維基媒體基金會職員及承包商共同與志工社群一起參與維護此頁面的內容。 | ![]() |
Well played Wikimedia. 2065 votes for the Sound of all Human Knowledge. Thanks to your participation, we have a sound logo. |
The Sound of All Human Knowledge
The call is out: From 13 September to 10 October, 2022, everyone, everywhere is invited to participate in the Wikimedia sound logo contest.
We have started a library of sounds for you to get you inspired to create your own Wikimedia sound logo. And don't worry, you don't have to be pitch perfect. We have a drop-in clinic for you on September 29 to answer any technical questions you may have.
Please visit the submission portal for full contest rules. Here is an overview for your convenience:
- You can submit up to 3 sound logos
- Your sound logo should be between 1 and 4 seconds long
- Your sound logo should comprise of at least two overlapping layers, textures or sounds
- You must have the rights to use all components of your submission – original sounds and / or CC0 and Public Domain samples
- To the best of your knowledge, your submission should be unique and distinctive
- Your sound logo should be in one of the following formats: MP3 at a bit rate of at least 192kbps, OGG at a bit rate of at least 160kbps, or WAV with a bit depth of at least 16-bit

世界各地的人們越來越多地使用數碼語音助手來尋找資訊,其中很多的資訊來自維基媒體專案。維基媒體基金會希望與社群和自由知識愛好者共同創建一個聲音徽標 (Sound Logo),讓聽眾知道他們的資訊來源來自維基媒體的可信世界。為了共同創造這個聲音徽標,我們希望舉辦一場全球比賽。
什麼是聲音徽標(Sound Logo)?我們為什麼要創建它?
聲音標誌 (Sound Logo)是簡短的聲音合集,通常在 2 到 4 秒之間。這個贏得比賽的聲音徽標將成為一種在各種用途和平台上識別維基媒體內容的新方式,提供越來越多和更廣泛的維基媒體內容識別,並有望進一步增加參與維基媒體運動的機會。最初的用例將用於識別維基百科和其他關於語音用戶界面技術的維基媒體內容。
- 連接形成
- 知識增長
- 問答
- 可信信息
- 自由開放的知識
我們只接受 1 到 4 秒之間的參賽作品。 如果出現以下情況,參賽作品將被進一步取消資格:
- 包含攻擊性材料
- 侵犯版權(非創用CC授權條款0/公共領域或非原創作品)
- 顯然是破壞行為,而不是創造性的執行
- 包含口語……我們希望有一個沒有語言的聲音標誌
在組織團隊的支持下,由社群成員組成的團隊將進行初步篩選、檢查故意破壞,和標記。 如果您想成為篩選團隊的一員,我們會很高興得到您的支持。
Please visit the contest submission page starting 13 September, 2022.
我們想建立一個簡單易用的平台,可以輕鬆接受各種音頻格式。這通常在維基媒體運動中是通過 WordPress 完成的。調整 MediaWiki 以服務於這種公開的競賽將需要成為更大規模對話的一部分。同時,我們不想讓維基共享資源管理員社群負擔過重,因為可能存在破壞行為的大量錄音。我們希望探索 WordPress 和 MediaWiki 之間的不同插件和功能,以便順利過渡到維基共享資源。比賽的投票部分將在維基共享資源上進行,我們希望這將是向我們的豐富媒體庫介紹新成員的好方法。
創造聲音並不容易,而且這需要時間。我們很想激發一場全球性的競爭。我們正在考慮為獲勝者提供 2500 美元,以及來自維基媒體基金會的 5000 美元資助,用於獲勝者選擇的與聲音相關的社群專案。此外,獲勝者可能會被邀請在專業工作室與我們在本次比賽中的技術合作夥伴 MassiveMusic 一起重新錄製他們提交的作品。同時,我們可能有相關的新聞報導,突出比賽、全球參與以及獲勝或入圍的聲音。
維基媒體運動在舉辦全球比賽(通常是攝影)和通過比賽創建視覺徽標方面經驗豐富。創建一個聲音徽標是一項新技術且技術複雜的工作。為此,維基媒體基金會與一家名為MassiveMusic的專業且經驗豐富的聲音機構合作。作為國際領先的聲音徽標專家,MassiveMusic 將為比賽提供指導和反饋,幫助維基媒體運動找到獨特和易於記憶的聲音。
我們在本次比賽中的技術合作夥伴 MassiveMusic 將進行最終的盡職調查。 作為其中的一部分,專業音樂學家將在公眾投票前審查入圍的前 10 名決賽選手。 本次審查將解開決賽選手的包裝,並尋找任何可預見侵犯版權的行為。
對 WordPress 的初步篩選將針對提交的長度、故意破壞和任何明顯的版權侵權行為。 音樂學家的評論將更加深入。 有興趣成為初步篩選團隊或後來的遴選委員會成員的社群成員將被熱忱邀請在此頁面上讓組織團隊知道。 特別是對於遴選委員會,我們的目標是實現志願者和附屬分支機構貢獻者的全球代表性和多樣性。
MassiveMusic 將審查所有符合條件的作品,使用以下選擇標準確定大約 40 名候選作品。來自 MassiveMusic 音樂學家和聲音徽標專家,以及我們的社群成員將組成一個評選委員會。他們將甄選入圍作品,希望從數千份提交的作品中減少到大約 20 個。前 20 名的作品將接受盡職調查和版權檢查,在選擇減少到 10 個作品之前分析每個作品的音樂成分。獲勝的聲音徽標將根據對前 10 名決賽入圍者的公眾投票選出。您有什麼想法?
