Wikimedia Foundation Board noticeboard/Late August 2024 update/mapping

This mapping exercise of a Movement Charter is the first step to realign after the ratification vote. This work is being organised by the Governance Committee of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, in collaboration with other stakeholders who wish to remain engaged (e.g. affiliates, interested contributors, former members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee). This mapping exercise is an outcome of the comments that were submitted through the ratification vote, on-wiki input, and constructive conversations during sessions organised at Wikimania.

The goal of the mapping exercise is to provide visibility into the areas of the movement charter where there is broad agreement, as well as areas of disagreement or divergence. The final product will be a summary of agreements, disagreements, and ambiguities that will help us as a movement find a practical path forward over the next several months.

The process of developing the design, methodology, and execution plan for the mapping exercise is in progress now. If you have ideas or considerations for the design, methodology, or execution plan for the mapping exercise, please share them on the talk page.

Meanwhile, this page will be updated with the latest materials, concluding with the publication of the outcome of the mapping exercise.