Wikimedia Eesti/Staff strategy

The staff strategy of the non-profit organisation (NPO) Wikimedia Eesti was unanimously approved at the meeting of the management of the NPO on 17 September 2013. The strategy involves several policies of personnel work and was compiled on the basis of corresponding documents of other Wikimedia branches, Estonian non-profit organisations and companies, Estonian labour law and the rules, requirements and recommendations of certain subsidiaries of the Wikimedia Foundation (primarily the Grant Advisory Committee and the Funds Dissemination Committee).

This is an English translation of the document. The Estonian original can be found on the Estonian homepage of Wikimedia Eesti.

General principles


The staff strategy of Wikimedia Eesti is based on the mission, vision and goals provided in the articles of association of Wikimedia Eesti and supports the strategy of Wikimedia Eesti.

Strategic goals in the personnel field

  1. Recruit qualified and permanent employees who are able to develop in the activities of Wikimedia Eesti.
  2. Develop a unified organisation culture that supports the participation and development of employees in Wikimedia Eesti.
  3. Support the efficient use of labour via salary policies.

Basis of staff policy

  1. The abilities and skills of salaried employees must be utilised in such a way that the results of voluntary (incl. management) work are the possible maximum.
  2. The resources and policies of human resource management must support the efficient use of labour.

Managing the personnel field


Wikimedia Eesti shall develop unified policies that ensure the management of people on a uniform basis and a clear, transparent and justified work procedure:

  1. selection and recruitment policy;
  2. training policy;
  3. work-related assessment policy;
  4. salary policy.

Applying uniform staff policies in specific situations is done with the characteristics of the specific position and related tasks in mind.

Employees are provided with daily tasks by a member of management selected by the management.

Employees must take the decisions of the management as a basis for providing orders.

All policies and other rules related to staff policy and work procedure must be approved with a decision of the management.

Selection and recruitment policy


Creating jobs and searching for employees

  1. The needs of Wikimedia Eesti must be clearly defined before recruiting or hiring new employees. Both current and future needs must be taken into account.
  2. Before deciding on a paid position, it must be considered whether it is possible and practical to fulfil the same functions using a volunteer.
  3. Different forms of contracts and work shall be considered when creating a position, selecting them according to Estonian laws, the work tasks, the duration of work and other circumstances.
  4. Employment contracts with a specified term shall be entered into according to need and Estonian law.
  5. Vacant positions may be filled via a public application procedure, direct offers or in another way that is optimal for the case in question.
  6. In the case of a public application procedure, the selection of distribution channels for the job advertisement is made based on the needs of the specific position, the target group and the expenses to be incurred.

Job application procedures and selection of employees

  1. All candidates for a job are treated equally in Wikimedia Eesti. No one shall be discriminated against based on their gender, age or nationality.
  2. At their job interview, the candidate must provide written consent for their personal data to be forwarded to the Wikimedia Foundation in the USA, where the suitability of the candidate is verified pursuant to US law regarding terrorism and money laundering. Data are processed pursuant to the data protection laws of the USA and the rules of the Wikimedia Foundation.
  3. The selection of suitable employees is based on the candidate’s conformity to the attitudes, skills and experience required for the specific position.
  4. The required skills are established in writing for each position.
  5. Employees must be proficient in the languages necessary for their position. In general, all employees must be proficient in Estonian; where required (foreign communication and international reporting), English and Russian may also be mandatory.
  6. An important criterion in selecting employees is a person’s attitude towards work.
  7. In regards to hiring, members of Wikimedia Eesti have no advantages other than their skills, experience and knowledge that may become useful in the given position.
  8. The input for selecting candidates is a candidate's application, CV and other important documents, as well as sample work and a job interview. Assessing the sample work and job interview is based on previously established assessment rules which are the same for all candidates in an application procedure.
  9. The selection of candidates from one stage of applications to the next is decided by the management, taking into consideration the suggestions of consultants, where possible and necessary. Initial assessment shall be organised by the member of the management responsible for organising work.
  10. The final selection of candidates shall be decided among the management of Wikimedia Eesti with a vote, where each member of the management has one vote, equal to all others.
  11. The protests of candidates rejected during the job application procedure shall be resolved pursuant to Estonian law.
  12. The expenses related to the recruitment and selection of employees shall be borne by Wikimedia Eesti pursuant to Estonian law, the budget of the NPO and the management’s decisions.

