Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2017/Questions for application form

Application Form Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2017




This conference is a platform for shared experience from working in the Diversity space of Wikimedia. Participants will connect and discuss various aspects of diversity, such as gender, physical and mental abilities, linguistic, geographic, ethnic diversity. Together we will explore what these aspects have in common in terms of power, participation and privilege, and how it relates to the quality and relevance of free knowledge. From these connections, conference participants will form a shared understanding of how diversity strengthens Wikimedia impact and find ways to collaborate and build capacity to achieve the goals of our movement.

The conference welcomes participants from underrepresented groups in Wikimedia, participants from minority groups and communities, and diversity leaders in Wikimedia and mission aligned organizations.

Further information can be found on Meta:

This conference will be limited to 80 participants who will be selected from people who submit the application form by the deadline. Selected scholarship recipients for accommodation or travel will be notified on Monday 28 August. There will be no costs for participants for participation and food. There will be a limited number of scholarships available for accommodation and partial funding for travel (support for travel and accommodation is mainly intended for volunteers).

Please use this form to apply to participate and submit your scholarship application. This is a large application form and to avoid losing your answers we recommend that you write down the responses in a word editor and copy them to the application form later. For your convenience you can find all the questions here:



The deadline for scholarships for travel and accommodation is Sunday, 20 August, 2017. Please note that no scholarship applications will be accepted or reviewed after this deadline. We recommend that you investigate opportunities for scholarships towards travel costs from your local Wikimedia affiliate.

Further information about Sholarships for the Diversity Conference can be found on meta:



Application stays open until 30 September 2017, if there still is space available. Please note however that the deadline for scholarships for travel and accommodation is Sunday, 20 August, 2017.



All successful scholarship applicants and accepted participants are responsible for booking and arranging travel to and from the conference by themselves.

The conference starts on Friday evening 3 November with a social event in order to give participants the chance to arrive in time and check in to the Conference hotel on Friday. Bookings at the Conference hotel will be made by the Wikimedia Sverige (WMSE) conference team.

More information about the Conference Venue and travel guide is on meta:



Please note that the visa approval process can be long and time consuming. We recommend that you register and start with the visa application process as early as possible. Depending on your country of origin, you need to get an appointment at the Swedish embassy or consulate. It is advisable to get one as soon as possible. In order to guarantee a smooth and trouble-free travel booking process, we kindly ask you to make sure to obtain your visa by 15 October, 2017.

Once registered, WMSE will send you all the necessary documents. We recommend you to check Meta for further visa related information:



In this application form, you will be asked to fill in the following information:

  • Questions on conference program
  • Conference attendance information
  • Personal information
  • Accommodation information
  • Visa information
  • Passport and address information
  • Protection of privacy

Conference Program


These questions are for applicants to demonstrate meeting any or several criteria for scholarship and conference participation. Your answers will help design the program and you can indicate your willingness to facilitate or lead conference activities so that the Program Committee can further discuss those opportunities with you. Questions about Wikimedia and Diversity (identify diversity champions)

  1. In your view, what possibilities does diversity have for the Wikimedia movement? *
  2. Please name one or two skills, knowledge, tools, or resources, that you want to be able to bring back home (to your local organization/group/community). Choose no more than 3 of the most important skills. *
    1. Examples of successful diversity programs
    2. Knowledge to raise awareness of diversity issues
    3. Organising safe in-person events
    4. Supportive network of Wikimedians who are diversity advocates
    5. Project planning and implementation of programs
    6. How to take inclusive action in Wikimedia work
    7. Policy development
    8. other...
  3. Describe your work as a leader at the intersection of Wikimedia and diversity.
  4. What does your work focus on?
    1. Content production
    2. Participant recruitment/retention
    3. Raising awareness
    4. Governance
    5. Or something else? What?