We are grateful to the Wikimedians who graciously served on the Sound Logo Selection Committee:
- Amrit Sufi, India
- Annie Rauwerda, USA
- Geoffrey Kateregga, Uganda
- Luis Alvaz, México
- Lodewijk Gelauf, Netherlands
- Nassima Chahboun, Morocco
- Shani Evenstein Sigalov, Israel
- 概念匹配:50%;聲音徽標是否代表了維基媒體運動的精神?這是否清楚地連結到創意提示?這給人的感覺是人性化的、靈感的、聰明的和溫暖的嗎?
- 原創性/獨特性:25%;聲音徽標是否感覺原始和獨特?這與其他聲音徽標相似嗎?與其他聲音徽標相比,這是否脫穎而出?
- 召回率:25%;聲音徽標是否令人難忘/可唱歌/可播放?這能讓人記得多清楚?這有特色嗎?
- 您只能參加比賽一次,參賽作品最多可以上傳三個不同的聲音徽標。通過這種方式,我們希望鼓勵國際之間不同的作品提交。
- 您的聲音標誌應包含至少兩個重疊的層次,紋理或聲音。
- 您必須有權使用您提交的所有組件,因為它們要么是原始錄音,要么是具有創用CC授權條款0或在公共領域內的樣本。
- 據您所知,您提交的作品應該與其他現有的音樂曲目、音頻作品、聲音藝術和聲音徽標不同。
- 您提交的作品時間不應短於 1 秒且不超過 4 秒。
- 您提交的作品必須作為以下任何一種文檔類型:MP3 比特率至少為 192kbps、OGG 比特率至少為 160kbps 或 WAV 比特深度至少為 16 位。
社群對話 | 5 月 23 日至 6 月 10 日 |
向維基媒體運動提出競賽提案,以供反饋和定稿 | |
準備工作 | WordPress平台創建 |
維基共享資源投票平台創建 | |
社群參與篩選團隊和遴選委員會的外展活動 | |
開發全球比賽宣傳材料 | |
在維基媒體國際會議和其他地方舉辦研討會,以培養感興趣的社群成員相關的基本混音技能 | |
提交作品 | 9 月中旬至 10 月中旬的 4 週 |
在 WordPress 平台網站上提交作品 | |
社群審查和標記 | |
審查 | 由維基媒體社群成員,以及來自 MassiveMusic 的音樂學家和聲音徽標專家組成的遴選委員會將選出 40 個作品,然後選出 20 個作品。 |
20 名決賽選手將進行深入的盡職和版權調查,遴選委員會會選出 10 個作品。 | |
然後,該委員會將提出 10 名決賽入圍者進行公開投票。 | |
投票 | 3週;目前這將計劃於 2022 年 11 月進行 |
宣佈獲勝者 | 將於2023年進行 |
請在討論頁面上聯繫我們,或是通過電子郵件 soundlogo@wikimedia.org 詢問我們,或加入其中一個對話:
您是一個喜歡音樂的維基成員嗎? 您是音響愛好者嗎? 我們很樂意聽取您的意見。
- 志願者可以為不斷增長的收藏貢獻原創或具有創用CC授權條款0或在公共領域聲音,或者找到現有的聲音,並標記其以供所有人使用。
- 如果您想成為篩選團隊的一員,我們會很高興得到您的支持。 這涉及審查初始提交,以及標記和上傳到維基共享資源。 如果您對此感興趣,請告訴我們。
- 如果您有興趣,請將您的名字提交給遴選委員會,以便與音樂學家和行業專家一起參加評選委員會。
Frequently Asked Questions from previous phases
This section contains previous FAQs.
