Wikimedia Foundation Transparency Report/June 2016/Requests for Content Alteration & Takedown

The Wikimedia projects make up one of the world's largest repositories of human knowledge. With that much information, someone is bound to get upset by some of the content from time to time. While the vast majority of content disputes are resolved by users themselves, in some extreme cases the Wikimedia Foundation may receive a legal demand to override our users.

Wikimedia Foundation Transparency Reports
Wikimedia Foundation Transparency Reports

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The Wikimedia projects are yours, not ours. People just like you from around the world write, upload, edit, and curate all of the content. Therefore, we believe users should decide what belongs on Wikimedia projects whenever legally possible.

Below, you will find more information about the number of requests we receive, where they come from, and how they could impact free knowledge. You can also learn more about how we fight for freedom of speech through our user assistance programs in the FAQ.

You can hide memories, but you can’t erase the history that produced them.

— Haruki Murakami, Author,  (2013)
JAN – JUN 2016
Total Number of Requests
JAN – JUN 2016
Percentage of Requests Granted


JAN – JUN 2016
Government requests breakdown
Canada Politicians, Candidates, & Political Parties 1
India Consulate or embassy 1
Military 1
Georgia Politicians, candidates & political parties 1
Turkey Government agency 1
United Kingdom Local government 1
Politicians, candidates & political parties 1
United States Politicians, candidates & political parties 1


JAN – JUN 2016
Where did these requests come from?
Country Received Granted
  United States 71 0
  Germany 22 0
  France 18 0
  United Kingdom 15 0
  India 9 0
  Italy 8 0
  Russia 6 0
  Austria 5 0
  Canada 4 0
  Hungary 3 0
  Japan 3 0
  Turkey 3 0
  Brazil 2 0
  Greece 2 0
  Netherlands 2 0
  Portugal 2 0
  Spain 2 0
  Switzerland 2 0
  Venezuela 2 0
  Australia 1 0
  Liechtenstein 1 0
  Bulgaria 1 0
  China 1 0
  Croatia 1 0
  Czech Republic 1 0
  Dominican Republic 1 0
  Ecuador 1 0
  Egypt 1 0
  Estonia 1 0
  Finland 1 0
  Georgia 1 0
  Malta 1 0
  Mexico 1 0
  Morocco 1 0
  New Zealand 1 0
  Norway 1 0
  Pakistan 1 0
  Poland 1 0
  Romania 1 0
  Slovenia 1 0
  Republic of Korea 1 0
  Sweden 1 0
  Taiwan 1 0
Unknown 39 0
JAN – JUN 2016
Which Wikimedia projects were targeted?
Project Received Granted
English Wikipedia 101 0
No Project Named 20 0
German Wikipedia 17 0
French Wikipedia 16 0
Wikimedia Commons 16 0
Not a WMF site 15 0
Spanish Wikipedia 8 0
Italian Wikipedia 5 0
Multiple 5 0
Portuguese Wikipedia 5 0
Russian Wikipedia 5 0
Japanese Wikipedia 3 0
Turkish Wikipedia 3 0
Chinese Wikipedia 2 0
Dutch Wikipedia 2 0
Hungarian Wikipedia 2 0
Wikidata 2 0
Arabic Wikipedia 1 0
Croatian Wikipedia 1 0
English Wikibooks 1 0
English Wikiversity 1 0
English Wiktionary 1 0
Estonian Wikipedia 1 0
Foundation Wiki 1 0
French Wikinews 1 0
Galician Wikipedia 1 0
Greek Wikipedia 1 0
Gujarati Wikipedia 1 0
Korean Wikinews 1 0
Labs 1 0
Mailing Lists 1 0
Norwegian Wikipedia 1 0
Swedish Wikipedia 1 0



By Any Other Name

  • Time Period: April 2016
  • Story: Sometimes, public figures are upset that Wikipedia articles contain the most basic information: for example, their name. An author with a pen name; a famous comedian who performs pseudonymously; and a musical group that uses stage names—all contacted us earlier this year to have their names removed from Wikipedia articles. Decisions about what well-sourced information should be on the projects belong to the Wikimedia communities. We directed them to the editors of Galician, English, and French Wikipedia, who can evaluate the sources provided for these names and determine whether or not to remove them.

Dictating Content

  • Time Period: April 2016
  • Story: We occasionally receive requests from governments to remove content that those governments may find offensive—even content that is perfectly legal elsewhere. In April, we received an email from the Information and Communication Technologies Authority of the Turkish government, claiming that the Turkish Wikipedia article on Müşfik diktatörlük (benevolent dictatorship) violated Turkish law. We rejected the request, and offered to pass the message on to Turkish Wikipedia volunteers. The projects belong to the contributors, readers, and other members of the Wikimedia communities, and we believe that where possible they should decide what content belongs on the projects.

Happy Hour

  • Time Period: June 2016
  • Story: Occasionally, businesses will claim that Wikipedia articles about their products are unlawful—or, in this case, “illicit”. This happened in June, when an alcoholic beverage organization emailed us, arguing that an international treaty restricted English Wikipedia editors from referring to the organization’s region-specific alcoholic beverage by a generic name. We rejected the request and informed the organization that neither trademark law nor international treaties prevent Wikimedia communities from discussing that product or similar products. We also informed them that they were welcome to work with the volunteers to discuss the proper labeling of their favored drink.