Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Community Board seats/Reports/2021-02-21 Meeting with Wikimedia Taiwan

Number of Participants :4
Meeting Platform: Google Meet and Phone patch
The facilitator during the first 30-minutes of the meeting discussed the ideas proposed by both the Board and the community as well as the feedback process expected from the community.

General feedback

  • Most participants are quite surprised at the need for them to give a feedback
  • They agreed to discuss the Call for Feedback to their community members
  • The actual feedback will be translated accordingly for everyone to have a clear understanding
  • Due to some technical problems, the meeting was not able to deliver a two-way communication.

Action required

For the community
  • The community agreed to hold a meeting within themselves and translate the necessary information for others to understand the Call for Feedback
For the facilitator
  • Follow- up the meeting and the feedback by the end of February