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Wikimedia Foundation 2011–12 Annual Report

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Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.


This was the year the free knowledge movement found its voice.


For nearly 12 years, we’ve been building a world where information is freely available for people everywhere. In 2011–12, for the first time, we felt that world was seriously under threat. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) were pieces of proposed legislation in the US that might have seriously damaged the free and open Internet, including Wikipedia.

That’s why in January 2012, more than 1,800 Wikipedians made a collective decision to black out Wikipedia for 24 hours in order to raise awareness about SOPA and PIPA. The protest was a huge success: more than eight million people used our look-up tool to find their elected representatives, millions more made their voices heard on social media, and thousands of journalists published news stories. The bills were dropped.

We hesitated before we blacked out the site, because we know how important Wikipedia is to people, and we didn’t want to lightly take it away from them. Plus we didn’t want to squander the goodwill that people feel for the site. Readers trust Wikipedia because they know that, despite our faults, our heart is in the right place. We’re not trying to sell a product or a point of view: we just want to provide useful, neutral, reliable information.

We may never do anything like the anti-SOPA/PIPA protests again. We don’t consider ourselves to be political, and we’re not an advocacy organization. But we’re proud that when it really mattered, we spoke up. We believe January 2012 was when Wikipedia found its public voice, speaking up for those who write and read Wikipedia — and for the ability of ordinary people to share and learn together.

Beyond SOPA and PIPA, in 2011–12 the Foundation focused on its core priorities: improving quality, increasing participation, expanding our reach, stabilizing our infrastructure and supporting innovation. We expanded some of our most successful programs, including the Wikipedia Education program, and we launched Wikipedia Zero. We made significant steps forward developing new features like Wikipedia’s visual editor, the article feedback tool, and new interfaces and apps serving a rapidly growing audience of mobile users.

We’ve got more great work ahead in 2012–13.

We want to thank our donors. The fact that you pay the costs of the site keeps us independent of outside influence, and able to deliver exactly what you want and need from Wikipedia. As it should be.

And we want to thank the people who create Wikipedia — writing it, taking photographs for it, copyediting, working to resolve disagreements, fighting vandalism, creating code, responding to reader questions, and all the other tasks involved.

You’re making information freely available for a half-billion people around the world, and they — and we — are grateful. Thank you for everything you do.

Sue Gardner, Executive Director
Kat Walsh, Chair, Board of Trustees



The Wikimedia Foundation operates 11 free knowledge projects managed and built by a community of over 100,000 active volunteers.


Wikipedia® Free encyclopedia

The free encyclopedia containing more than 23 million articles in 285 languages. The most comprehensive and widely used reference work humans have ever compiled. More than 74,000 active volunteers contribute every month.


Wikimedia Commons® Shared media repository

A repository of almost 15 million freely usable images, sound and video files, serving both Wikimedia’s projects and countless other educational and informational needs.


MediaWiki® Open-source wiki software

The leading open-source wiki software on the Internet which acts as the backbone for all of the Wikimedia Foundation’s wikis and thousands of other wiki communities.


Wikispecies® Dictionary of species


Wikibooks® Free textbooks and manuals


Wikinews® Free content news source


Wikiquote® Collection of free quotations


Wiktionary® Dictionary and thesaurus


Meta-wiki™ Project coordination


Wikiversity® Free learning tools


Wikisource® Free source documents

Financial Performance


All financial data is reported in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Statement of Activities
The Wikimedia Foundation’s 2011–12 fiscal year took place from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.
in thousands of dollars
Description Amount
Support and revenues
Donations and contributions 35,067
In-kind equipment donation 965
In-kind service revenue 297
Other income, net 666
Investment income, net 44
Release of restrictions on temporarily restricted net assets 1,441
Total revenue 38,480
Salaries and wages 11,749
Awards and grants 2,107
Internet hosting 2,487
In-kind service expenses 297
Operating 9,199
Travel and conferences 1,533
Depreciation and amortization 1,889
Total expenses 29,261
Increase in unrestricted net assets 9,219
Temporarily restricted net assets
Contributions 2,959
Release of restrictions on temporarily restricted net assets (1,441)
Increase in temporarily restricted net assets 1,518
Increase in net assets 10,737

