Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2015/cs
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The election ended 31 května 2015. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 5 června 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page. |
Volby správní rady v roce 2015 se uskuteční od 17 do 31 května 2015. Členové komunity Wikimedia mohou zvolit tři kandidáty na dvouleté fukční období, které skončí v roce 2017. Správní rada je nejvyšším řídícím orgánem Nadace Wikimedia, neziskové organizace sídlící ve Spojených státech Amerických. Nadace Wikimedia spravuje mnoho různých projektů jako Wikipedie či Commons.
The Election Committee will announce the results on or before 5 June 2015. Detailed results will be available.
Information for voters
Jak hlasovat
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Stále máte potíže s hlasováním? Podívejte se sem. |
- Editoři
Můžete hlasovat z jakéhokoli registrovaného účtu, který vlastníte na wiki Wikimedia. Můžete hlasovat pouze jednou, bez ohledu na to, kolik účtů vlastníte. Pro splnění podmínek musí tento jeden účet:
- nesmí být zablokován na více než jednom projektu;
- a kromě toho, musíte být osoba: ne robot;
- and have made at least 300 edits before 15 April 2015 across Wikimedia wikis (edits on several wikis can be combined if your accounts are unified into a global account);
- and have made at least 20 edits between 15 October 2014 and 15 April 2015.
Nástroj způsobilosti účtu lze použít k rychlému ověření základní způsobilosti hlasování editora.
- Vývojáři
Vývojáři mají právo hlasovat, pokud:
- Jsou administrátory serveru Wikimedia s přístupem do shellu;
- Or have commit access and have made at least one merged commits in git to Wikimedia Foundation utilized repos between 15 October 2014 and 15 April 2015.
- Zaměstnanci a přispěvatelé nadace Wikimedia Foundation
Current Wikimedia Foundation staff and contractors qualify to vote if they have been employed by the Foundation as of 15 April 2015.
- Členové správní rady nadace Wikimedia, členové poradní rady, členové výboru FDC
Hlasující jsou kvalifikovaní současní a bývalí členové správní rady nadace Wikimedia Foundation, poradní rady nadace Wikimedia Foundation a výboru pro rozdělování fondů.
Information for Nominators
The board is looking for an especially diverse candidate pool and knows that the community itself is most likely to know who would be a good fit. Do you know someone who you think would be a good candidate for the Board of Trustees? If so, you can nominate them for the position!
How to nominate someone else
If you think that the candidate is eligible, you can ask the election committee to reach out to them, provide information about the position and invite them to apply or ask questions. If you want to do this, you should write an email to with:
- The username of the user you want to nominate.
- What position(s) you think they would be a good fit for.
- Are you ok with your name or username being provided as the nominator?
- A short description of why you think they would be a good fit for the position and what they could offer the movement.
What will happen next
After receiving a nomination, the elections committee or their WMF advisors will reach out to the nominee to provide information about the position and it's requirements and to see if they are interested in running. If they are interested, they will be provided with instructions on how to submit their candidacy and, as always, will be able to ask questions about the process or the position.
Information for candidates
The selection of new board members must comply with the WMF Board's duty of care. The Board must act in a reasonable, diligent, and informed manner, and with the care that an ordinarily prudent person would use in similar circumstances. This duty of care, for example, applies to the careful selection of qualified individuals to serve on the Board who would not bring disrepute to that body.
Those who are considering a candidacy are urged to read the Wikimedia Foundation Board Handbook prior to submitting their candidacy.
Roles and responsibilities as member of the Board
The Board of Trustees is responsible for oversight of the Wikimedia Foundation's operations. Good board members enable good management by the Executive Director and staff. They do not manage the organization themselves or interfere in its day-to-day operations. The Board's oversight role includes decision-making, monitoring and leadership.
