Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2015/Candidates/pl
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The election ended 31 maja 2015. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 5 czerwca 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page. |
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This page contains candidates for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections. Members of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, or the Wikimedia Foundation staff, will verify wiki based candidate requirements. Wikimedia Foundation staff will verify identification and later verify offline candidate requirements. Verification of wiki based requirements and identification will be identified on this page. Offline candidate requirements will be verified at a later stage.
Candidates who are not eligible to run in this election will be archived on a subpage.
Withdrawn candidate is archived here.
The three individuals elected will join these members of the Board of Trustees:
Imię i nazwisko | Języki | Miejsce zamieszkania |
Jan-Bart de Vreede (Jan-Bart) | Netherlands | |
Patricio Lorente (Patricio.lorente) | es-N, en-3, it-2 | Argentina |
Frieda Brioschi (Frieda) | it-N, en-3, es-1 | Italy |
Guy Kawasaki | California, United States | |
Jimmy Wales (Jimbo Wales) | England | |
Stu West (Stu) | en-N, es-1, ru-1 | California, United States |
Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy) | de-N, en-2 | Germany |
Houcemeddine Turki (Csisc)
Csisc (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | I am Houcemeddine Turki, born in May 24th, 1994 in Sfax (Tunisia) and I am currently B.Sc. Student, Faculty of Medicine of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia. I work regularly on the projects of Wikimedia Foundation and submit some works to them. I am also creating some Wikimedia Projects in Tunisian since 2011 and participating to the French Wikiconcours, the English WikiCup... By that, I had deep knowledge about the structure of Wikimedia Foundation and the faced problems. I am deeply interested in trying to find solutions to them and that is why I had chosen to be a candidate to these elections. In fact, I think that I can do more and deepen my experience if elected. If elected, I will try to ameliorate Wikimedia Projects:
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 01:45, 22 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 19:35, 29 April 2015 (UTC) |
Sailesh Patnaik (Saileshpat)
Saileshpat (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | At Train the Trainer program, Bengaluru 2015.
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
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Program kandydata | I am Sailesh Patnaik, born in 28th August 1996 at Bhuabneswar, am a student and have passed my higher secondary studies in 2014. I am active in outreach programs and bringing new editors to Wikipedia. Currently am working to bring Odisha tourism under QRpedia project. I had chosen to be a candidate to these elections because I think that I can do more and improve my experience if elected. I will try to promote Wikimedia Projects/Ideology by :-
On Diversity : I hails from India with multilingual knowledge and have various experience in working with indic language community. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 01:45, 22 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 22:53, 22 April 2015 (UTC) |
Dariusz Jemielniak (pundit)
pundit (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | Nadchodzące lata będą wyzwaniem dla Wikimedia (w zakresie nowych technologii, utrzymania redagujących, zwiększania różnorodności, kierunków rozwoju treści). Chciałbym pomóc w przedefiniowaniu naszej strategii i zarządzania, odnaleźć sensowne role dla Fundacji i lokalnych stowarzyszeń, nawiązać kontakt ze światem akademickim, a także zmniejszyć biurokrację w naszym ruchu.
