(s) for services of general interest nor any far-reaching copyright exception.
Community-based projects receive separate consideration when negotiating European platform regulation. In legislative documents on the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA), include clauses that realistically enable community-based or public benefit projects to comply with new regulations.

Program 15: Trade agreements and international organizations


Trade agreements at the international level have a strong influence on rights governing intangible goods (“intellectual property”) and therefore on creative services and free reuse on the Internet – and increasingly also on other network-related regulations. So far, civil society organizations have often been left out of the initial approaches to and formulation of these agreements. Even Wikimedia’s voice on its own is not enough to be heard on such trade issues. That is why we work together with other civil society organizations and use our expertise to make our voices heard in the formulation of international regulations.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: There is an active network of civil society partner organizations who coordinate their efforts worldwide.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Regular exchanges between players in civil society and EU institutions on copyright issues continue. The EU Commission's Directorates-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technologies (DG Connect) and Trade (DG Trade), which are often responsible for network policy issues, each meet at least twice to exchange views with the civil society Communia Roundtable.
In addition, we identify contacts in the development policy area (for example, in GIZ, DG INTPA), and initial conversations have taken place.
The Wikimedia Movement is making its voice heard in UN organizations. Officials of one or more UN organizations take up a measure jointly created by WMDE, the Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia chapters.
The Access to Knowledge Alliance (A2K) becomes more visible internationally. The alliance agrees to take on a public identity and agrees on the first steps towards this goal.

Program 16: Public money – public good


That which is financed by public money is also a public good – or should be, in our opinion. This includes publicly financed research and software as well as content from public broadcasting, state-financed museums, etc. Many such institutions are setting an example and making their collections and other products freely available in digital form. We encourage, educate and advise in order to strengthen this attitude. Our tools range from confidential discussions to public campaigns.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: The working practice of societal stakeholders is favorable for creating and disseminating Free Knowledge.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

A committee composed of WMDE staff and individuals or institutions with special competence in public procurement law has been formed to examine the feasibility of various approaches to codifying the concept of "Public Money – Public Good." We define a possible implementation considered to be realistic by the expert community that enshrines the principle of "Public Money – Public Good" in public procurement law.

Interim results/ outputs

  • An initial analysis on the barriers obstructing free access to state authority files becomes available.
DE:WP is able to use more (and more up-to-date) parliamentary photos. By default. three additional policies of parliamentary groups in the Bundestag and state parliaments prescribe publication of photos on Wikimedia Commons or under free licenses on their own websites.
We clarify the free use of released broadcast content, for school use, among others, so that increased reuse becomes more likely. The telecommunications policies of multiple broadcasters, and public statements from their management, declare that publishing under Creative Commons is a strategic goal.
Deutschlandfunk adopts a structural clearance practice as a result of a meeting with Wikimedia volunteers in Cologne or Berlin.
An official statement by, for example, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK), or another nationally relevant group defines school lessons to be nonpublic.

Strategy: Institutional Practise


Program 17: GLAM – Open cultural and memorial institutions


In projects and joint events such as GLAM on Tour, virtual KulTouren, etc., GLAM institutions (“galleries, libraries, archives and museums” - cultural and memorial institutions) can accumulate all manner of experience that helps them open up their digital collections and make them available to interested parties for subsequent use. In this context, we work closely with individuals who want to promote openness in their professional contexts as well as volunteers from Wikimedia projects.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Individuals and institutions are able to contribute to the knowledge commons.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

We encourage professionals with hands-on experience from cultural and memorial institutions to support Wikimedia projects. Stakeholders from at least ten cultural and memory institutions gain initial experience with Wikimedia projects in the context of various participation formats (events, action days, etc.).
Key individuals (e.g., department heads, curators of digital collections) from at least two institutions take advice from Wikimedia and/or the community on improving conditions for opening up collections and contributing to Wikimedia projects.
Cultural and memorial institutions make permanent their cooperation with Wikimedia projects and volunteers in Wikimedia projects. At least one cultural or memorial institution of national relevance cooperates with WMDE to provide regular access to and free re-use of its content.
Cultural ambassadors from the GLAM Wiki community regularly participate in our exchange and qualification events.
Interim results/ outputs
  • The Cultural Ambassadors program is being launched as part of the cultural ambassador concept developed with the community last year.