Balance Sheet
as of June 30, 2012
in thousands of dollars
Assets Liabilities & Net Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 21,797 Liabilities
Contributions receivable 3,084 Accounts payable 745
Accounts receivable 495 Accrued expenses 1,034
Investments 3,600 Deferred revenue 294
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 1,257 Other liabilities 205
Total current assets 30,233 Total liabilities 2,278
Property, plant, and equipment, net 5,168 Net Assets
Nonconcurrent portion of contributions receivable 1,806 Unrestricted net assets 29,991
Temporarily restricted net assets 4,938
Total net assets 34,929
Total assets 37,207 Total liabilities and net assets 37,207

Functional allocation of expenses 2011–2012
Engineering $11,922,096
Global Development $6,911,256
General and Administrative $6,271,656
Fundraising $3,150,480
Governance $1,005,164
Total $29,260,652



Board of Trustees

Kat Walsh, Chair
Jan-Bart de Vreede, Vice Chair
Stu West, Treasurer
Bishakha Datta, Secretary
Jimmy Wales, Founder
Phoebe Ayers (through July 2012)
Ting Chen (Chair through July 2012)
Samuel Klein
Arne Klempert (through July 2012)
Matt Halprin
Alice Wiegand
Patricio Lorente

Advisory Board

Ward Cunningham
Florence Devouard
Melissa Hagemann
Mimi Ito
Mitch Kapor
Veronique Kessler
Neeru Khosla
Teemu Leinonen
Nhlanhla Mabaso
Rebecca MacKinnon
Wayne Mackintosh
Benjamin Mako Hill
Roger McNamee
Domas Mituzas
Trevor Neilson
Craig Newmark
Achal Prabhala
Clay Shirky
Michael Snow
Jing Wang
Jessamyn West
Ethan Zuckerman

Executive Director
Sue Gardner

Executive Team
Geoff Brigham
Garfield Byrd
Zack Exley
Erik Möller
Barry Newstead
Gayle Karen Young



The Wikimedia Foundation benefits from its unique global community of volunteer editors and financial contributors. We thrive due to the vital support we receive from this community.

$1 million +


Stanton Foundation

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Pavel Durov

$100,000 – $999,999


Peter Baldwin & Lisbet Rausing

Charina Endowment

William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

Brin Wojcicki Foundation

Anonymous (1)

$25,000 – $99,999


Andy & Consuelo Fund

Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation

Irene Clardy

Google Matching Gifts

Microsoft Matching Gifts

Shor Family Foundation

Lawrence Spitters

Two Sigma Investments LLC

Yardi Systems, Inc.

Anonymous (2)

$5,000 – $24,999


John Abele

Academy Place Foundation

Bijan & Soraya Amin Foundation

Eric Anderson Foundation

Apple Matching Gifts Program

Dana Bartlett

Patricia Bell

JoeBen Bevirt & Jennifer Barchas

Michael Birch

Milonja Bjelic

Brightwater Fund

Annette Campbell-White

John Caulkins

James Chambers

Fong Tat Chong

CNC Repair & Sales

Pat & Eva Condon Foundation Fund

William Deramus

Livio Desimone

Disruptor Foundation

Elbaz Family Foundation

Stack Exchange

David & Amy Fulton Foundation

Fund for Second Nature at the Bessemer Trust

Geisel Family Foundation

Glenair Inc

Toni Godfrey

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Foundation

Arlene & Arnold Goldstein Family Foundation

Jose Luis Gonzalez Rodriguez

DW Gore Family Foundation

Grace Jones Richardson Trust

Grainger Foundation

Graphics Press, LLC

Gary Gray

Marc Haas & Helen Hotze Haas Charitable Foundation

Mark Heising & Elizabeth Simons

Alan Huber

Indigo Trust

Jose Luis Infiesta Valls

Scott Jordan

Wong Ka Wai

Ravi Kalidindi

Neeru Khosla

Scott Kluth

Andras Konya

Takashi Kousaka

Sean Lennon

Mark & Candace Leonard

Michael Lewis

Rosa Lockett

De Long Stanislawski & Co.

Richard Lounsbery Foundation

Donald Luhmann

Irene Lynch

Madan Family

Joseph K. McLaughlin

Mary Meeker

National Christian Foundation

National Combined Federal Campaigns

Network For Good

New York Community Trust

Newsmax Media Inc.