Moje doświadczenie: WikimediaTrzykrotnie wybrano mnie na przewodniczącego Komitetu Finansowego (FDC) Fundacji Wikimedia. Jestem stewardem, a także checkuserem/adminem/biurokratą (na pl-wiki). Byłem członkiem Komisji Rzeczników. Prowadziłem warsztaty z zakresu strategii dla stowarzyszeń Wikimedia. AkademickieJestem tytularnym profesorem zarządzania, kierującym grupą badawczą NeRDS. Napisałem pierwszą na świecie etnografię Wikipedii (Common Knowledge?, wyd. Stanford University Press). Odbywałem staże badawcze na Cornell, Harvardzie, Berkeley, MIT. ProfesjonalneJestem członkiem Rady Programowej Centrum Nauki Kopernik (budżet ok. 20 milionów dolarów rocznie) i programu grantowego English Teaching Fundacji Nida. Doradzałem zawodowo w kwestiach strategii i byłem mentorem/jurorem w międzynarodowych konkursach dla startupów (np. Intel Business Challenge, KIICS). O kwestii różnorodnościJestem Europejczykiem i zdaję sobie też sprawę z innych przywilejów (choćby związanych z rasą, płcią, itp.), z których korzystam. Mieszkałem jakiś czas zagranicą, w USA i w Danii. Jednocześnie moje rozumienie różnorodności i problemów "Globalnego Południa" jest wzbogacone przez doświadczenie dorastania w reżimie, w którym panowała cenzura, a także bieda (moi rodzice zarabiali ok. 30 dolarów miesięcznie). Jestem członkiem Komitetu Honorowego Parady Równości. Mam nadzieję zostać pierwszym członkiem Rady Powierniczej spoza Ameryki Północnej i Europy Zachodniej. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ruslik (talk) 19:15, 22 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 22:53, 22 April 2015 (UTC) |
Mohamed Ouda (Mohamed Ouda)
Mohamed Ouda (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | I've been involved in Wikimedia projects since 2006. currently I am admin/bureaucrat , and I am one of the founders of WM Egypt usergroup. I took part in many Wikimedia-related initiatives, such as (Wikipedia Education program in Egypt, Wiki love monuments contest) and I wish to make a cultural diversity in the Board of Trustees If elected my goals will be :
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 03:26, 28 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 19:28, 29 April 2015 (UTC) |
Josh Lim (Sky Harbor)
Sky Harbor (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | Jesteśmy w przełomie jako ruch i jako społeczność. Spotykamy się również podwójnym wyzwaniem analizowania na co realizowaliśmy w przeszłości, a także jak będziemy awansował. Jestem przekonany, że zrobiliśmy wielkie rzeczy, ale mamy potencjał na zrobienie większe rzeczy, szczególnie w rozwoju naszej społeczności w krajach rozwijających się, zwiększania różnorodności, popierania wzrostu społeczności, kierowania postępu technologicznego, i rozwijania współwłaśności projektów Wikimedii.
W tym czasie wielkiej zmiany chciałbym szukać sposoby w upoważnianiu naszej społeczności w krajach rozwijających się, wzmacniać rolę stowarzyszeń Wikimedii w propagacji cele naszego ruchu w całym świecie, usprawniać działanie biurokracji naszego ruchu na lepszej odpowiedzi potrzeb naszej społeczności, a także pracować na odbudowę zaufania społeczności w Fundacji Wikimedia przez rozwijanie dialogi konstruktywne. Moje doświadczenie:
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ruslik (talk) 07:36, 28 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 03:14, 28 April 2015 (UTC) |
David Conway (Smerus)
Smerus (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | The mission is to disseminate knowledge. The obstacles to negotiate are very varied, including scepticism and misunderstanding by outsiders, and good old human nature from insiders. We must reach out for cooperation to those who can help us build, in schools, colleges, universities and professions; and as providers to all those who by poverty or social discrimination have knowledge withheld from them, as well as to those who want to complete assignments or revise for quizzes. So we need to communicate as fully possible with all those who engage with us in whatever form. About me. 65, British, have worked for 25 years as manager and/or leader in large-scale development aid projects throughout the former Soviet Union. Previous work in clothing manufacture (UK and Sri Lanka), enterprise development. Degrees in economics, maths, psychology and music history. Former non-executive director on boards of National Health Service Trusts, and of UK colleges. Many years experience as senior elected councillor in UK local government. Created many Wikipedia articles including GAs and FAs. Run an annual music festival in Slovakia. Honorary Research Fellow, University College London. Writer and lecturer on musicology. See my user page for more. Dlaczego akurat ja? Mam umiejętności i doświadczenie. Mam czas i zaangażowanie. Mój wybór to zmiana (na lepsze). | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 23:42, 28 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Philippe Beaudette, Wikimedia Foundation (talk) 17:15, 29 April 2015 (UTC) |
