Wikimedia Deutschland/Plan 2025/en

Deutsche Version dieser Seite

Strategic Goals Programs & Success Criteria functional Teams Business Plan 2025

Wikimedia Deutschland promotes Free Knowledge in various ways. We support communities such as Wikipedia, develop software for Wikimedia projects and the Free Knowledge ecosystem, and aim to improve the political and legal framework conditions for Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in general. The programmatic annual planning for 2025 is based for the first time on the Strategic Goals for Wikimedia Deutschland 2030.

Wikimedia Deutschland's Strategic Goals until 2030


The strategic goals serve to focus the organization and provide long-term orientation—while enabling continuous evaluation and management of our work through measurable indicators.

The Strategic Goals were developed between September 2023 and October 2024 in a participatory process involving staff from the office and the management team. The central question was: What societal changes do we want to achieve through our work in the world? And how do we recognize whether we have achieved this impact? The starting point for the Strategic Goals is the Strategic Orientation, which was adopted by the General Assembly in June 2023. The goals focus and specify the Strategic Orientation for the daily work of Wikimedia Deutschland.

Strategic Goals until 2030
Illustration der strategischen Priorität "Starke Infrastruktur des Freien Wissens".

Priority Strong infrastructure of free knowledge

Goal 1 - Strong Infrastructure

"By 2030, the technical, social, and financial infrastructure will be continuously improved so that 50 percent more people are connected through the services provided by WMDE."

Goal 2 - More Technology Creators

"By 2030, the number of technology contributors contributing code to Wikimedia’s Linked Open Data will have doubled. At least half of them will live outside Europe and North America."

Illustration der strategischen Priorität "Lebendige und beständige Communitys", die Teil der strategischen Ausrichtung von Wikimedia Deutschland bis 2030 ist.

Priority Thriving and stable communities

Goal 3 - Respectful Communication within Communities

"WMDE will help ensure that by 2030, twice as many Wikipedia contributors in Germany perceive communication within the community as respectful. The difference between established and new contributors will be less than 10 percentage points."

Goal 4 - Community Growth

"WMDE will help ensure that by 2030, the German-language Wikipedia communities and the Wikidata communities experience sufficient growth and activity so that Free Knowledge remains available to everyone in the future. The number of returning editors as well as those engaged in special roles will increase by at least 10 percent in Wikipedia communities and by at least 30 percent in Wikidata communities."

Illustration of the strategic priority "Greater Diversity and Equal Participation", which is part of Wikimedia Deutschland’s strategic orientation until 2030.

Priority Greater diversity and equitable participation

Goal 5 - Inclusive Wikimedia Communities

"By 2030, WMDE, together with the Wikimedia communities, will have opened existing structures to promote an inclusive culture in which at least 80% of individuals from various marginalized groups perceive their perspectives and communities as present, valued, and supported."

Illustration der strategischen Priorität "Mehr Nutzung, leichterer Zugang", die Teil von Wikimedia Deutschland's strategischer Ausrichtung bis 2030 ist.

Priority More Usage, Easier Access

Goal 6 - More End Users

"By 2030, WMDE will have created new access paths to project content, reaching 10 percent more end users who are aware that they are using Wikimedia content."

Goal 7 - More Usage by External Projects

"WMDE will advocate for external projects, preferably those focused on the common good, to facilitate and improve access to Free Knowledge so that the use and visibility of Wikimedia content increase by 20 percent by 2030."

Illustration of the strategic priority "Broad Political and Social Support", which is part of Wikimedia Deutschland’s strategic orientation until 2030.

Priority Wider political and social support

Goal 8 - More Free Knowledge in Publicly Funded Institutions

"WMDE will help increase the number of publicly funded institutions in Germany that implement policies, strategic goals, or practices for open content and data by 50% by 2030, primarily through changes in laws and regulations."

Goal 9 - Working Together for a Policy of Free Knowledge

"By 2030, WMDE will have achieved that 10% of WMDE members actively advocate for our goals by engaging with decision-makers and staff from politics, administration, business, and society."