Wikimedia France/Démarche qualité round 2 2013-2014 Q2

Axis 1 : Increasing the number of contributors and enriching the contents using the sensitization and training of different publics


Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • Progression of quality
    • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

As part of two days of training at the BUPMC, students were asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire. Out of more than 20 students, only 7 responded to the questionnaire. Overall, the training being more focused on outreach activities rather than learning how to edit Wikipedia , only 40% of them felt they had increased their editing skills. However 70 % of them understood what is at stake when it comes to editing Wikipedia, especially regarding the reuse of Wikipedia in classrooms.

  • Innovation potential
    • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

No innovative action set up over the last quarter.

Social Impact

  • Partnerships development
    • Partners satisfaction

Actions took place but this data was not assessed. Indeed, it seems more appropriate to assess partners' satisfaction level once a year (e.g.for the impact report), in the case of a long term partnership with several steps and actions throughout the year. However, it could be assessed right after an event if it is a one-shot partnership (which is less common).

  • Sustainable development
    • Ethical and/or responsible actions

No action had an ethical/responsible dimension over the last quarter.

    • Use and / or development of free software tools

As part of the two days of training at the BUPMC , 2 free softwares were used: Firefox and Chromium.

  • Political impact
    • Level of change (law project impact, political decision, agreements..;)

Wikimedia France has obtained an approval from the Ministry of Education which now recognizes our charity as a legitimate partner for public education. More information is available in the Education portal's newsletter (November issue):

Axe 2 : Providing local accompaniment to support members’ involvement and creativity


Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • Progression of quality
    • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter)

  • Innovation potential
    • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

The handbook was sent to members so they can make the relevant returns. We find all the good practises of the association. Following feedback from members , the guide has been updated to be sent to members at the 3rd Quarter . We will present in detail the practical guide for the next Quarter .

Social Impact

  • Partnerships development
    • Partners satisfaction

Actions took place but this data was not assessed. Indeed, it seems more appropriate to assess partners' satisfaction level once a year (e.g.for the impact report), in the case of a long term partnership with several steps and actions throughout the year.

  • Sustainable development
    • Ethical and/or responsible actions

No action had an ethical/responsible dimension over the last quarter.

    • Use and / or development of free software tools

Grenoble local group participated in a day around the issues of free software. They thus promotes free software but also informed the public about Wikimedia projects .

  • Political impact
    • Level of change (law project impact, political decision, agreements..;)

Three actions are directly relevant political actors in the regions. The city of Bordeaux signed a partnership agreement with the association in order to organize actions in the coming months with cultural institutions . The department Loire Atlantique also signed an agreement last summer with local autorities and was allowed in in the town hall .

Axis 3 : Favouring the international cooperation


Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • Progression of quality
    • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

The executive directors gained knowledge of strategy design elements during the 2-day seminar : SWOT matrix, business model canvas, stakeholders mapping , etc. A qualified facilitator transfered his expertise throughout the two days, through dedicated exercises.

  • Innovation potential
    • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

For the first time, the EDs seminar had an external facilitator, which was a common decision from the group. It helped to make the discussions flow better, keep the timing and go through all the exercises planned. A deliverable was expected at the end of the seminar (a roadmap with actions to be taken by the ED group) and this acted as a catalyst of the energy available to reach concrete outputs. The fact that the seminar agenda was built around themes allowed to compare similarities and differences among our chapters.

Regarding the Wikimedia Foundation site visit, a table agregating all comments received by the staff during their presentations and exhanges with Anasuya & Garfield was designed, in order to capitalize and leverage opportunities, especially in the next FDC proposal. It would probably have been helpful to get a report/assessment from the FDC staff members as a complement to this self-designed grid.

Social impact

  • Partnerships development
    • Partners sastisfaction

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

  • Sustainable development
    • Ethical and/or responsible actions

Meals taken during both seminars (with the Wikimedia Foundation and the EDs) were half supplied with contractors working on shorter routes for food supply and promoting social inclusion as a part of their business model.

    • Use and / or development of free software tools

Grenoble local group members participated in a day around the issues of free software. They thus promoted free software while informing the audience about Wikimedia projects.

  • Political impact
    • Level of change

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

Axis 4 : Improving the tools available in the wiki environment


Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • Progression of quality
    • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

Several photography workshops allowed participants to improve their skills on the handling of their cameras and photo retouching. Those with questions about applications for accreditation were also able to get some answers on this subject.

  • Innovation potential
    • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

As part of Sémanticpédia project, a DBPedia Live project meeting was held to take an inventory of the actions performed, ensure that all parties were on the same page, had the same level of information, and prepare for the rest of the partnership.

Social impact

  • Partnerships development
    • Partners sastisfaction

The only active partnership during this quarter is Sémanticpédia: we had a meeting on DBPedia Live but the partners' satisfaction survey was not carried out: it is more relevant assess partners' opinion and partnerships quality once a year, at the time of impact report for middle or long term partnerships.

  • Sustainable development
    • Ethical and/or responsible actions

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

    • Use and / or development of free software tools

Sémanticpédia is a free tool. The photography workshop was mainly animated through free softwares.

  • Political impact
    • Level of change

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

Axis 5 : Making the environment favourable to the Wikimedia projects


Impact on Wikimedia projects

  • Progression of quality
    • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

  • Innovation potential
    • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

Social Impact

  • Partnerships development
    • Partners sastisfaction

An email was sent after the various events to assess their level of satisfaction. Regarding Wiki Loves Monuments awards evening, Canon and the musée des arts et métiers were very pleased with the overall experience. Wikimédia France also carried a partnership with ESAT school and the Ateliers Hourdé for the design of the visual identity of the Public Domain Festival, the school gave a very positive feedback, with the desire to repeat the experience.

  • Sustainable development

For the Wiki Loves Monuments awards evening in November, Wikimedia France worked with a catering company which supports social inclusion.

    • Use and / or development of free software tools

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

  • Political impact
    • Level of change

No data for this item (not relevant for the actions taken during the last quarter).

Focus 6: Broadening the scope of the association


Impacts on Wikimedia projets

  • Increasing the skills, knowledge of the target audiences (trainings)

No increasing skills action set up over the last quarter.

  • Tools set up to capitalize on innovation

For WikiCheese project we put on wikimember all actions we did and have listed all points that can be improved for next crowdfunding project to be more efficient and faster in shares' setting . At the General Assembly in 2014, the participants of the General Assembly made workshops. Subsequently specific sheets were developed on the WikiMember of Wikimedia France to capitalize and continue working on this topics.

Social Impact

  • Partnerships development

No partnerships development action set up over the last quarter.

  • Sustainable development

No sustainable development action set up over the last quarter.

  • Actions ayant une dimension éthique/responsable

At the General Meeting, we used a solidarity organization of catering for breakfasts and lunches. This companie created for its employees from modest backgrounds, a structured, progressive course, integrating tools, facilitating the development of skills but also help them reintegrate into the workplace after life events (job loss, illness etc.)

  • Use and / or development of free software tools

No free software tools devlopment action set up over the last quarter.

  • Level of change (law project impact, political decision, agreements..;)

No level of change action set up over the last quarter.