Projects & Index


The Wikimedia projects


The Wikimedia Foundation operates 11 free knowledge projects managed and built by a community of over 100,000 active volunteers.

Wikipedia® The free encyclopedia containing more than 18 million articles in 270 languages, visited by over 414 million users globally every month. The most comprehensive and widely used reference work humans have ever compiled. 100,000 active volunteers contribute new content every month.

Wikimedia Commons A repository of almost 10 million freely usable images, sound and video files, serving both Wikimedia's projects and countless other educational and informational needs.

MediaWiki® The leading open-source wiki software on the Internet which acts as the backbone for all of the Wikimedia Foundation's wikis and thousands of other wiki communities.

Wiktionary® Dictionary and thesaurus

Wikibooks Free textbooks and manuals

Wikisource® Free source documents

Wikinews® Free content news source

Wikiquote Collection of free quotations

Wikiversity Free learning tools

Wikispecies Dictionary of species

Meta-wiki Project coordination



(figures current as of March 2011, unless otherwise stated)

  • Wikimedia Foundation sites unique visitors: 414 million
  • Language editions of Wikipedia: 270
  • Average number of new articles created daily, July 2009 through June 2010: 7,688
  • Number of articles across all Wikipedia language editions: 17.9 million
  • Number of edits to Wikipedia, July 2009 through June 2010: 137.9 million
  • Average monthly page views, July 2009 through June 2010: 12 billion



All images from the Wikimedia Commons are under a CC-BY-SA or public domain license unless otherwise stated. The content contained within the annual report is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v.3.0 ( or any later version. The trademarks and logos of the Wikimedia Foundation and any other organization are not included under the terms of this Creative Commons license. Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimania, Wikipedia, Commons, MediaWiki, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikiquote, Wikiversity, Wikispecies, and Meta-wiki are pending trademark registration or are registered trademarks of Wikimedia Foundation. British Museum is a registered trademark of the Trustees of the British Museum; Ford Foundation is a registered trademark of the Ford Foundation.

For more information, please see our Trademark Policy page, For other questions about our licensing terms or trademark policy, please email legal

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Story consultant, David Weir.

Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 USA

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