Kevin O' Shea

Paul O'Neill

Henrik Orsted Administration

Nicholas Palevsky Fund

Manish Pandya

Stuart Paynter


Frank & Denise Quattrone Foundation

Melanie Reimer

Jonathan Rosen

Santa Barbara Foundation

Schaible Seidletz Foundation

Christopher Seiwald

Shvat Shaked

James Simons

Skowronski Family Foundation

Lawrence Stupski

Aaron Swartz

John Templeton Foundation

Tripling Elephants

Unger Foundation

Robert L Vick

Charles & TC Vollum

Khanh Vu

Everett Wetchler

Peter Wheeler & Elizabeth Munro

William Wolf

King & Linda Won

Gibson Worster

David Zwirner

Anonymous (11)

$1,000 – $4,999


Anurag Acharya

David Agraz

Mohammed Zaman Akil

Maha Al-Sulaiti

Amir Aliev

Abdulhamid Alkasbany

Mohammed Alkhalifa

Ilan Almog

Alpine School District Technology Dept.

Fatma Alsabah

Ahmed AlSager

David Alston

Konrad Alt & Maureen Kennedy

Richard Altmaier

American Endowment Foundation

Mitch Ames

Levin Anne

Dalibor Antonic

Benjamin Appen

Appleby Charitable Trust

Adolfo Arena

Charles Arnold

Kevin Connor Arpe

Vadim Asadov

Robert Ashcroft

Austin Community Foundation

Jesse Ausubel

Omer Ayfer

Sandra Ayling

Rick Ayre

John Babcock

Brayton Bailey

Bailey Family Foundation

Alexis Baird

John Baldridge

Sam Baldridge

Roger J Bamford

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

Cindy Barber

Julien Basch

Peter Baumgartner

Jack Baylis

Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation, Inc.

William Benter

David Bentley

Marc Berndl

Jules Bernstein & Linda Lipsett

Peggy Bess

Rajeev Bhaman

Kasi & Jayashree Bhaskar

Ramamoorthi Bhaskar

BiblioLabs LLC

Michael Bills

Graeme Birchall

Claude Blackburn

Paula Blaha

Boulder Labs Inc

Laurence Boyd

Bob Bradley

William Brall

Joseph Brandt

Heidi Brockman

Robert Brooks

William Brown

Broyhill Family Foundation

Russell Bucciere

Paul Bugyik

Thomas Buhr

Brian Burnim

John Burrison

David Bydeley

Alex Cable

Judy Cagle

George Cameron

Robert Capps

Caremed Health Corporation

Adam Carte

Christopher Carter

Eligio Cedeno

Bertrand Chan

Glenn Chesterton

Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program

Nicholas Chu

William Cline

Mary Beth Cody

James Cogbill

Scot Colburn

Columbia Pictures

Conger Family Foundation

Ryan Conlon

Lenore C Cooney

Ardelle Cowie

Martin Crawford

Bryan Culbertson

Burt Cutler

Jeffrey Dauber

Ad Davidse

Muhammad Dawood

Carl de Marcken

John De Palma

Pierre de Saab

Paolo De Santis

William Devitt

Peter deVos

David Dewhurst

Dillon Fund

Margaret Dixon

Mathew Donovan

Michael Doyen

Dr. Dobb's

DRB Systems Incorporated

Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation

Lawrence H. & Elizabeth S. Dunlap Foundation

Douglas Durst

Brendan Dyson

Kenneth Eddings

William B Edwards

Peter Egli

Stanley Eisenberg

Bruce Elleman

Enablement Fund

Energy Income Partners LLC

Charles Engelke

Randall Erickson

Lars Erlandsson

Esolutions First LLC

Mark Esposito

Peggy Farber

Ira Fay & Ruth Kaplan

Jeffrey Feddersen

Fieldstead and Company

David Fifield

John Filetti

Michael Fine

First National Bank

Kristy Fisher

Gerald Fishman

Carla Flournoy

Marek Fludzinski

Norman Fogelsong

Marc Forand

Robert Ford

William Ford

Bruce Ford Brown Charitable Trust

Jamie Forrest

John Fox

John Frame

Isabelle Francois

Max Frankel

Andrew Fraser

Mark Frohnmayer Advised Fund

Victor Gadzhiev

Gheorghe Ganea

Jason Gans

Don Garrett

Richard L. Garwin

GE Foundation

Ken Geib

Betty Gerlack

Sal Giambanco

John Giannandrea

Jacob Gibson

Andy Glew

Bradley Grantham

Gregory Grass

Stuart Gray

Green Bicycle Fund

Ribes Greus

Mary Beth Guard

Joshua Guberman

James Guiry

Jose M Guzman Ibarra

Luis Armando Guzman Luna

Alexandre Haag

Paul Haahr

Patrick Hagan

Julian Haight

Tsutsui Hajime

J Hall

Sue Ann Hamm

Kevin Hammond

Kimberley Harding

K Harigai

Clayton Harper

Fred Hassani

Michael Hassett

Allen Hathaway

John Healy

Jonathan Heiliger

Franz Heinsen

Greg Hendershott

M. Hepel

Hewlett Packard Company Foundation

Martin Hibdon

Timothy T. Hilton

Gregory Hirschmann

David Hitz

Jim Hobart

Paulien Hogeweg

Adrian Holovaty

Aubrey Holt

John Horne

Krista Horstman

Patrick Hosey

David S. Howe Foundation

David Humm

Aaron Hung

William H Hurt Foundation

Don Husby

David Ignat

Daniel Ihnat

IJzerlo Holding B.V.