Program 18: Coding da Vinci


Coding da Vinci is a hackathon series hosted by regionally rotating event teams that showcases the creative potential of open cultural data. So far, around 2,000 participants have developed nearly 160 digital cultural applications such as websites, apps and VR installations. The nearly 300 participating cultural institutions have thus been able to gain a variety of experience that helps them open up their digital collections and collaborate with volunteers.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Individuals and institutions are able to contribute to the knowledge commons.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

More cultural and memorial organizations gain hands-on experience with the knowledge commons. At least ten cultural and memorial organizations and other partners become engaged as "multipliers" by hosting a regional Coding da Vinci session as part of a consortium.
At least 50 cultural and memorial institutions have initial experiences in contributing to the knowledge commons at Coding da Vinci.
Interim results/ outputs
  • The most important materials and good practices of Coding da Vinci have been compiled and made available under free license so that they can be used by any and all interested cultural and memory institutions.

Program 19: Marginalized knowledge


Archives, museums, media, and research are all informed by the cultures that surround them. The things that find their way into collections of knowledge and official narratives are in large part determined by systems of power, by inclusions and exclusions. This is equally true for open, collaborative projects such as Wikipedia. Together with diverse knowledge contributors, we want to ensure that their positions and perspectives on the world are better represented in Wikimedia projects and institutions. To this end, we work together with representatives of marginalized positions and perspectives, with Wikimedia communities, and with professional communities such as those of teachers, researchers, and cultural and memorial institutions.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Individuals and institutions that want to improve the representation of marginalized knowledge and perspectives in Free Knowledge can make a contribution.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Institutions work with us to specifically improve the representation of marginalized knowledge and perspectives in the digital knowledge commons. At least three institutions are working in partnership with us on this issue.
People representing marginalized positions engage with us to improve the representation of their knowledge and perspectives in the digital knowledge commons. In at least two projects, people actively engage with us to make improvements in this field.
Interim results/ outputs
  • We evaluate the cooperation with all stakeholders to determine whether the experience felt fair, supportive and on a level playing field, and we incorporate this feedback into our working methods.
Institutions engage in improving the conditions for opening up and diversifying bodies of knowledge. At least one institution consults us in a key discussion about marginalized knowledge issues as an advising or collaborative partner.
Interim results/ outputs
  • We address decision-makers with at least 3 formats (e.g. expert discussions, handouts, events, position papers).

Program 20: Free and open education


Digital transformation poses a challenge to all areas of society – including education. It is not a question of simply providing adequate technical facilities with computers and wi-fi, nor of simply presenting educational content in digital form. Instead, education in the digital world demands a fundamental rethinking of teaching and learning processes.

We are part of the Open Community and therefore committed to making modern learning in the digital world open and free. We are engaged in the Alliance for Free Education (Bündnis Freie Bildung), among other organizations, to ensure that policy frameworks promote free licenses, open formats for content, open software, and platform neutrality. We transform educational practice and help establish open learning spaces, among other ways, through our work on the Wikimedia projects.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: Educational policy and practice establish open education and open source as the standard.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

Decision-makers in education policy, administrators and pedagogical practitioners incorporate arguments for open education and open source into their strategies and positions on education in the digital world. In at least five cases, decision-makers in education policy, administrators and pedagogical practitioners involve WMDE or the Open Education Alliance in developing their positions and strategies.

Program 21: Attribution Generator


People should find it easier to use free content in a license-compliant way. From the existing Attribution Generator we are therefore developing a new, expanded solution to simplify searching for, collecting and using free image materials in a license-compliant manner. In this we are particularly addressing professional communities (teachers, bloggers, journalists) who frequently work with images in their everyday professional lives. Users themselves will help design the tool. Through the creation of user-generated content, they will amass an attractive collection of free and high-quality content.

Success criteria 2022
Program Goal: It becomes easier to use free content in a license-compliant manner.
Objectives 2022:

What we want to achieve by the end of 2022:

Indicator(s) 2022:

On what we decide whether we have been successful in doing so:

People who publish their own content in a professional context find it easier to use freely licensed media. At least 300 people report that our application simplifies their work processes with free content.
The application receives a positive NetPromotorScore rating in the beta phase (greater than zero at least, meaning more approve than disapprove).
After the beta phase, the application is further developed with the help of third-party funding and project partners.
Interim results/ outputs
  • We complete the closed and public beta phases.
Curation leads to content on Wikimedia Commons seeing more use. Users in the extended beta program index at least 100 pieces of content from Wikimedia Commons in our application each month, thereby increasing its usage.