Entering into employment contracts and changing jobs

  1. The member of management responsible for organising work shall agree with the new employee on the specific terms of starting work (e.g. the first day of work) pursuant to the decisions of the management. They shall also prepare the employment contract.
  2. The employment contracts and other documents related to the employment relationship shall be signed by the member of the management responsible for daily organisation of work, based on the management’s decisions, who previously informs all other members of the management of this.
  3. An employee’s transfer from one position in Wikimedia Eesti to another shall take place on mutual agreement and on the basis of a decision of the management of Wikimedia Eesti.
  4. Cancelling an employment relationship shall take place on the basis of a decision of the management pursuant to Estonian law, the contract entered into with the employee and the specific situation.

Training policy

  1. Wikimedia Eesti shall provide employees with the training necessary for working in the specific position. Training shall take place according to the needs of and options open to the employee as well as the NPO.
  2. Job-related training shall take place based on specific training programmes provided for specific positions and must ensure the skills and knowledge that are needed by employees to perform the tasks of the specific position.
  3. In-service training shall be planned based on changes in work tasks or organisation of work and the results of work-related assessment. Additional training must ensure the development of employees' professional skills based on changes in the requirements of Wikimedia Eesti. The focus of in-service training in specific positions shall be established in the training programmes of those positions.
  4. The expenses of training and in-service training shall be borne by Wikimedia Eesti.
  5. Training shall take place pursuant to an approved budget and on the basis of a training plan.
  6. The employee shall be personally responsible for the knowledge necessary for work and professional development; Wikimedia Eesti shall make it possible for the employee to develop professionally and personally via the training provided.
  7. The same member of the management who is responsible for everyday organisation of work shall be responsible for introductory training upon employing a new person. If necessary, he or she shall compile a plan that also provides all of the documents the new employee must read.
  1. Work-related assessment must make it possible to systematically evaluate the human resources of Wikimedia Eesti, plan its development on the level of the NPO as a whole as well as on the level of each employee, and support the strengthening of people’s connection to Wikimedia Eesti.
  2. Work-related assessment takes place in regard to all positions on the basis of similar methods and procedures. Appraisals are used for this purpose.
  3. Work-related assessments and appraisals shall be organised by a member of the management of Wikimedia Eesti selected by the management. The results of the assessment and appraisals shall be recorded in minutes.
  4. Results of appraisals shall be submitted to the management of Wikimedia Eesti.
  5. If a new employee has been employed on a trial basis, the member of the management responsible for organising work shall organise a result appraisal with the employee one week before the end of their trial period, discussing current results, continuing work after the trial period, possible and necessary changes in work organisation, questions regarding training and the further expectations of both parties. Other members of the management may also participate in the result appraisal. The responsible member of management shall take minutes of the appraisal.

Salary policy

  1. The salary policy must ensure that Wikimedia Eesti has a permanent staff with the necessary qualifications. It must also motivate development, be balanced and ensure controlled expenses.
  2. The organisation of salaries is based on categorising work based on its level of difficulty, the training required for the work, the required qualifications and the level of responsibility required in the position.
  3. Determining salary levels shall be based on observations of the situation in the third sector and the level of the local salary market, taking into account the work load, the presumed location and the condition of the labour market. Results of work-related assessment shall also be taken into account if necessary and possible.
  4. Ongoing issues related to salaries and taxes shall be resolved by the member of the management responsible for organising work and the contracted accountant of Wikimedia Eesti.

Approved at the meeting of the management of NPO Wikimedia Eesti on 17 September 2013.

Appendix 1


Requirements for the prevention of terrorism and money laundering

  1. All employees, grant recipients, scholarship recipients and natural and legal persons applying for the covering of expenses in Wikimedia Eesti must provide sufficient data to the NPO to enable to verify that they are not involved in illegal activities or the financing of terrorism. To receive the money, they must provide permission in advance for their data to be forwarded for verification to the Wikimedia Foundation.
  2. To reduce the risk of abusing money, Wikimedia Eesti shall only pay grants as covering expenses; exceptions are permitted with the decision of the management on the basis of a justified written application. If grant money was paid before expenses, the recipient of the money must provide complete documents regarding the expenses for the entire grant to prove that the expenses conformed to the rules of Wikimedia Eesti and the Wikimedia Foundation. Any expenses that do not conform to these requirements shall not be compensated or the recipient of the grant must return the money received to the extent of the expenses that do not conform to requirements.