Osamu Ikeuchi

Lawrence W. Inlow Foundation

Grattan Institute

Intergrid Mideast Group LLC Kliakhandler

Iolo Technologies

Elizabeth Ireland Graves Foundation

Tetsuya Isozaki

Roy Jabionka

Douglas Jaffe

Vinay Jain

Jim Jannard

Kent Janér

Jonathan Jarvis

Jessica Jenkinson

Amy Jernigan

David Joerg

Scott Johns

Mark Johnson

Fredrik Johre

Srikanth Jonnalagadda

Robert E. Jordan

Jacques Jorion

Michael Just


Richard Kandarian

Kara Fund

Sinan Karaca

Steve Kass

Kellogg Company

Joseph Kennedy

Jennifer King

Elizabeth Kinney

Lisa Kirros

Nora Klein

Kleinschmidt Family Foundation

Robert Knapp

Jonathan Knowles

Donald & Jill Knuth

Eric Koegler

David Kohler

Keen Yung Kong

Boris Kontsevoi

Caroline Koo

HM Koo

Erin Korber

Koss Family Fund

Khris Krepcik

Kenya Kura

Marc Labelle

Jeffrey Lamkin

Jim Lampl

David Landhuis

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Landis

Miguel Lantigua

Dianne Lawrence

Karen Lawrence

Michiel le Roux

Seth Lederman

Eric Lee

Linda Lee

Muchen Lee

LegitScript LLC

John Leong

Leslie Family Foundation

Shawn Ligocki

Jing Lim

Aase Lindahl

Christopher Lingle

Jeffrey Litwiller

Juliette Liu

Richard Liu

Epigmenio López

Keith Loritz

Nicholas & Diane Lovejoy

Joshua Lovelace

Felicia Lovelett

Lu Foundation

Marilyn Lucht

Monique Lusse

Benjamin Lutch

Joseph Lyons

Shashikiran M S

Michael Makuch

Anup Mantri

Lauren Marino

Lars Markhus

Josef Martin

Dawn Mason

Philip Mateescu

Rafael Mayer

Philip Mayfield

Craig McCaw

Ryan McCorvie

Bill McCune

SD McGee

Georgia McGraw

Brian McInnis

Steven Melander-Dayton

Merrill Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Eugene Mesgar

Metropolitan Arts Partnership

Metz Family Foundation

Carol Meyer

Gil Michaels

J Michael Miller

Kelly Miller

James Millis Jr. Donor Advised Fund

Milner Family Foundation

Dr. L. David Mirkin

Florin Miron

Domas Mituzas

Gavin Moodie

Ethel Moore

Norma & Randy Moore

Stuart Moore

Rodman W. Moorhead III

Charles Morgan

Timothy Mott

Jon Moynihan

Andrea Mueller

Eben Muglen

Azat Mukhametov

Anton Murashov

Musk Foundation

Thomas Myers

Jasmine Nabi

Bapi Nag

Theodore Naleid

Raghuram Narayan

National Instruments Matching Gifts

Newsmax Media

Eric Nickell

Govind Nk

Nord Family Foundation

Asia Nugent

Alisa O'Leary

Diya Obeid

Purnendu Ojha

Bryan Olson

Oracle Corporate Matching Gifts Program


Naoto Otani

Jim Pacha

Margot Page

Mohan Pandit

C E Patterson

Peil Charitable Trust

Marielee Perez

Drew Perkins

Yorick Peterse

Duane Phillips

Joel Phillips

Franck Pion

Alexander Polsky

Diane Post

Robert Prestezog

James & Michelle Pretlow

Spencer Pricenash

Prickett, Jones & Elliott, P.A.

