Wikimedia Ghana/Proposed by-laws
This is a draft for the by-laws of the proposed Wikimedia Ghana User Group.
This page is currently a draft. More information pertaining to this may be available on the talk page. Translation admins: Normally, drafts should not be marked for translation. |
Chapter One – (Our Mission)
editSection One (About The Chapter)
edit- The proposed chapter will be a non-profit based in Ghana called Wikimedia Ghana (currently Wikimedia Ghana User Group).
Section Two (Our goals)
edit- Wikimedia Ghana's goal is to promote Wikimedia projects within Ghana.
Section Three (Our activities)
edit- Wikimedia Ghana's activities will be shaped by our goals.
Chapter Two – (Membership)
editSection One (Membership)
edit- Membership is open to anyone with a user account for any of the Wikimedia projects and has a minimum age of 18 years, and supports the mission of the group.
- The board of directors have the right to reject any membership application within 30 days of its receipt and return any fees submitted with the application to the applicant.
- An applicant can also appeal when rejected to the membership as a whole at a general assembly.
Section Two (Rights of Members)
edit- A member can attend the Annual Convention/General Assembly meetings – speak, propose and second during discussions.
- A member who fulfill requirements membership requirements can nominate and vote; however non-Ghanaians members cannot vote as matters of the affiliate concern the definite geographical area called Ghana.
- A member can participate in the projects and activities of the chapter.
Section Three (Responsibilities of Members)
edit- A member is not obliged to attend meetings.
- A member who is 18 years and above is to pay an annual fee of ¢50.
- The rate of the fees shall be determined by the board of directors and may be changed by majority vote of group members annually at the general assembly
- A member should follow Chapter rules and by-laws.
- A member should not engage in anything that will harm chapter. What is harmful to the chapter will be determined on a case by case basis by board and voted on by members. The board will call for an extraordinary meeting for this.
- A member should not defame the group or bring its name into disrepute.
- A member should not obstruct the working of the chapter and during meetings.
Section Four (Penalties & Termination of Membership)
edit- A membership will end if the member dies, resigns, doesn't pay membership fees after a given deadline deadline or has been expelled by a vote of 2/3 of the directors.
- A member can terminate his/her membership by sending a written message to the secretary; with a 21 notice given.
- A member of the chapter can be penalized for being in contravention of Chapter Two - Section Three responsibilities.
- Penalizing can either be suspension or expulsion determined on a case-by-case basis
- Penalizing is done by after The Board of Directors meet and confirms the penalty.
- If the member appeals by sending a written letter or arrange a meeting with the board, the board should revise his appeal within 30 days and confirm or revoke the penalty.
- The member receives a written notice stating the decision made by the board and the reasons on which they made the decision.
Chapter Three – (Meetings)
editSection One (Regular Meeting)
edit- An Annual Convention/General Assembly should be held once in a year for members.
- An online meeting should be held every two months for the board and program leaders to update community on activities.
Section Two (Special Meetings)
edit- An Extraordinary Meeting can be held on the call of The President or when two‐thirds of members of the group want to have a meeting.
Section Three (Call for Meeting)
edit- The board or person(s) acting as group secretary should inform all the members 7 days prior to meeting through email. Notification should clearly state the purpose, time, date and place of meeting.
Section Four (Minuting)
edit- Minutes of all these category of meetings should be made available on Meta.
Chapter Four – (The Board Members)
editSection One (Role)
edit- The Board is the executive and administrative body of the chapter.
- The Board can employ or appoint an officer for specific roles within the non-profit but cannot delegate an officer to fulfil the board's responsibilities.
- There shall be a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and other board members.
- The Board will be elected by vote.
Section Two (Board Membership)
edit- All board members should have a minimum age of 18 years and be legally able to sign contracts.
- The minimum number of board members is 3; if the number of the board reduces for any reason, the other board members will have to appoint an individual as needed to maintain the number.
- The board's term shall be one year from the date of appointment, and the term can be renewed subject to voting by the general assembly.
- Any board member may be removed from the office by 2/3 votes of directors.
- The Board shall have 12 meetings during the year, and when these meetings can be called by 2/3 of the board.
- Decisions are taken by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting, and the chairperson’s vote is decisive in case of a tie.
- All Board members should be notified of the meeting dates one week prior.
- The Board meetings may be held by teleconferencing or online.
- The Secretary should keep the minutes of these meetings and the decisions taken in them together with a record of the names of persons present at the meetings.
- The Chairperson of the Board shall be determined on the following basis:
- Longstanding membership of about two years of the User Group(Chapter)
- Active Wikimedian status (at least 500 edits)
- Active involvement in volunteer activities in the past two years.
