Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2011/Candidates/az
Seçkinin nəticələri 17 İyun 2011 tarixində elan olunacaqdır.

Qəyyumlar Şurası seçkisi - 2011 |
Təşkilat |
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Philippe (WMF) 06:15, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Jon Harald Søby 17:00, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | Gündəlik işimdə Kompyuter Təhlükəsizlik Mühəndisiyəm və kitab tərcümə edirəm.
Hebrew WP'ye 2004-cü ildə iştirak etmişəm. 6 ildir admin son 4 ildir da bürokratik. WM İsrailin qurucularından biriyəm və onun katibiyəm. Bir çox fərqli forumda ictimai çıxışlar edirəm. İsrailde meydana gəlməyə başlayan GLAM səyləri ilə məşğul oldum. Qeydiyyat və təqaüdlər yönettiğim və OTRS yi nəzarət etdiyim Vikimaniya 2011 ilə dərindən maraqlanıram. Vikimaniya '07 və '10 də təqdimat etdim və eyni zamanda ChapConf11'e də iştirak etmişəm. Məqsədimizə çatmaq üçün birlikdə işləməyə böyük, mərkəzi olmayan və müxtəlif, bənzərsiz bir mövqeyə malik olması üçün birlik, WMF, hissələr və digər paydaşlar üçün bolluca yerə sahib bir döşəmə hərəkətinə inanıram. Heyete seçilirsem aşağıdakı fəaliyyətlərə dəstək olmaq niyetindeyim:
Ferdinando Scala (Ferdinando Scala)
editThis user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Philippe (WMF) 15:45, 6 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Ral315 (talk) 15:59, 6 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | As a child, I dreamt to be an author of the Encyclopedia Galactica, the repository of the universal knowledge described by Isaac Asimov in his Foundation saga. I had the occasion to see something similar in my lifetime and, moreover, to contribute. Telling “thank you” for making my dreams come true is my deepest motivation to volunteer for serving the WMF community.
In my daily life I’m a digital communications professional, specifically focused on strategic planning, digital evolution and social media development. I’m an expert marketer and public speaker, with practice as a trainer in the corporate and academic sectors. If elected, I will put my skills on disposition to:
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Philippe (WMF) 06:24, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Jon Harald Søby 17:00, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | In my day job I'm a teacher on secondary schools in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
I started to edit on the Spanish Wikipedia on Apr 30 2008, I was sysopped there on March 2010. I am sysop also on Commons and I frequently edit on spanish Wikinews where I am reviewer. I am system engineer and I am a teacher of computer sciences on secondary schools of Tandil, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. If I elected to the board, I intend to help in: . Analyze strategies for attracting more publishers to our projects. . Seek ways to efficiently distribute our revenue sources. . Help to all comunities in all their needed. |
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Philippe (WMF) 06:15, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Jon Harald Søby 17:00, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | I am a steward, member of LangCom, ChapCom, RCom and Board of WMRS. I was the first president of WMRS and member of NomCom for its existence. I am actively working on various issues related to improving Wikimedia's capabilities. I am programmer and operator of a couple of bots.
I am sysadmin by profession and linguist by education. If elected, my focuses will be:
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Philippe (WMF) 06:15, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Jon Harald Søby 17:00, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | The Wikimedia projects are, in my opinion, one of humanity's noblest and most important endeavours. Free knowledge is the vision that brought us all together to collect millions of bits of wisdom, art, and culture for all to share and spread.
Yet, without the support and guidance of a strong vision our projects flounder. The smaller projects become vulnerable to small self-selecting groups that care little for our founding principles, and even the biggest and healthiest of our project calcify into ineffective bureaucracies unable to deal with the responsibilities of being the greatest source of knowledge of Internet. There is a fine but critical line between avoiding interference in the projects and abandoning them without support or guidance, and my objective is to guide the foundation back to our roots. Neutrality, a welcoming collaborative environment, and true openness are not options, nor are our responsibilities to the readers – and subjects – of our projects. The Foundation must support those principles by action, not by looking away. Outreach is good, but let's first make sure our house is in order before inviting more guests. |
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Jon Harald Søby 16:19, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Matanya 17:16, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
This user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Matanya 21:16, 4 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Matanya 21:16, 4 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | Within the WM family I am an editor and sysop on the English WP, am lightly involved in Wikibooks/Commons and was previously active on Wikinews. I am British, an Electronic Engineering graduate and work in information security (forensic analysis & software development).
I have a deep interest in freedom of speech and knowledge. I believe that free and open content of all kinds is essential to our future culture, after all “Knowledge is power”. The WMF provide a crucial cornerstone in the task to bring that power to everyone. If elected I will help secure the ideals of neutrality, freedom and collaboration that the board is tasked to defend. I am very approachable and can bring a unique mixture of free thinker, developer, writer and free content evangelist to the board to help support the project in an exciting new decade. As a highly active editor I’d hope act as a conduit between the broad work/perspective of the board and the views/ideas of the community. I’d work to make the board more accessible to the community, support the high level of independence of the Wiki’s and help foster greater camaraderie and stronger ties amongst all our volunteers. |
Patricio Lorente (Patricio.lorente)
editThis user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Ral315 (talk) 01:38, 5 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Ral315 (talk) 01:38, 5 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |
Qısa məlumat |
Namizədin platforması | I've been involved in es.Wikipedia and Commons since 2005. I am President of Wikimedia Argentina since 2007 and was lead organizer of Wikimania 2009. I took part in many Wikimedia-related initiatives, such as GLAM (Wikipedia takes..., free release of national TV historical footage), collaboration with the educational system and building an Ibero-American cooperation framework (Iberocoop). I'm also public leader of Creative Commons Argentina.
If elected, I will work to:
Lodewijk Gelauff (Effe iets anders)
editThis user has been identified to the Wikimedia Foundation. diff Abbasjnr 20:22, 5 May 2011 (UTC) |
This user has been confirmed as eligible for the election by Abbasjnr 20:22, 5 May 2011 (UTC). Please translate the statement into other languages. |