Wikimedia España/Plan Anual/2016



Wikimedia Spain is a nonprofit association whose purpose is to promote directly or indirectly the dissemination, improvement and support of all initiatives that support open access, use, study and modify of content, such as hosted and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation projects.

Initially the work done was that necessary for start the purposes for which it was constituted. Over time, the chapter has consolidated and there has been an increase of activities carried out and the geographical distribution has expanded, so it´s necessary an Annual Action Plan to enable a better organization and realization of the projects and activities and achieve the goals of the chapter.

Fields of activity





  • Raise the awareness of the cultural institutions about their role with respect to free culture and knowledge.
  • Achievement of free materials by involving cultural institutions in the development of quality content.
  • Increase the participation of editors.
  • Generate a feeling of trust in Wikimedia movement among cultural institutions.
  • Increase the quality and quantity of Wikimedia content.


  • Organizing contests both of articles and photography to get quality content.
  • Collaboration with cultural institutions (GLAM) to get quality content and disseminate the values of Wikimedia movement.
  • Organizing edit-a-thons to attract new editors and improve content.
  • Events coverage, specially sports, music and culture, to get quality images of topics usually difficult to illustrate.




  • Develop the internal infrastructure of the chapter.
  • Increase collaboration with local communities.
  • Increase membership.
  • Increase diffusion and visibility of the chapter in society.


  • Periodical members meetings.
  • Annual Assembly, organizing parallel activitities.
  • Increasing membership through campaigns.
  • Supporting local communities in the development of activities and programs.
  • Communication: improving the visibility of the chapter´s activity through the new blog and website and offer merchandising in the events to facilitate the dissemination of the movement.




  • Share the values of free knowledge to other sectors of society.
  • Strengthen the relationship with the Wikimedia movement.
  • Establish links with organizations and associations that share the same goals.
  • Gain international visibility.


  • Organizing workshops and courses to increase the knowledge about Wikimedia movement and teach how to contribute in the projects, mainly Wikipedia.
  • Relationship with others free knowledge organizations, supporting their activities and collaborating in the organization of events.
  • Participation in international conferences of the Wikimedia movement.




  • Transmit to future generations the values of culture and free knowledge and the awareness of its benefits and possibilities.
  • Increase the value and interest on Wikimedia projects.
  • Involve institutions in the formation of both teachers and students and facilitate the participation in the process of creation and edition.
  • Become a regular partner to secundary schools.


  • Collaboration with universities, high schools and other educational institutions in the organization of activities like talks or edition courses to increase the dissemination, knowledge and uses of Wikimedia projects.

Staffing plan


Why does Wikimedia España need any employees?


WMES is an association of people who volunteer to do things. For instance, of the thirteen members of the Board (as of October 2015) at least eight have jobs, meaning working hours, timetables and so on. Four are university students, so they have lectures and exams from time to time. So even in the best of cases none of us has great amounts of spare time. In short: manpower is scarce.

Spain is quite a big country. And our members are found in many parts of it, but not in all of them. In 2014 we were invited to give a course in Granada. We couldn’t. Nobody was able to go there. We are volunteers and we live quite complex lives. Sometimes we can go, sometimes we can’t. Sometimes we cannot even attend events in our own home cities! To make things even more difficult, we have been experiencing a big increase in the demand of our services. Many a GLAM want an edit-a-thon. We have moved from begging permission to do things to having a problem of too many people asking for activities at the same time. In short: the country is complex and demand is growing.

What do we want employees for?


WMES faces two different problems.

  1. Activity growth. Museums, universities, public institutions of different sorts are demanding our presence and we are interested in going there. There are many advantages in our being involved with them, from liberating content to educating prospective editors. Most people call it GLAM but I think it is more than that as it involves reaching out to the general public in an industrial manner.
  2. Providing resources to the volunteers. Sometimes we just don’t have the means we need. But even when we do have them, they are often where they are not needed. Matching needs with the existing stock of resources is key to WMES activities’ development. A large country and activities in many places mean that we need to coordinate who is able to go, who can bring the stuff, where the materials are and so on.

How many people do we need?


In order to address two different kinds of problems, we need two people.

  1. A GLAM-related position will address the demand side of the problem: who wants an activity, who offers an opportunity to liberate stuff, which universities can be interested and so on. So it goes beyond the usual galleries, libraries, archives and museums as it includes other institutions such as municipalities, universities, private companies and others.
  2. The resources administration position shall know what and who are available and where and when people or things will be needed. Eventually, it will be attending some events itself if nobody else is available and the opportunity is worth it, but that is not its main task. It is a coordinator that has to make sure that activities and resources are compatible.

Prospective needs


These are the positions needed at present. WMES is close to being granted Asociación de Utilidad Pública status. That means that people giving money to us will be entitled to tax deductions. That also means that more people and more companies will be interested in working with us. We will have to take care of more activities. While the number of volunteers will increase, not all of them will be available or willing to do field-work.
Contacting more institutions, making more activities and attending more volunteers will surely need more staff. Our staff policy has to be flexible enough to deal with it.

