Wikimedia Foundation website/Using theme

The theme used for the Wikimedia Foundation website is freely licensed and available for use by others within the Wikimedia movement.

Theme setup


The theme utilizes a basic WordPress setup and should be compatible with most WordPress configurations.

Theme location


A mirror of the theme's files are available on Wikimedia's GitHub repository.



These plugins are required to get full functionality of the theme:

While not required for the theme to function, the Wikimedia Foundation makes use of these WordPress plugins:

Steps to customize


Once you have installed the theme on your WordPress site, you should take these minimum steps to distinguish your site from the Wikimedia Foundation website.

  1. Replace homepage banner
    • This can be done by replacing the header.svg file in the theme's /assets/src/svg/ directory
  2. Replace Wikimedia Foundation logo in footer and site icon with your logo
    • This can be done under the Customization area of the Appearance section
      • The footer logo is located under the Footers section
      • The site icon (favicon) is located under the Site Identity section
  3. Replace Wikimedia Foundation logo in header with your logo
    • This can be done by replacing the logo-horizontal.svg file in the theme's /assets/src/svg/individual/ directory and run GULP

Notification of intention to use


Please reach out to the Wikimedia Foundation Communications department (talktocomms if you intend to use this theme for a Wikimedia site, including Wikimedia movement affiliate sites. Depending on your needs, we may be able to send you resources to assist with your efforts.