Francis Kaswahili Kaguna (Francis Kaswahili)
Francis Kaswahili (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | I am Francis Kaswahili Kaguna, speaking English, and Swahili. Am from Africa Tanzania with my dream of integrating our lovely global to be the one and that’s why am contesting for the second time to the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, I am optimistic that the link between the world and Africa need a someone and that someone is Francis Kaswahili Kaguna, I'm quite sure that the contribution of Africa is very important in the Wikimedia Community. I promise that if elected my focus will be on the following:
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ruslik (talk) 19:03, 29 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 08:03, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Cristian Consonni (CristianCantoro)
CristianCantoro (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | At the General Assembly of Wikimedia Italia in Rome in 2011
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Program kandydata | Czy udaje nam się osiągnąć cel, aby każdy człowiek miał dostęp do sumy ludzkiej wiedzy? Co powinniśmy zrobić, aby wspomóc tę misję? Partycypacja i współpraca są kluczowymi elementami ruchu i jego ducha, ale one potrzebują zaufania, aby móc się umocnić. Powinniśmy odejść od mentalności "my kontra oni", której doświadczamy przy wielu okazjach.
Odkryłem Wikipedię poprzez świat wolnego oprogramowania. Zacząłem edytować w 2007 roku i od tego czasu poświęcałem coraz więcej czasu Wikimedia. W 2010 zostałem wybrany do zarządu stowarzyszenia Wikimedia Italia, w którym byłem Koordynatorem Programów (2010-2011), wiceprzewodniczącym (2011-2014), a na końcu skarbnikiem (2014+). W 2012 pomogłem zorganizować Wiki Kocha Zabytki we Włoszech i w 2013 dołączyłem do międzynarodowego zespołu tej inicjatywy. W lipcu 2013 zostałem wybrany do Funds Dissemination Committee (moje zgłoszenie można znaleźć tutaj). 2013-2014 pracowałem w centrum badawczym w Trencie (Włochy), a moja praca miała związek z OpenStreetMap i Wikipedią. Mam dyplom magisterski z fizyki i od listopada 2014 jestem doktorantem z zakresu informatyki na University of Trento we Włoszech. Gdy kandydowałem do FDC, przyjaciel i wieloletni wikipedysta zapytał mnie "Czemu nie kandydujesz do Rady Powierniczej?". Odpowiedziałem "Ponieważ droga jest długa, i należy ją przejść spokojnym krokiem", dlatego kandyduję, ponieważ chcę zaoferować moje doświadczenie i poglądy. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 23:58, 30 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 08:03, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Peter Gallert (Pgallert)
Pgallert (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | The Wikimedia movement, the best thing since sliced bread, faces a challenge that needs to be overcome sooner rather than later; it is the rift between the Foundation and the editor community. This challenge is not just about communication. The Foundation has grown beyond its own expectations. It is now protruding into software development, media literacy, Internet governance, and education. Despite the current abundance of donations the question of what its core business is, needs to be asked and answered. I am a lecturer of Computer Science at the Polytechnic of Namibia. I was a member of its Senate for five years, and the head of the Computer Networking department for three. I am researching and writing about the Wikimedia phenomenon as part of my work and as a hobby. I do outreach, lobbying, experiments, and critical analysis. I have presented Wiki[m|p]edia-related thoughts on conferences and in publications, scientific and popular. As such I tick the boxes in the Call for candidates: I reside in Africa, I have experience with a small language project in the incubator. I know and learn and teach about technology, and I have management experience of projects and people. Besides that I am editing English Wikipedia to improve the coverage of Namibian politics, geography, and history. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 23:58, 30 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 08:03, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
María Sefidari (Raystorm)
Raystorm (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Taken right after going to La Aventura del Saber to speak about Wikipedia, 2014.
