Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Reports/2021-02-02 Meeting with the Turkish WikiCommunity

Meeting with the Turkish WikiCommunity


The meeting with the editors of the Turkish Wikipedia and representatives of the Turkish WikiCommunity took place on February 2, at the weekly meeting.

The Turkish community was provided with detailed information about the process, including:

  • It was explained in detail why the Board of Trustees of the WMF decided to change the charter.
  • Details what has changed in the Bylaws.
  • What will change in the future and what you need as a community to do.
  • Urged to actively participate in the discussions and if there is a desire, we can arrange a separate meeting for them.

There were only two questions on the process, it was clear that the Turkish community was not informed and didn't know about the changes that were made in the bylaws, as well as didn't know about the process that followed after that. In the future, before the end of the process, several more meetings are planned.