Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Reports/2021-02-10 French-speaking discussion about Ranked voting system on Twitter

2021-02-10 French-speaking discussion about Ranked voting system on Twitter

Some Stats

Impressions: 1468 people views the thread

  • Engagement: 102 people interact with the thread
  • Retweets: 4 retweets
  • Likes: 19 likes
  • Responses / Comments: 3 comments
Summary of comments

Saying that it is a Great idea! Arguing that it is a modern voting method that has far fewer perverse side effects than the current techniques, whose limits are well known. This participant said that Given the number of seats, it is rather a good method, which gives a certain proportionality. Closer to the original method, proportional approval voting could be used as well. This participant also suggested having a look at other possible alternatives here. This participant commented that the new proposed voting system should be tried out a few times, then lessons should be learned (a protocol to be defined before starting, of course).