Staffing plan adaptation to APG simple requirements


Staffing has been planned considering what our needs are. But an adaptation is required in order to adjust that to the financial possibilities that the APG simple offers. That means that we will employ only one person to develop two different sets of tasks. We believe that it is actually feasible.

The employee would fulfill two different roles:

  1. GLAM-related activities addressed to the demand side of the problem: who asks for an activity, who offers an opportunity to release stuff with a free license, which universities can be interested and so on. So it goes beyond the usual galleries, libraries, archives and museums, as it includes other institutions such as municipalities, universities, private companies and others.
  2. Program coordination activities that facilitate available resources and people wherever they are needed. It is a coordinator that has to make sure that activities and resources are compatible.

The distribution of employee's time will be: 30% GLAM, 20% education institutions, 15% events, 22% community, 13% administrative tasks.

The number man-hours worked during the six-month period financed by the APG simple will be 882.5. Vacation will be 11.5 working days. Both data are legally established by Convenio Colectivo.

Staff description and tasks


Programe manager

Job description

This position requieres knowledge of English and involves travelling throughout Spain, so a car and driving license are needed. It can be carried out from anywhere in Spain. Previous experience is a plus.

Its work will be supervised by the Board, who is to stablish the general instructions.

Task included are:

  1. Training, promotion and dissemination to the benefit of the association that can´t be served by members, either assuming them or supporting them.
  2. Activities and projects related to cultural, educational institutions, public administrations, corporations and associations oriented to Wikimedia projects promotion and content release. Support for similar activities carried out by third parties is also included.
  3. Checking the developement of such projects, including keeping them to the stablished standards. Setting standards so that any people -the program manager, volunteers, other employees- know how to prepare, carry out and report projects.
  4. Meetings with people from cultural institutions in other to generate more opportunities of collaboration.
  5. Attendance to cultural, educational or free knowledge and free software events, that are in line with the porpuse of the Chapter as stablished in its bylaws.
  6. Reporting on individual events and on the general development of these activities within WMES. In particular, presenting reports on GLAM and education.
  7. Keeping WMES members informed of events. Such information can be distributed using mailing lists, the Chapter wiki and other communication channels within WMES.
  8. Keeping track of proposals on this matters that are made by other members, other chapters or other people in the Wikimedia Movement.
  9. Keeping contact with Wikimedia communities in Spain (.gl, .ast, .an, .eu, .oc, .ca, .ext) in order to promote, organize and communicate joint activities and projects.
Engagement time and hours worked over the course of this grant

We expect this person to work for WMES for the duration of the grant (one year).

As per Convenio Colectivo del Sector Oficinas y Despachos de la Provincia de Valladolid[1] the number of working hours in 2016 will be 1,765 and there will be 23 working days of vacation which is about a whole month.

How time will be spent on different programs and activities
Activity Percentage
GLAM 40%
Education 30%
Events 10%
Office hours 5%
Community 15%

Administrative coordinator

Job description

Its tasks would be usually carried out from WMES headquarters in Valladolid. In some cases, its assistance to events will be required. Previous experience is a plus.

Its work will be supervised by the Board, who is to stablish the general instructions.

Task included are:

  1. All aspects related to our premises (sede social) in Valladolid. As we are hosted in a municipal building shared with other organizations, day to day relations with them are also included, as also eventual attention to the public on the premises.
  2. Support to events, including organization, coordination and promotion. Bureaucratic tasks are included too.
  3. Coordinating the covering of public events (sport competitions, concerts, festivals...) contacting members or other people who could attend and cover some event for the Wikimedia projects.
  4. Mantainance of Chapter's domains, including proposing buying or leaving when required.
  5. Daily managing of social network acounts, including answering. Daily managing of email and lists, both within the Chapter and to/from other people.
  6. Upkeeping WMES pages in Meta and similar places.
  7. Following free content projects by chapter members, including contacts, thank messages and certifications.
  8. Keeping record and informing volunteers of the activities promoted by the Chapter.
  9. Contacting new volunteers to facilitate their integration. That includes informing them about projects and other activities.
  10. Attending media when no other person is available.
  11. Reporting about Chapter's activities and helping volunteers with reporting tasks.
Engagement time and hours worked over the course of this grant

We expect this person to work for WMES for the duration of the grant.

As per Convenio Colectivo del Sector Oficinas y Despachos de la Provincia de Valladolid[2] the number of hours worked in 2016 will be 1,765 and there will be 23 working days of vacation which is about a whole month.

How time will be spent on different programs and activities

Activity Percentage
General administration 20%
Community 39%
GLAM 10%
Events (of which WLX) 21% (4%)
Education 10%

Notes and references