What is a sound logo?
A sound logo is a brief collection of sounds, such as a short musical mnemonic, usually between 3 to 5 seconds long used to identify content in an audio setting. A sound logo offers us a new way to identify Wikimedia content across a range of possible uses and offers flexibility in that it can be adapted over time to fit different content types while continuing to build association with Wikimedia. This will provide increasing and broader awareness of Wikimedia content, the work of the Wikimedia community, and further opportunities to grow participation in our movement.
How will the sound logo be used?
The main use case is to improve identification of Wikimedia content for data searches using voice-user interface technology. There is broad strategic value to Wikimedia in increasing public recognition of its content as it is re-used in third party platforms and a wide number of audio settings. We hope that the long term benefits will be significant.
While the immediate intention is for use in voice assistant searches, there are other use cases, including notifications in Wikimedia apps and third party apps that reuse Wikimedia content, audio feedback on Wikimedia and third party UIs, and branding on audio and visual content from and licensed by Wikimedia across video, TV, film, podcasts and events. Our objective is to co-create this sound logo with our communities. Adoption of the sound logo will be pursued once this project is complete. We welcome suggestions of other general and community use cases.
Why are we creating a sound logo for Wikimedia?
We have known for a while that direct traffic to our projects has changed over time. A few years ago, we had to accommodate changes reflective of the world around us and adapt to mobile technology. Information seeking has continued to change since, with voice emerging as a leading interface.
The voice assistant market has become substantial and appears to be on the cusp of major multilingual growth. In 2015, there were some 544.1 million unique active voice assistant users worldwide, from consumer and enterprise markets. By 2021, the number of active users has grown to 2.6 billion. Currently, 27% of the world’s online population uses voice search on their mobile devices and many more use non-mobile voice assistants via smart speakers.
Technology companies that offer voice search such as Google, Apple, and Amazon tend to answer general knowledge search queries by scraping data from a variety of sources. Wikimedia content is featured heavily among these sources. One study found that Wikimedia content was used to answer between 81 and 84% of common desktop knowledge queries through Google’s search engine, and that rates were similar for searches on Bing and DuckDuckGo. In the absence of identification of Wikimedia content, users often assume that the knowledge actually comes from the search platform, for example Google. Creating a sound logo for Wikimedia is an important way to preserve Wikimedia’s global reputation, particularly in audio settings.
What about "according to Wikipedia?"
Sound logos generally benefit from simplicity, flexibility, and platform adaptability, and most avoid text or language for this reason. A sound logo based on sounds other than spoken words will be workable across many content types and not be limited to voice search results, as may be the case with “according to Wikipedia”.
Search platforms can help us reach new audiences and achieve our mission of being the infrastructure of free knowledge, but not all companies consistently or effectively identify that certain content comes from Wikimedia. Currently, identification of Wikimedia content through voice assistants is inconsistent. Particularly in:
- Sourcing, specifically the extent to which various large technology platforms use data from Wikimedia content to answer audio queries.
- Identification, specifically the extent to which major technology platforms communicate to knowledge consumers when they are providing content from Wikimedia.
- Identification style, specifically how information is acknowledged as coming from Wikimedia when it is done at all.
When Wikimedia content is used in response to voice searches, it is important that users know where their information comes from. A sound logo will help improve listeners' awareness that the knowledge they receive and value comes from Wikimedia — and from the thousands of volunteers across the world who create and share this knowledge.
How will we create this sound logo?
The organizing team at the Wikimedia Foundation would like to host a global contest to create the Wikimedia sound logo. We hope to make this an exciting, participatory moment across the movement … and beyond, where everyone is invited to create and participate. This contest will draw inspiration from past Wikimedia project logo contests and perhaps other contests. Other Wikimedia logos, such as the puzzle globe logo, the Wikidata logo, the MediaWiki logo and others were developed by community members competing in contests and voting for each other’s work based on specific criteria.
Audio is a fundamentally different medium than imagery and will require different technical means of production, format, and contest criteria. This project will follow similar principles of community consultation, contribution and participation while adapting for the new audio context. This is new for everyone and we are excited to learn together. The pre-launch community consultations (May-June, 2022) will form the backbone of the subsequent phases while ensuring the final selection meets professional sound quality and legal criteria.
