選挙は31 8月 2021に終了しました。以後の投票は受け付けられません。
7 9月 2021に選挙結果が発表されました。election's post mortem pageで、2021年の選挙のフィードバックの提出をご検討ください。
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2021年理事会選挙 |
メインページ |
候補者 |
投票情報 |
単記移譲式投票 |
結果 |
議論 |
よくある質問 |
質問 |
組織 |
翻訳 |
文書 |
- Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
- Victoria Doronina
- Dariusz Jemielniak
- Lorenzo Losa
候補者はコミュニティの投票によって順位付けされていますが、まだ理事会に任命されていません。彼らはまだ身元調査に合格し、付属定款に概説されている資格を満たす必要があります。 この過程は、候補者の居住国によってはさらに長くなる可能性があります。理事会は、今月末に新しい受託者を任命するための暫定的な日付を設定しました。理事会はまた、スムーズな移行を可能にするために、退任する理事の任期の短い延長を承認しました。
2021年の理事会選挙では、新境地を開拓した分野もありました。 運動戦略およびガバナンスチームは、最も注目すべき指標を含むレポートをまもなく公開します。 それまでの間、いくつかの統計をメタウィキで見ることができます。 ここにいくつかのハイライトがあります。
- Participation increased by 1,753 voters over 2017. Overall turnout was 10.13%, 1.1 percentage points more than in 2017.
- The highest participation among wikis with at least 5 eligible voters was seen on the Hausa and Igbo Wikipedias. Both wikis had a participation of 75% (6 of 8 eligible voters). Other high participation numbers were seen on the Telugu, Nepalese, and Punjabi Wikipedias.
- The largest increase in participation among wikis with at least 50 eligible voters was the Catalan Wikipedia, on which 36.3% of eligible voters voted (28 percentage points higher than in 2017).
- There were 214 wikis represented in the election. This is determined by the wiki on which the account was originally created.
- A total of 74 wikis that did not participate in 2017 produced voters in this election.
- A total of 226 wikis had at least one eligible voter but produced no voters. The largest electorate in this group was Cantonese Wikipedia, with 25 eligible voters.
In the upcoming days, an anonymized list of votes will be released that will allow deeper inspection and publication of more metrics.
To see the list of votes:
- Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Votes in a human readable table
- Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/votes.csv in a .csv file which can be read in the script of Lorenzo Losa
- Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/votes.blt in a .blt file which can be read by OpenSTV, which supports many voting methods
- Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/votes.blt output of running OpenSTV with the MeekSTV method
- Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Rank counts a summary table, with a count of how many voters gave a certain rank to a candidate
2022 election
The next Board of Trustees election is planned to take place in 2022. Interested community members can watch the Wikimedia Foundation elections page for updates. Four community seats will be selected at that time. It is not too early to consider and prepare for candidacy. Community members may like to check out Candidate Resources to learn more about what to expect and how to prepare for this role.