Questions about demonstrated success (Identify diversity leaders)

  1. If you have faced challenges, what were they and how did you make progress? How long did it take? Did others give you support so that you could make progress or are you working alone?
  2. Are you currently facing challenges? Please describe them.
  3. What have you done that others can learn from, and are you willing to mentor someone?
  4. Please indicate whether you are interested in leading or facilitating activities during the conference
    1. Short presentation/Lighting talk
    2. Training session/workshop session
    3. Sharing projects as learning examples in small groups.
    4. Other

Scholarship application


There are three types of scholarship, covering a total of 80 participants:


This scholarship covers conference participation (including one social dinner, two lunches, two larger "fika" (coffee/tea with a treat) and two smaller ones). A maximum of 25 of these scholarships will be awarded.


This scholarship is mainly intended for participants traveling from either Sweden or Europe OR participants with travel expenses covered by e.g. another Chapter. This scholarship covers participation and shared accommodation at the Conference hotel. A maximum of 20 of these scholarships will be awarded.


Currently 287 USD is secured for each scholarship recipient to cover part of the travel cost (we are looking for more funding opportunities). This scholarship covers participation + shared accommodation and support for travel expenses. A maximum of 35 of these scholarships will be awarded.

Other Wikimedia affiliates might also award scholarships for e.g. the cost of travel.

The scholarships will be awarded based on the information given in this application form about previous engagement and experiences, the stated willingness to assist in the successful execution of the conference, and planned future engagement. Find more information on meta:

Please indicate which scholarship you want to apply for.

  • Scholarship for conference participation (all accepted participants will receive this)
  • Scholarship for conference participation and accommodation
  • Scholarship for conference participation, accommodation, travel expenses

Conference attendance information


I will attend the Diversity Conference 2017 on the following days: *

In order for you to obtain the best conference results, your participation throughout all conference days is crucial. Friday is arrival day with a scheduled social event in the evening which marks the start of the program. Find out more about the Conference program on meta:

  • Friday, November 3
  • Saturday, November 4
  • Sunday, November 5

My dietary preference: *

For budget reasons, no halal or kosher meat can be served. Participants, who choose halal are likely to be served a vegetarian dish; participants, who choose kosher are likely to be served a vegan dish. Details will be confirmed with the Conference venue.

  • No specific preference
  • Halal food
  • Kosher food
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Other:


Your answer

If you have a disability or any additional special needs, please let us know here and we will be in touch.

Your answer

3. Personal Information

3.1 Contact data

What is the gender designation on your passport or ID you use to travel with? *

We apologize for asking this question but the hotel requires this information.

Your answer

Given name (as it appears on your passport): *

Your answer

Middle name (as it appears on your passport):

Your answer

Family name (as it appears on your passport): *

Your answer

User name: *

Your answer

Date of birth: *


City: *

(City of residence)

Your answer

Postal code: *

Your answer

Country: *

Your answer

Email: *

This email address will be used to send important conference information to you.

Your answer

Cell phone (including country prefix): *

Your answer
3.2 Emergency contact

Name of emergency contact: *

Who should we contact in case of an emergency? Please indicate this person's relationship with you in brackets.

Your answer

Phone number of emergency contact: *

Your answer
3.3 International conference attendance

We would like to know what other, if any, international Wikimedia event(s) you have attended.

Have you attended other international or regional Wikimedia events, such as Wikimedia Conference or Wikimania? *

  • Yes
  • No

If you selected yes, which ones?

Your answer


Please select the applicable: *

  • I am affiliated to a Chapter / Thematic Organization / User Group
  • I am an independent, non-affiliated community member

If you belong to an affiliated organisation, which one?

Your answer

Do you belong to any other group or organization that you find relevant for your participation? If so, please state the name.

Your answer

Function (if applicable):

Your answer

Accommodation information


Based on your chosen dates below, WMSE will book a double-occupancy room with another participant, please indicate it in the following. Further information on the hotel (name, location etc.) is available on Meta

I will need accommodation for the following nights: *

  • Friday, November 3
  • Saturday, November 4
  • I do not need accomodation

Are you willing to share a room with someone? *

Select "No" if you will find accommodation yourself.

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, do you have any preferences?