How does this project align with the Wikimedia movement?
Our reputation matters so that we can continue to grow participation in our movement, expand our content, and ensure our platforms are trusted and used. Knowledge users should know that the information that they are receiving comes from Wikimedia and associate it with our values and practices: open and free knowledge, global volunteer content creation, trustworthiness, neutrality, and reliability.
As knowledge consumers — our readers, and now also listeners — increasingly source our content via third party search platforms rather than directly from our website or mobile app, we need to find new ways to shape our reputation in these spaces. A sound logo will improve the frequency and consistency with which our content is identified while also linking our content to important values and ideas about Wikimedia.
Our movement strategy recommendation to Innovate In Free Knowledge calls for more initiatives that “Support more diverse modes of consumption and contribution to our projects (e.g. text, audio, visual, video, geospatial, etc.).” In this way, supporting consumption of our projects requires not only that we make our content freely available and easy to access on our platforms, but that we engage users with new forms of technology and help them know and value where the content comes from.
How will communities be impacted?
Sound impacts people on a great visceral level, deeply engaging the listener. It has the power to trigger both positive emotional responses and associative memories as studies have shown that the same parts of our brain are used when listening to music.
Effective sound logos are powerful in that they trigger a positive response in the brain and over time, strengthen their positive association with what they represent. Another advantage of sound logo is helping build memory structures, increasing the likelihood of new users remembering in a positive and non-invasive way that the knowledge they are being served comes from Wikimedia. This is crucial when converting a reader into an editor.
We anticipate that the sound logo will not change the processes by which editors create and curate knowledge on our platforms, but it will positively impact how their collective work is identified when it is used on audio platforms. In the long term, we hope that improved identification of our content will motivate more people to become editors and share in the sum of all knowledge. We invite all sound enthusiasts and musically-inclined community members to participate in creating the Wikimedia sound logo. We hope that the sound lab is a starting point that we can build together over the subsequent weeks and months as the contest begins.
Will the sound logo cover all Wikimedia projects?
For parity across use cases, one sound logo will cover all language versions of Wikimedia projects. We believe it is important to have a singular sound logo to represent all projects, because our goal is to improve recognition of Wikimedia content globally — across millions and potentially billions of knowledge users — where a single signature is much easier to identify and engage with. A singular sound logo can be adapted over time to fit different content types while continuing to build association with Wikimedia without fatiguing or confusing the listener.
Are we partnering with any organizations for this contest?
Creating a sound logo is a new and technically complex endeavor for the Wikimedia movement. The movement has great experience in organizing large, open contests, like for photography or for project logos. However, none have been related to sound. To assist with some of the novel technical needs of this endeavor, the Wikimedia Foundation has partnered with a professional and experienced sonic agency called MassiveMusic. As a leading international expert in sound logos, MassiveMusic will provide guidance and feedback for finding that distinctive sound with movement pride, wide appeal, and a high level of recallability.
Can a sound logo provide attribution?
Wikipedia articles and most other project content are published under Creative Commons licenses that require attribution for reuse. Most Wikimedia projects use a CC BY-SA 3.0 license, with exceptions being Wikidata (CC0) and WikiNews (CC BY 2.5). The Creative Commons licenses and the guidance from the Creative Commons organization (in English) do not explicitly consider how attribution can or should work in an audio context, though they do specify that attribution can be done "in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means and context."
The sound logo is not meant to replace proper Creative Commons attribution when Wikimedia content is used by audio devices. The primary use case is in circumstances when attribution may not be legally required (such as when Wikidata content is used), but we would still like end users to know that information is being sourced from Wikimedia projects.
In many cases, the type and amount of content that an audio device uses may not be enough to trigger an attribution requirement. Mere facts are not copyrightable, and a certain amount of use is permitted by fair use, fair dealing, and similar limitations on copyright. Even if attribution is not legally required, it is a good and considerate practice for audio devices (and everyone else) to identify their source when they find information on the Wikimedia projects. By creating a sound logo, we will provide a new, easy way to identify Wikimedia content. Attribution on audio platforms is a vital and interesting topic and one that we will explore in the future.
How does this fit into our current licensing rules?
Most content created at the Wikimedia Foundation, with very few exceptions, is released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 or 4.0 license. We go a long way to share accessible brand guidelines with individuals and groups across the movement. We would protect a sound logo as a trademark. Although sonic trademarks are a new practice area for the Foundation, our legal counsel will explore this and provide guidance around copyright protection and ways for the sound logo to be reused by Wikimedians.