Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2008/Candidates/ko
The results were announced on 26 June 2008.

2008년도 이사 선거 |
기구 |
이 문서는 자격이 있는 후보자의 자기 소개입니다. 투표를 하기 전에 투표 규칙을 읽어 주세요. 또한 후보자에게 질문을 하거나 질문 내용을 볼 수도 있습니다.
후보자 소개
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성명 | I was born and lived half of my life in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I worked for three years as a postdoc at the University of Illinois and now for almost twelve years in Melbourne, Australia, as a research scientist in an industrial company. I am a wikipedian since Jun 2005, an admin on en-wiki since February 2006 and the author of the AlexNewArtBot bot.
What worries me is that the development of Wikipedia appears to be slowing down, perhaps even stagnating. To counter this we have to solve a few problems on the WMF level:
Dan Rosenthal (Swatjester)
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성명 | My candidacy is a referendum for three principles.
Jussi-Ville Heiskanen (Cimon Avaro)
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성명 | A life long New Yorker, I am an active admin on en-wiki, a member of the Bot Approvals Group, and have assisted the MedCom, at their request, in formal mediation matters.
A recent MBA acct grad, I have worked part time in non-profit orgs, up to the board level, for nearly 3 years, and am preparing to sit for the CPA exam. I also hold a BBA in legal studies, acct & mgt. I see several areas in which I feel I could contribute to the WMF. While Sec 230 may prevent the WMF from becoming more involved in the various communities at the control level I do believe there needs to be greater community involvement at the Foundation level. Concepts such as Q & A with board members in various forums such as Skype, IRC, mailing lists & other relevant forums, should be pursued with vigor. Initiatives such as polling the communities for new projects & ideas on how to spread free culture are doable and should also be pursued. Meta, as the central hub where all 700+ WMF wikis intersect, should have 10x the # of pages it currently has, as active users on all projects should be encouraged to express their views on the direction that WMF should take in its mission encourage the growth and creation of free content. The way I intend to pursue this change is to encourage greater inter-project cooperation, through ideas such as cross-project searches or a reference search similar to the NYT. This would increase the image and activity of all projects positively. |
Ray Saintonge (Eclecticology)
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성명 | I am a semi-retired tax consultant with experience in cross-border tax problems. I have recently been on the executive of the district Parents' Association in a high-performing school district with about 23,000 students. I must leave this because my son is graduating. My book collecting habits are manic, and I am a confessed clutterholic.
저는 위키낱말사전과 위키자료집의 개설에 참가했으며, 총 3번의 위키매니아에 모두 참석했고, 편지 목록에 관한 행정업무를 맡고 있으며, 그 중에서도 특별히 재단 인사 목록을 관리합니다. I believe that the autonomy of each individual project should be respected in all but the most serious circumstances. If a project makes bad decisions, it needs to accept responsibility for its own problems, and not expect the Board's hand of God as a solution. I support the principle of a grass-roots Wikicouncil that can set broad editorial policies, without binding individual projects. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to edit the projects that interest him without becoming discouraged by arcane technical requirements, keeping in mind the factors responsible for our growth. I believe that community processes should be based on mutual respect, not discipline and punishment. I believe that the chapters should lead the way to a more decentralized structure, where there is more encouragement for local fund-raising and spending. |
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성명 | Wikimedia's projects have become a model of collaboration throughout the world. As the Foundation grows and faces new obstacles to bringing free knowledge to the world, it should itself be a model for open, scalable organizations. Even the greatest challenges in outreach, communication, and technology, can be overcome by helping match community members with needed solutions.
Steve Smith (Sarcasticidealist)
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성명 | I am
I can verify all of the above upon request. If elected, I would
editThe period for candidate submissions is over.