If you know other participants with whom you would like to share the room, please list them here. We will do our best to accommodate your request, however we can not guarantee that it will be fulfilled.

Your answer

If you are not willing to share a room.

Scholarships cover shared accommodation. If you prefer your own room please indicate that you wish to book a single occupancy at the Conference hotel without scholarship, or if you wish to book a single occupancy room at the Conference hotel with scholarship partly covering the cost.

  • Single room at the Conference Hotel without accommodation scholarship.
  • Single room at the Conference Hotel with accommodation scholarship covering a part of the cost.

Visa Application


Please check the following website to find out whether you need a visa for travelling to Sweden:

Depending on your country of origin, you need to get an appointment at the Swedish embassy or consulate. It is advisable to get one as soon as possible and we kindly ask you to make sure to obtain your visa by 15 October, 2017.

Once registered, WMSE will send you all the necessary documents. We recommend that you check Meta for further visa related information:

Do you need a Visa?

  • yes
  • no

Visa application assistance by WMSE


Please note that the visa approval process can be long and time consuming. We recommend to register and get an appointment (if required, depends on country of origin) at the Swedish embassy or consulate of your choice as early as possible. Moreover, please note that if you are transiting certain countries (e.g. USA, United Kingdom) en route to Stockholm, you may also be required to apply for a transit visa.

We would like to inform you that you will have to arrange your travels by your own. After you have successfully completed the visa application process, please inform us via diversity If you have any problems, please inform us and we will do our best to assist you.

WMSE will assist you with your visa application and will provide the following documents:

  • Letter of invitation
  • Foreign travel health insurance
  • Copy of registration of association of WMSE
  • Copy of identity card from WMSE’s Executive Director

The documents will be sent to you via email. Please print these documents and bring them along to your appointment at the embassy/consulate. Should the original documents be required, please inform us accordingly and we will send them to you in the fastest manner.

Furthermore you will need the following:

  • Travel booking confirmation or itinerary

For further visa application advice, we recommend to check meta:

  1. Please tell us the city and country of the Swedish embassy or consulate, where the visa will be requested:
  2. Have you applied for a Schengen visa before?
  3. What is your current occupation?
  4. Do members of your family live in your country of residence?
  5. Do you agree that your personal details will be sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Sweden and embassy/consulate of your indicated choice?
  6. Further comments regarding your visa application:

Passport and address information


If you need visa application assistance from WMSE, we need the following passport and address information.

Please note: We will not share your data with any third party, unless specified differently in visa section.

Passport number: *

Your answer

Issue date (dd/mm/yyyy): *


Expiration date (dd/mm/yyyy): *

Please note that your passport should be valid for at least 6 months after your arrival date.


Place where passport was issued: *

Your answer

Birth place (city and country): *

Your answer

Nationality: *

Your answer

7.2 Address of current residence


Street: *

Please enter your street address here, you already entered your city and country information in an earlier section.

Your answer

Additional information:

Your answer

Comments on passport and address related topics

Your answer

Protection of privacy


For transparency and preparation reasons, we encourage all participants to sign up on the participants’ list on Meta as soon as your participation is confirmed:

Your name badge/printed participants’ list*


Please choose one of the following options for your name tag and offline participants’ list. If you do not want to use your real name, as provided in the first section of the application form, use the free text box “others” to indicate the name, you want to have published.*

  • First and last name | User name | Organization I Function
  • First and last name | Organization | Function
  • User name | Organization | Function
  • Other:

Do you allow pictures of you to be taken at the conference?*


To ensure a good documentation of the Diversity Conference, photos will be taken at the conference. Do you agree that videos and/or photos of you are published under the free license CC BY-SA 4.0? If you disagree, it will be marked on your name badge. *

  • Yes
  • No

Data policy


Information entered in this form is being treated confidentially.

Friendly space policy


During all conference events, we will apply the Friendly Space Policy ( for Wikimedia movement events.

I agree that I will adhere to this policy *

  • Yes

Other information & feedback


If you have any comments regarding the application process or the conference itself, please feel free to comment. We appreciate your feedback.

Your answer