These responsibility include:
- Making decisions on vision, strategy, goals, and high level policies for the organization;
- Monitoring the Wikimedia Foundation's performance, risks, finances, and compliance;
- Advising the Executive Director and senior staff, drawing on the Board member's relevant expertise and experiences; and
- Articulating and communicating the Wikimedia Foundation's goals to the Wikimedia community and general public.
Board members should maintain the legal and ethical integrity of the organization, recruit and orient new Board members, and cultivate diversity on the Board.
- Learn more about the role of the Board of Trustees in the Wikimedia Foundation Board Handbook.
Podmínky kandidatury
To be eligible, candidates must be willing and able to fulfill the duties of board and committee service, including expending the time and energy required to conduct due inquiry into relevant issues, to make informed decisions in good faith, and to attend board meetings regularly. The eligibility requirements for candidates are the same as for voters (see voter requirements), with the following additional requirements:
- Nesmíte být odsouzen za závažný trestný čin nebo žádný trestný čin zahrnující podvod,
- nesměl jste být odovlán z funkce v neziskové organizaci či firmě z důvodu nesprávného řízení,
- v době nominace nebo volby nesmíte být blokován na žádném projektu Nadace Wikimedia na dobu 30 dnů nebo delší,
- musíte zvěřejnit svoje skutečné jméno ve své prezentaci (skutečné identity členů správní rady jsou objektem veřejného zájmu, tedy není možné být členem rady anonymně či pod pseudonymem),
- musíte být alespoň 18 let starý a plnoletý ve své domácí zemi a
- musíte předložit svůj průkaz totožnosti Nadaci Wikimedia (viz níže)
Jak předložit kandidaturu
If you are eligible, you can submit your candidacy by doing the following:
- Write a brief summary of no more than 1200 characters (excluding spaces) stating how you hope to enrich the entire Board, and describe your related opinions and experience, and anything else you think is relevant. An additional summary of no more than 400 characters (excluding spaces) will be displayed on the voting page. You may not use your candidate summaries to link to lists of endorsements or other platform pages, and may not run on a slate with other candidates.
- Submit your summaries between 00:00, April 20, 2015 (UTC) and 23:59, May 5 2015 (UTC). Your statement may only be changed in the 3 days after submission, or up to May 5, except for minor corrections (for instance, spelling correction) or translation. Any additions or changes to content submitted after this deadline will be time-stamped and presented separately from the original summary, and will only be presented to voters if they get translated into all of the same languages as the original summary. You should note that earlier submissions allow time for translation into more languages, and that submissions provided on the due date or just before may not be as widely translated.
- Please note: To allow voters to engage with candidates quickly statements will be sent for professional translation within 48 hours of submission. While the first translation will be on a 24 hour turn around future updates will be grouped together and may take longer.
- Submit proof of your identity to the Wikimedia Foundation before 23:59, May 5 (UTC). You will be privately contacted by a member of the Election Committee with further information about meeting this requirement when you list yourself as a candidate.
Candidates who fail to comply with the above requirements and deadlines will be disqualified.
Submitting proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation
Candidates for this position must submit proof of identity and evidence of age of majority as a condition of candidacy. This proof may be provided in one of the following manners:
- Copy or scan of driver's license.
- Copy or scan of passport.
- Copy or scan of other official documentation indicating real name and age.
This may be provided to the WMF in one of the following means:
- via email to secure-info
- via facsimile to +1 (415) 882-0495 (if you do this please email secure-info to warn them that the fax is incoming).
- via post (snail mail) to:
- Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- 149 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
- San Francisco, CA 94106
- Note that post is not recommended. Exceptions will not be made if a candidate's documentation has not arrived at the WMF offices by the deadline of 23:59 UTC, 5 May 2015.
Časový rozvrh
- 5 May: Deadline for candidate submissions and Identification verification
- 5–16 May: Questions and discussion between candidates and community
- 17–31 May: Voting
- 1–5 June: Vote-checking
- 5 June: Goal for announcement of results