
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee/Sister Projects Task Force and the translation is 35% complete.




姉妹プロジェクト任務委員会(以下SiPTaF、Sister Projects Task Forceの略号)ではボランティア諮問委員を3~6名募集しており、それぞれ異なるプロジェクトとコミュニティを代表して任務委員会の一員を務めていただきます。


To submit your candidacy, please start a new section on this talk page about, including:

  • the top 3 reasons you would like to join the project.
  • your experience with sister projects (policy changes, being an administrator or another type of editor with extended rights (functionary) there etc.)
  • the languages you are fluent in (English is the working language of the Task Force).
  • your experience in project management and/or evaluation, if you have any.
  • your experience working on getting a new sister project off the ground (successfully or not).

The Community Affairs Committee is interested in having as diverse a group as possible but would like to balance the transparency and safety of our candidates. Please send the information from which country/region you are coming to trustee Victoria Doronina (vdoronina wikimedia.org) if you are not comfortable sharing it on the talk page. Please see how regions are divided.

Please note: you do not need to disclose your real name publicly for this work. However, if you are selected, you will need to send a copy of an identification document privately to the Wikimedia Foundation and you may be asked to sign a standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if your work requires you to handle sensitive information.



  • (利用者のうち姉妹プロジェクトの 管理者など拡張権限を預かる人のような)役務者経験が1年超あること(現役の場合は有利)、そして/またはプロジェクト管理者の経験に加えて/または評価者の経験が1年超 project あること。
  • ウィキメディア運動ならびにウィキメディアのプロジェクト群、ウィキメディア2030運動戦略の勧告事項に関して全般的な知識を備えていること。("※"=2030 Movement Strategy Recommendations。)
  • 自身が所属する提携団体もしくはプロジェクトの範疇を超えてウィキメディア運動に関与しそれが追跡可能な記録に残っている場合は考慮に加えます。
  • 必須の要件:実用レベルの英会話能力が求められ、根拠は理事会ならびに委員会の実務用語であるからです。


助言者は毎週 2-3 時間程度を活動に当てるよう求められ、月例会議や臨時のオンライン会議の出席、参考資料の用意もしくは評価をすること、必要に応じて理事会委員会、職員、タスクフォース(Taskforce)と個別に/または全体とやり取りをすることが含まれます。助言者としてウィキメディアのプロジェクト群の開設または閉鎖の手順にとどまらず、姉妹プロジェクトが隆盛しているかどうかの判断にも考察を依頼されます。


  • 2023年5月15日を期限として、上記の要件を添えた自選の受付を締め切ります。
  • 2023年5月30日を期限として、SiPTaFによる上位候補者との面談を完了します。
  • 2023年6月15日を期限として、SiPTaFによる候補者選出を完了します。
  • 2023年6月30を期限として、選出された候補者はタスクフォース(Task Force)に加入し、直近のタスクフォース会議に出席します。


SJ, Kasyap, Noe, Billinghurst, and Galahad were appointed as Volunteer Advisory Members in July 2023.

--Victoria (talk) 09:05, 7 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Wikimania 2023 session "Sister Projects: past, present and the glorious future"

The workshop was organised and run by the Sister Projects Taskforce members + the Chair of Community Affairs Committee Shani Evenstein Sigalov.

--Victoria (talk) 09:05, 7 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]


The Sister Project Taskforce currently consists of 6 Trustees (Natalia Timkiv, Esra'a Al Shafei, Mike Peel, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Lorenzo Llosa and Victoria Doronina) as well as five volunteers selected after an open call - Bilinghurst, Sj, Noe, Kasyap, Galahad.

The Sister Project Taskforce work in 2023:

The Taskforce had nine meetings of the Taskforce in 2023, including a hybrid - in Singapore, where we ran a workshop on Sister Projects during the Wikimania 2023. Rosie and Lorenzo had run a similar workshop in Toronto during the Conference North America 2023. The results of the workshops were incorporated into the Taskforce group.

As a result of our work, we have drafted documents pertinent to the Sister project's lifecycle. In 2024, we will present these documents to the Community Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees.


  • We have presented the Draft Procedure for the Siblings Project Lifecycle to the Community Affairs Committee, which approved the public consultation commencing on 13th May 2024.
  • As a result of the public consultation, a revised procedure was developed.
  • The Community Affairs Committee approved the revised procedure.
  • The Community Affairs Committee approved two tests to implement the procedure—one to consider opening a Sister Project and one to consider closing it.
  • SPTF considered the case of the Wikispore and Wikinews correspondingly.
  • We will run public consultations about these projects in 2025.
  • We are in the process of closing the historical applications up to 2023, starting with the "Stale proposals".
    • A former trustee, Rosie and a staff member Sai Suman Cherukuwa were appointed Volunteer Advisory Members.