Вибори до Фонду Вікімедіа 2015/Комісія
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The election ended 31 травня 2015. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 5 червня 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page. |
Виборча комісія Фонду Вікімедіа на виборах 2015 року займається питаннями організації виборів у тих межах, які були визначені для неї Довірчою радою, підпорядковується цій раді, і може давати рекомендації цій раді у справах, що стосуються виборів.
Please note: Per request of the Board of Trustees the committee was reactivated on December 28th 2015 to discuss a vacancy on the Board. Given the intervening time some adjustments were made to the committee and are noted below in italics next to the individual names.
Комісія складається з членів, призначених Довірчою радою, які повинні займатися організацією виборів до Фонду Вікімедіа 2015 року. Члени комісії повинні бути редакторами одного або більше проектів Вікімедіа, не можуть бути членами Довірчої ради чи кандидатами, що беруть участь у виборах, і не можуть брати участь в голосуванні на цих виборах. The committee consists of the following members:
Ім'я | Мови | Розташування (часовий пояс) |
Ajraddatz | en-CA-N, fr-1 | Canada |
Anders Wennersten | sv-N, no-4, en-4, da-3, de-2, fr-1 | Stockholm, Sweden (UTC+2) |
Daniel | en-N | South Australia |
Gregory Varnum Recused from the committee and any discussion starting December 28th 2015 because of employment with the WMF Communications Department | en-N | Michigan, United States (UTC-4) |
Katie Chan | en-N, yue-N | London, England (UTC+1) |
Mardetanha | az-N, fa-N, en-3, tr-2, ar-1, bqi-1, crh-1, glk-1, mzn-1, tk-1 | Zanjan, Iran (UTC+4:30) |
Ruslan | en-3, ru-5 | Moscow, Russia (UTC+3) |
Savh | es-N, nl-N, en-3, fr-2 | |
Trijnstel | nl-N, en-4, de-1, fr-1 | Netherlands (UTC+2) |
During the committee's first meeting, committee member Gregory Varnum was selected to serve as coordinator - to help facilitate discussions, assess consensus, and summarize internally what has been discussed and decided on.
- Volunteer advisor
- Risker
- Board liaison
- Alice Wiegand
- Staff advisors
- James Alexander (Community Advocacy) – leading election organizer from the staff side
- Stephen Laporte (Legal Counsel) – legal support
- Sylvia Ventura (Strategic Partnerships) – help with candidates
Geoff Brigham (General Counsel) and Philippe Beaudette (Director, Community Advocacy) also receive and are able to participate in email mailing list and meeting based conversations. Philippe Beaudette was no longer with the WMF and therefore did not take part in conversation after December 28th committee reactivation
The Committee is responsible for planning and maintaining virtually every aspect of the elections. For example, the Committee plans the type of voting, suffrage criteria, and criteria for candidacy, drafts and organizes all of the official election pages on Meta, verifies that candidates and voters meet the criteria, audits votes to ensure there are no duplicate votes or other problems, et cetera.
The fastest way to contact the committee is via the 2015 elections talk page.
You may also contact the committee privately via email: board-elections lists.wikimedia.org
The Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee holds regular meetings. Large portions of those minutes will be made available from this page.
Note that minutes must be approved by the committee before they are published here, so not all minutes will be immediately available.