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Program kandydata | Hi, I’m a Psychology lic. I’m a long-time volunteer who started out on en.wp nearly a decade ago and am now most active on Meta and Spanish Wikipedia, where I founded the LGBT Wikiproject. I’m a founding member of Wikimedia España, and served as its Vice-President, as well as being involved in international cooperation through Iberocoop. I’ve also served as a member of the Affiliations Committee and on the Individual Engagement Grants committee. I am a big believer of empowering people through official recognition and/or grants. I’m currently serving my first term on the Board, which has included the ED transition and some high-profile staff changes. It is said that Calm seas don’t make good sailors, and I think it’s true. Being now familiar with Board dynamics and how the WMF works, I offer my experience to effectively support our shared vision, ensuring diversity is at the heart of WMF’s strategic efforts to retain and increase editorship. Our volunteers are our key advantage. I believe the WMF is here to serve Wikipedia and its sister projects, and to support our communities while we face the challenges ahead together. Times of change are challenging: I’m deeply committed to broadening channels for community participation in WMF governance and policymaking. You can count on me for that. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 23:58, 30 April 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 08:03, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Phoebe Ayers (phoebe)
phoebe (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | In the next two years, the WMF Board will:
I am currently serving my second term on the Board; I was selected by the chapters for a term from 2010-2012 and elected for 2013-2015. During my terms I’ve served as secretary, vice-chair, and on the committee that selected the new Executive Director. I am a strong, articulate and committed trustee, and I have the skills and familiarity with how the Board & WMF works to guide us through this period and provide continuity. I am a voice for supporting community needs, transparency, and long-term planning. About me: For many years, I have been a Wikimedia advocate, educator, researcher, Wikimania organizer, and editor. I am active in GLAM work, speak and write widely about Wikimedia, and have taught hundreds of people how to edit. In my job, I am a computer science and engineering librarian, starting a new position soon in the MIT Libraries. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 08:05, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 08:03, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Denny Vrandečić (Denny)
Denny (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Portrait made for the 2012 German fundraiser. CC-BY-SA Tobias Schumann
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Program kandydata | Wikimedia is a modern wonder - and yet, it must change: most of our projects, as they are today, cannot truly succeed. To achieve our mission, we must increase the effectivity of every single contributor. At the same time, the communities are often seen as change resistant - but falsely so: they do welcome change, done right, as I have shown with Wikidata. I joined Wikipedia in 2003, was the first admin on the Croatian Wikipedia and co-created Semantic MediaWiki (used at NASA, WHO, FSF, translatewiki, etc). I co-wrote WMDE’s first EU research grant, RENDER (budget 4.4M€). With the communities, WMF and WMDE, I developed the Wikidata proposal, secured 2M$ in donations, hired and led the team. Wikidata became the biggest source of new contributors in the past decade. Now at Google, I help to release Freebase content to Wikidata. I have
I worked with and understand the strengths and weaknesses of our infrastructure, the MediaWiki software, the communities - and how they interact. In the last twelve years, Wikimedia has become an important part of my life - case in point, my wife, also a Wikipedian, and I met at Wikimania! As a trustee, I would offer my skills and experiences to guide and help Wikimedia in the changes ahead of us. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 17:34, 2 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Ali Haidar Khan (Tonmoy) (Ali Haidar Khan)
Ali Haidar Khan (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Photo taken during Wikimedia Conference 2015.