Max Pucher

Jane Pyenson

Eric Pynnonen

Qualcomm Matching Gift Program

Robert Quillin

Sreeram Ramachandran

E. Randol & Pamela Schoenberg

Mahendiranath Rangareddy

Mike Ranta

Navaneetha Rao

Valmiki Rao

Vivekanand Rau & Farzaneh Abhari

Pat Roach

Thomas Rocklin

Michael Rogers

James Rolle

Claudio Rondinelli

Thomas Rosato Foundation

Evan Rosenfeld

Dennis Rossman

Aaron Rotenberg

Royce Family Foundation

Mark Russinovich

Pooja Rutberg

Frank Ruthacker

Richard Saada

Stephen Sacks

Thomas Salander

Mary Salmon

John Santmann

Sawa Family Charitable Fund

Saye Family Fund

Brian & Cynthia Scanlan

Sebastian Schachinger

James Schimpf

Steven Schlossstein

Anna Scott

Seattle Foundation

Thomas Seiz

Semantic Arts Inc

William Serpe

Albert Shahugian

Konstantin Shchuka

Jacqueline Shelburne

Joan Sherman

Michael Shimoide

Clay Shinn

Daniel Shull

Sarah Siddiqui

Jason Simar

Russel Simmons

Kathleen Simpson

Sims/Maes Foundation

Linda Slakey

Barry Smith

Steven Smith

Susan Smith

Charles Smith-Dewey

Sara Smollett

Snyder White Oaks Foundation of Delaware

Luca Sobacchi

Fady Soliman

Jennifer Sparks

Joel Spiegel

Nathan Springer

Raghavan Srinivasan

James Stanard

Trevor Standley

Kevin Stanford

Renata Stasaityte

Dennis Stattman

Jim & Debby Stein Sharpe

Alessandro Steinfl

Gary Steinmetz

Allan Stephan

Anthony Stieber

Michael Stochosky

Matthew Streeter

Strypemonde Foundation

Amy Subach

Edna Sugihara

James Summerton

David Sunderland

Mohammed Suroor

Gerald Sussman

Andrew Sutherland

Arne Svensson

Tarbell Family Foundation

Philip Taron

Jacob Taylor & Jean Park

Teamtrio Fund

David Thacher

The Behemoth

Robert Thomas

Jerry Thoundayil

Timothy Thousand

Zhou Tong

Roger Trimmer

Laurent Tu

Christopher Turner

Puduvankunnil Udayakumar

Rui Ueyama

Dr. Chris Uhlik & Kathryn Baganoff

James Uttley

Cumrun Vafa

Willie van der Vorm

Gregor van Egdom

Frans van Schaik

Irene & Richard Van Slyke

Sami Vanhatalo

Steven VanRoekel

Kenton Varda

Varian Partners In Giving Program

Ajit Varki

Patrick Vaughan

Mika Veikkolainen

Villazzo LLC

Paul Von Kuster

Peter Vosshall

Chad Wagner

Victoria Walsh

Dirk Walvis

James Ward

Mark Warner

Rich Warner

Linda Wehbi

Alan Weiner

Philipp Weis

Adam J. Weissman Foundation

William Weitzel

William Wenham

Jeffrey Werbalowsky

Michael Whitesage

Wikimedia Foundation Staff

John Williams

Robert Williamson

Paul Wilmes

Windmill Foundation

Peter Wiringa

B. Douglas Wood

John Wood

Lowell Wood

Mark Woodlyn

Alistair Woodman

Susan Woodward

Stephen Woolverton

Yongming Wu

Wu Xie

Peirong Xu

Yahoo Employee Funds Matching Gifts Program

Changgao Yang

Daphne Yang

Winston Yang

Yee Family Foundation

Richard Yonash

Takeshi Yoshino

Jonathan Young

Rebecca Zatsman

ZBI Employee Allocated Gift Fund

Zen Profits LLC

Billy Zhao

Liwei Zhong

Ed Zimmer

Anonymous (68)

The Wikimedia Foundation is a four-star rated charity according to Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent charity evaluator.
In 2012, the Wikimedia Foundation was chosen number one in the “Top 100 Best NGOs” by the Global Journal.



The content contained in this publication is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v3.0 ( unless otherwise stated. The trademarks and logos of the Wikimedia Foundation and any other organization are not included under the terms of this Creative Commons license. The Wikimedia Foundation trademarks and logos are usually pending trademark registration or are registered trademarks of the Wikimedia Foundation. For more information, please see our Trademark Policy page, or contact

Visit for a PDF or wiki-hosted version of the 2011–12 Annual Report, as well as localized language editions in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Design by David Peters, EXBROOK
Editorial consultant, David Weir