Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Reports/2021-02-09 Round 1 with French Sub Saharan communities

2021-02-09 Round 1 with French Sub Saharan communities

  • Mahuton - Facilitation for French language Facilitator
  • Bachounda - Facilitation support for French language and MENA region (notetaker)
  • Zita - Facilitation for Sub-Saharan Africa region
  • Yao : Wikimedia community Côte d’ivoire
  • Fawaz : Wikimedia community Bénin
  • Ingrid: Wikimedia community Cameroon
  • Mermoze: Wikimedia community Bénin
  • Minette : Wikimedia community Cameroon
  • Ibrahim : Wikimedia community Sénégal
Ideas discussed

Quotas, Voting system and the Selection Committee

  • Quotas

All participants agreed with the idea of quotas. Particularly with geographical quotas.

  • Voting system

All participants agreed with the move to the Single Transferable Voting system. They think this could increase chances for minorities groups

  • Selection committee

Participantes don’t express a clear position if they preferred a board delegated committee or a community voted committee.

A participant preferred the selected committee voted by the community. He argued that this gives full power to the community.

Some new ideas suggested
  • A participant suggested that candidates could present a list. That list could be made of candidates from different regions, gender etc…
  • A participant suggested that elections could be run by regions and not at the same moment/period. That way we can set diversity taking into account seats that had already been elected in one region or in another. For example, if an election is run in Europe and the elected candidate meets the LGBT+ criteria, then candidates in other regions should meet the remaining diversity criteria.