Wikimedia France/Micro-financement/Demande/Wikimania 2019/Pymouss

Cette demande de micro-financement à Wikimédia France a été acceptée au 2e trimestre 2019.

  This request has been accepted by the commission for 984 € max. Trizek from FR 19:08, 22 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]



Is it your first Wikimania ?

No, I attended Wikimanias 2014 in London (my report), 2016 in Esino Lario and 2017 in Montréal (my report).

Have you already received a scholarship from Wikimedia France?

I received a scholarship from Wikimedia France for Wikimania 2016 (and partial scholarship from WMF for the other).

What is your implication on Wikimedia projects? How is it aligned with the theme of the conference?

My long-term implication in Wikimedia projects (more than 12 years, almost 400,000 edits in all the projects) is of course strongly connected to SDG 4 (Quality education), 9 (Innovation) and 17 (Partnerships for the goals).

A few words on my implication on the project: I started to contribute in French Wikipedia in 2007, and I still consider it to be my home wiki. In the last 12 months, I made more than 3,000 edits on this wiki. I’m also involved in Wikimedia Commons (more than 3,000 edits in the last year). I’ve been an administrator in these two projects for many years.

Since the project began, I’ve also been involved in Wikidata: during the last year, I made more than 70,000 edits on it. I’m really convinced that this database is becoming the key project to collect, organise and spread the free knowledge. It also a powerful tool to reduce the language gap thanks to its real multilingualism. A large part of these contributions are translations of labels, descriptions and properties in the different languages I speak. I’m also a contributor in Breton Wikipedia (around 3,000 edits during the last year). For me, it’s important to use this regional, and endangered, language to share the knowledge and make it alive on the Web. Most my last edits on Breton Wikipedia were made to develop infoboxes and other templates connected to Wikidata in order to make this Wikipedia easier to edit by every Breton speakers. Developing the diversity of languages in Wikimedia projects is important to include a large diversity of people and communities in a global project. Regarding the SDG, I think that it specifically helps to achieve goals 10 (Reduce inequality) and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).

A last point of my implication in the Wikimedia movement is my participation in the "commission micro-financement" (micro-grant commission) created by Wikimédia France. We help more and more contributors from Francophone countries to organize events on Wikimedia projects and to develop communities in their countries. It is also a powerful tool to achieve goals 4 (Quality education), 9 (Innovation) and, of course, 10 (Reduce inequality).

What is your motivation attending Wikimania?

Wikimania is really the place where all the Wikimedia communities are represented : people are coming from really different places and are involved in really different projects. This event is unique to create and develop connections between contributors. I'm more interested in the Language Space and I'm sure that I will meet there people I already met before in international Wiki events: it will be great to exchange on what we did during the previous months, on the difficulties we met, and on the new opportunities. On the previous WIkimanias I've always met new interesting people and collaborations began with contributors I'd never have the chance to meet elsewhere.


Do you also plan to attend the hackathon or the learning days? (if so, please describe your projects there)

No. Even if I try to develop my technical skills, I can't really find my place in the hackathon.

Have you submitted a talk or a workshop for Wikimania 2019? (if so, please add a link)

Yes : Wikidata in your language in the Language Space.

How good is your English?

I think that I have a decent level in English. Even if it is not perfect, my English level is good enough to make talks and to have exchanges with people during the conference.

Anything else?




Don't forget to add the price of the registration.

The more precise your request is, the better.

Designation cost
Admission (early bid) 155 €
Accommodation (source) 4×103= 412 €
Transportation in Stockholm (source)
  • between accomodation and Universitetet
  • from the airport to downtown
  • 6×4.25 =27 €
  • 2×15 = 30 €
Flight RNS-ARN^ 360 €
Total 624 €
984 € (including the flight)

^: flight can be paid by me if it exceeds the global amount dedicated to the scholarships.


  • Crochet.david :
  • Laurent Jerry :
  • Lomita :
  • Pradigue :
  • Thesupermat :
  • Trizek :