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Program kandydata | When I started using Wikipedia back in 2004, internet was rare in my country; we didn’t have any good keyboard to write in our language, there was no one who could show me how to write a Wikipedia article or at least tell that I too can write an article. So, it was not until 2008 that I started contributing on Wikipedia on a regular basis. That’s the challenge we still face in the developing regions of the world - the global south where I belong to. From the start of my involvement, I've been focusing on building the Wikimedia community in Bangladesh, picking volunteers and grooming them up. I am a founder member & Treasurer of WM Bangladesh. Now we have a growing, active and vibrant community. I’ve been involved in organizing most of the Wikimedia events in Bangladesh, from planning to execution, from arranging logistics to running sessions. Some of these events are: Wikipedia's 10th Anniversary Programs in Dhaka-2011, first ever Bengali WP Unconference-2012, WP Zero Launch Event in Dhaka-2013, Nationwide Bengali WP 10th Anniversary Programs – 2014 & 2015. As a FDC Advisory Group member, I took part in formulating the FDC framework for WMF. I am a member of WMF’s Funds Dissemination Committee for 3 years & served as Vice-Chair for 2 terms. I've completed undergrad in Finance, MBA in Technology & Operations and have 7 years’ experience in financial sector. I believe I can bring diverse perspective & diversity to WMF board. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 18:19, 3 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Nisar Ahmed Syed (అహ్మద్ నిసార్)
అహ్మద్ నిసార్ (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Ahmed Nisar (front row, fourth from right, in brown blazer) at TTT Bengaluru, Conducted by CIS A2K in 2015.
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Program kandydata | I am Nisar Ahmed Syed, hails from Andhra Pradesh India. Currently at Pune for the past 8 years. I am a post graduate in English and Urdu Literature, and a Bachelor in Education. Voluntarily retired as a school assistant in Education Department from Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. Wikimedia Impressed by Wikipedia, I have started my contributions in Telugu and Urdu Wikipedia. Inspired by the motto of WMF, Free Knowledge and Open Source, I have been working in content creation in Wikipedia to enrich it. I have a passion in outreach too, in this regard I have been working to bring Wikipedia to the masses of Indian Sub-continent. Recently I have created Urdu Wikipedia India User group to bring awareness of Wikimedia movement in Urdu speaking clusters of India. Aims and goals
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 18:19, 3 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
James Heilman (Doc James)
Doc James (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Dressed for what I do in the other half of my life
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Program kandydata | We have a lot of excellent candidates, many of which have a great deal of experience. My prior work is visible on my user page. I, however, think we should concentrate on discussing the issues that currently face the WM movement and how to solve them. Some of our challenges include:
Some of these have relatively simple technical fixes. Others can be addressed by collaborating with other organizations. All can be improved by prioritizing a better relationship between the editor communities and the WMF. About a year ago I cut back on work as an ER physician to give more time to improve Wikipedia. I have worked to try to address all of the above issues. While some may never be fully solvable, the WMF in collaboration with the community can and should do much more to address them. I will prioritize efforts to bring this about. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 18:36, 3 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Tim Davenport (Carrite)
Carrite (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | I am a content writer on English-Wikipedia with nearly 58,000 edits and more than 250 starts. I'm also well versed on Wikipolitics through participation and reading at Jimbotalk, Wikipediocracy (where I contribute as "Randy from Boise"), ArbCom, and AN/I. We hear that the community doesn't own Wikipedia, that WMF owns Wikipedia. This is actually true. But we are not helpless. We, the community, have three designated seats on the WMF Board to provide direct input as fundamental policy decisions are actually made. We, the volunteers, are in an uneven power relationship with WMF's expanding paid staff. We see the negative effects in the SuperProtection fiasco on De-WP and the seemingly inexorable move towards implementation of the execrable Flow. This is why the community desperately needs alert, critical, questioning voices for its seats on the 10-member WMF Board. The WMF Board has the vital function of oversight of a multimillion dollar charity's professional staff, organizational goals, vision, and general practices. Don't expect strong oversight from those afraid to question authority and to say their piece when necessary. Thanks for your consideration. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ajraddatz (talk) 06:17, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Samuel Klein (Sj)
