Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan/Quarterly check-ins/Audiences1 Notes May 2018

Present (in the office): Victoria, Toby, Joady, Danny, Heather, Marshall, Neil, Trevor, Jaime, Heather, Joady, Megan, Katherine, Niharika, Trevor, Volker, Josh W., Joe M.

participating remotely: Subbu, Ryan K, Amir, Dayllan, Kartik, Leon, Niklas, Pau, Rummana, Shannon, Sydney, Tony Sebro, Maggie, Lisa G, Erica L, Subbu, Dan G, Erika B, Jazmin T, Nirzar, Quim G, Roan, Runa

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  • KM: What are we doing with this?
  • DH: We are looking into right now.
  • NQ: This is an investigation we track for general awareness
  • VC: Is 2-month retention the right thing for us to be looking at?
  • NQ: Picture doesn't look that different if you adjust the time period.

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  • KM: Can you clarify default option for new users?
  • DG: Varies on wiki by wiki basis. English Wikipedia is exception (VE is default).

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  • KM: You published a second report. Can you talk more about the outcomes?
  • DG: Sure, I have some graphs in the next slides.

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  • HW: What does successful mean?
  • DG: It's how many people saved their edit.
  • KM: What percentage of unsuccessful edits are because they are blocked?
  • DG: I can find that out.

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*TN: We've hired a data analyst starting in a few weeks.

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  • TN: nice to see editors use template styles for better mobile experiences.

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  • Maggie: Any way to track. retention within a session?
  • Amir: Not currently but plan to do more analysis.
  • Maggie: Great that we are helping poeple find content and would be good to see impact.

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  • VC: Waht's the gray vs blue?
  • Pau: Blue is published. Grey is in progress.
  • VC: Do we have data over longer period?
  • Pau: Yes, we have API and monthly reports.
  • Lisa: Data from 2015 to 2016?
  • Pau: There is a link at the bottom of the slide for more recent data.
  • Pau: Depending on language, there could be multiple content translations available.
  • VC: What's the situation with google translate?
  • Pau: With legal to examine external services. For technical side no issues but need to check licensing.
  • TN: We talked to Dan Foy. Expect update.

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  • VC: Can we click on names and go to article? I remember seeing some interesting things in toolforge.
  • TN: Great example of some things community can do. It's not a priority based on resources.
  • RK: Users can add markers to maps to link to articles

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KM: Community is very happy to see this.

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  • MM: New users will have to submit new articles for the AFC
  • KM: Interested in social queues provided to community.
  • MM: looking at improving language provided to new users so they can navigate better. Communit wants us to focus on software.
  • KM: Let's offer to help review text.

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* KM: Apologies to those who time got compressed. Really appreciate conversation.