- Awareness of the Wikimedia movement (Movement Strategy & Movement Governance).
- Awareness of the Digital Media Ecosystem.
- Does not hold any board position within the movement that conflicts with the chapter's work.
- Should not hold membership for any affiliate operating in similar activities within Ghana.
Section Three (Board Eligibility)
edit- A member of the Wikimedia Ghana User Group
- Active Wikimedia contributor (at least 500 edits or uploads).
- Active involvement in volunteer activities in the past two years.
- Awareness of the Wikimedia movement (especially Movement Strategy and Movement Governance matters).
- Awareness of the Digital Media ecosystem.
- Does not hold any board position in any Wikimedia affiliate.
- Should not hold membership for any Wikimedia affiliate operating in similar activities within Ghana.
- Should not be blocked or banned on any Wikimedia platform.
Chapter Five – (Annual Convention/General Assembly Meeting)
edit- The Annual Convention/ general assembly shall hold between January 1st and March 31.
- A notice of the general meeting must be sent to all members at least 1 month before the meeting by or E-mail. The notice shall include the agenda of the meeting.
- The chairperson of the General Assembly shall be the Chairperson of the board or any other representation from the board.
- Every member has the right to submit a suggestion that should be sent to the Board of not later than December 31, the year before the meeting.
- Every member has one vote. All members have the right to attend the meeting to speak and suggest to the general assembly.
- Decisions of the general assembly are made through a simple majority of casted votes.
- In the event of voting equality, the Chairperson shall determine the outcome of the vote.
Chapter Six – (Voting)
editTo vote:
- A member should have paid the membership fees.
- A member of the Wikimedia Ghana User Group with a membership.
- A member should be an active editor.
- A member should not hold membership for any Wikimedia affiliate operating in similar activities within Ghana.
- A member should not be blocked or banned on any Wikimedia platform.
- Vetting of nominees and Chairperson correspondence with Nominees
- A close meeting for casting ballots. (for online Zoom)
Chapter Seven – (Officers and Duties)
editSection One (Chairperson)
edit- The President heads the work of the Executive Board of the Group.
- He presides all the meetings of the Executive Committee.
- The President of the Association represents and acts on behalf of the Association in the legal dealings with third parties and sign all the financial documents on behalf of the Association.
Section Two (Vice Chairperson)
edit- The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when he/she is not present and exercise all the powers of the President.
- The Vice President shall have the powers given to him/her by the President and acts as his adviser.
Section Three (Secretary)
edit- Secretary shall keep the record of all the members, committee meetings, resolutions passed in general meetings and committee meeting.
- Secretary shall prepare an annual report of the group.
- The Secretary must keep in his or her custody or under his or her control all books, documents and securities of the organization.
Section Four (Treasurer)
edit- The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping of proper accounts.
- The Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the Executive Committee and deposit the same in the name of the Group in the Bank.
- The Treasurer shall prepare the annual accounts of the Association and submit it in General Body meeting.
Section Five (Community Director)
edit- The Community Director is a staff role and will see to the day to day running of the chapter. You can find more details on the role here:[1]
Section Six (Removal)
edit- These officers can be removed by simple majority if they harm the image of the group and disturb the procedure of the group.
Section Seven (Resignations)
edit- Any elected or appointed officer of the Group may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or any person acting on his behalf.
Chapter Eight – (Finances)
edit- No loans shall be collected or given on behalf of the organization
- The chapter has the right to carry out fund raising events inside and outside its area of action
- The board has the right to refuse funds from certain entities without claiming reasons
- All funds received by the chapter shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the chapter at such bank, credit union, or other depository institution as the Board of Directors may select, providing also that the majority of such funds shall be maintained at a depository institution in Ghana
- The signing officers shall be the Treasurer and any other board member for all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money by the organization
- The chapter shall never allow its expenditures to exceed its available funds and revenue
- The President of the board and the treasurer’s signature legally binds the organization
- The financial year and year of activity is the same as the calendar year;
- All financial documents including checks will be kept by treasurer
- There will be external audits as required by our local laws
Chapter Nine – (Records)
edit- A member may make a copy of any accounts, books, securities and any other relevant documents of the organization.
- All accounts, books, securities and any other relevant documents of the organization must be available for inspection free of charge by any member upon request, from Mondays - Fridays within 9 Am - 5 PM.
Chapter Ten – (Dissolution)
edit- A 2/3 majority vote at two consecutive annual meetings of the General Assembly is required for dissolution of the association. Upon dissolution, all assets of the association will be transferred to Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Chapter Eleven – (Amendment)
edit- Any bye-laws can be amended or repealed by simple majority in a General meeting or extra-ordinary meeting initiated by the majority of community members or board.