Sj (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Program kandydata | I have been on the WMF Board since 2009, and chair the Audit Committee. The WMF is restructuring this year, open to new ideas. It doesn't want to continue as before: with large, slow projects and troubled community relations. We should all take this chance to bridge WMF-community gaps:
On-wiki, I've been an editor, translator, publisher, and steward. I led Wikimania in 2006 and planned the Kiswahili WP Challenge in 2009. I've lived in Germany & Kenya. As Director of Content at One Laptop per Child, I oversaw sending Wikipedia and Wikijunior to 2M children in the developing world. I am currently a Fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center, and chair the technical committee of the Digital Public Library of America. This will be my last run for the Board. Supporting Wikimedia is one of the joys of my life, but I support term limits and have proposed one for adoption this year. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ajraddatz (talk) 06:17, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 07:07, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Syed Muzammiluddin (Hindustanilanguage)
Hindustanilanguage (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie |
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Program kandydata | Association with Wikimedia Projects:
Proposed Contribution as Board Trustee:
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Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Ajraddatz (talk) 18:42, 4 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 00:03, 6 May 2015 (UTC) |
Edward Saperia (EdSaperia)
EdSaperia (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Opening Speech at Wikimania 2014
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Program kandydata | Wizja WMF
Możemy być czymś o wiele większym, niż jesteśmy. Istnieją dwie przeszkody: Community tools: Mediawiki falls far behind contemporary norms in user experience for non-readers, e.g. group communication, community development, cross platform experience, API/developer platform. Obvious symptoms: The developer community is tiny. Wikiprojects are lacklustre, but could be a huge source of community growth. Sister projects exist in silos, hindering contribution & readership. We could be the home of data journalism on the web, but we aren’t. Organisational outreach: We are largely ignored within the wider media landscape; it is critical to our mission to develop more effective ways of interacting with academia, education, politics & government, journalism, publishers of all types, the startup ecosystem, third sector etc, beyond expecting them to become editors. O mnie I was originator and conference director for Wikimania London, the largest ever gathering of Wikimedians & an enormous outreach project. In 2014 I was awarded UK Wikimedian of the Year. I received an IEG Grant for Open Access Reader, a tool to identify significant academic research missing from Wikipedia - an example of a new type of editing, with potentially a new audience. I am currently community strategist for the third largest political party in the UK, & previously was community strategist for the largest UK startup hub. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 02:02, 5 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 00:03, 6 May 2015 (UTC) |
Mike Nicolaije (Taketa)
Taketa (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
Podsumowanie | Help desk volunteer at GLAM-WIKI 2015 Credit: Romaine
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Program kandydata | Drodzy Wikimedianie!
the coming years will be a challenge for our movement. Mobile contributions, organised vandalism, paid advocacy, and above all – changing numbers of volunteers. People should come first. We need to appreciate our volunteers. I believe in direct communication with boardmembers. Full discussion on all issues. If 1000 people want to talk, that is only 3 a day. I believe in less bureaucracy. Simply ask what you need, and we can discuss it. Less paperwork. Hire developers to solve small software requests. WkładZajmuję się głównie pisaniem artykułów i dodawaniem grafik do artykułów. Jestem stewardem, adminem wikidata i biurokratą oraz byłym członkiem Komitetu Arbitrażowego holenderskiej Wikipedii. Jestem też wolontariuszem na OTRS. WikimediaI'm a member of WM Netherlands and WM Belgium, and assist/coordinate starter courses, GLAM cooperations and activities. Wikipedia won the Erasmus Prize, and I discussed this on television. I currently work with the WMF, to get an online volunteer knighted. ProfessionalMedical intern from the Netherlands, with bachelors in medicine and biochemistry. Work at the plastic surgery department of Utrecht University Childrens Hospital, and am a Basic life support instructor. On diversityI'm Malaysian Chinese and Dutch. Lived several months with my family in Malaysia and spend time in South America (Curaçao). I assisted at Gender Gap meetings. Am against discrimination in all forms. | |
Zatwierdzenie | Zatwierdzenie przeprowadzone przez komitet wyborczy lub pracowników Fundacji Wikimedia. | |
Uprawnienie: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Varnent (talk)(COI) 02:02, 5 May 2015 (UTC) |
Identyfikacja: Zatwierdzono Zatwierdzono przez: Jalexander--WMF 00:03, 6 May 2015 (UTC) |