Основные события Викимедиа, апрель 2013
Важные новости из отчёта Фонда Викимедиа за апрель 2013 и технического отчёта за апрель 2013 года, с подборкой важнейших событий движения Викимедиа
Важные новости Фонда Викимедиа
Новая система уведомлений запускается в английской Википедии
30 апреля команда привлечения редакторов Фонда включила систему уведомлений (также известную как «Эхо») была запущена в английской Википедии. Она уведомляет редакторов о новых действиях, что затрагивают их, например, когда они получают новое сообщение на их странице обсуждения участника, или когда одна из их правок откатывается, либо другой участник благодарит за правку. Эта система всё ещё проверяется и подвержена изменениям на основе отзывов сообщества. Далее, она будет доступна в других языковых разделах Википедии, и прочих проектов Викимедиа.
Содержимое Викиданных теперь можно использовать во всех разделах Википедии
Викиданные теперь начинает обслуживать все языковые разделы Википедии как общий источник структурированных данных, которые могут быть использованы в любых статьях, например, шаблоны-карточки. Машиночитаемая база знаний Викиданных уже содержит более 11 миллионов записей. Они также могут быть запрошены, оценены и изменены с помощью всё растущей коллекции инструментов.
Wikimedia Commons app announced for iOS and Android
The Wikimedia Commons mobile app was officially announced in April, allowing quick and easy image uploads directly from mobile devices. It is available for both iOS and Android devices. Mobile users who don't have the app installed can still upload images from the mobile web version of all Wikimedia projects.
Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) publishes its recommendations about $1.2 million
Launched in 2012, the Funds Dissemination Committee is a group of Wikimedia volunteers tasked with helping to decide about the use of movement funds. On April 28, after a period of evaluation by supporting staff and public review by the community, it published its recommendations to the Wikimedia Board of Trustees about the second round of funding requests, by four organizations: Wikimedia Czech Republic (requested: $14,084.50, recommended: $0), Wikimedia Hong Kong (requested: $211,660.26, recommended: $0), Wikimedia Norway (requested: $235,715, recommended: $140,000), and Wikimedia France (requested: $747,259, recommended: $525,000).
New conflict of interest guidelines
With an immediate effective date, the Board of Trustees approved Wikimedia guidelines on the disclosure of potential and actual conflicts of interest in requesting and allocating movement resources (such as financial grants). Input provided by the community during a six-week consultation period greatly improved the original version.
Статистика и тенденции
Global unique visitors for March:
- 517 million (+7.17% compared with February; +5.76% compared with the previous year)
- (comScore data for all Wikimedia Foundation projects; comScore will release April data later in May)
Page requests for April:
- 20.8 billion (-3.4% compared with March; +20.1% compared with the previous year)
- (Server log data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects including mobile access)
Active Registered Editors for March 2013 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, excluding bots):
- 82,105 (+5.67% compared with February / +2.15% compared with the previous year)
- (Database data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects.)
Report Card (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects) for March 2013:
(Financial information is only available through March 2013 at the time of this report.)
All financial information presented is for the Month-To-Date and Year-To-Date March 31, 2013.
Доходы | $41,573,672 |
Расходы: | |
Engineering Group | $10,569,516 |
Fundraising Group | $2,915,969 |
Grantmaking & Programs Group | $4,565,386 |
Группа управления | $555,937 |
Группа Юристов / Защиты сообщества / Внешних связей | $2,263,477 |
Группа финансов / кадров / администрации (Finance/Legal/HR/Admin Group) | $4,187,115 |
Общие расходы | $25,057,400 |
Total surplus | $16,516,272 |
- Revenue for the month of March is $5.92MM versus plan of $5.28MM, approximately $647K or 12% over plan.
- Year-to-date revenue is $41.57MM versus plan of $35.74MM, approximately $5.83MM or 16% over plan.
- Expenses for the month of March is $3.09MM versus plan of $4.04MM, approximately $943K or 23% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, and grant expenses offset by higher bank fees.
- Year-to-date expenses is $25.06MM versus plan of $29.97MM, approximately $4.92MM or 16% under plan, primarily due to personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, FDC grants executed, WMF project grants, and travel expenses partially offset by higher legal expenses and bank fees.
- Cash position is $41.02MM as of March 31, 2013.
Другие важные новости движения
Chapters conference and GLAM-Wiki events
From April 18 to April 21, the annual conference of Wikimedia chapters took place in Milan, Italy, with more than 100 participants. Chapter representatives were joined by the Board of Trustees, the Funds Dissemination Committee and various employees of the Wikimedia Foundation. Chapters and other movement organizations gave short presentations about their most important activities.
On the preceding weekend, more than 150 people attended GLAM-Wiki 2013 at the British Library in London, an event devoted to the exchange between Wikimedians and cultural institutions (GLAMs). At the end of the month, the first ever GLAM Boot Camp took place at the US National Archives in Washington D.C., a three-day workshop for Wikipedians interested in assisting collaborations with GLAMs.
Students create the first online Arabic-Serbian dictionary
On the Serbian Wiktionary, a group of six students of Oriental studies have been working on creating the first online Arabic-Serbian dictionary. The project is symbolically named “1001 words”. It was initiated by Wikimedia Serbia and is supported by a local cultural centre in Belgrade.
"Wiki Loves Sound" enriches Wikipedia with audio recordings
"Wiki Loves Sound" is a new initiative to promote the use of sound on Wikimedia projects, supported by Wikimedia Netherlands. In April, 1838 audio files were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, out of more than 2300 sound recordings donated by the Netherlands Institute For Sound and Vision.
Electric coffee grinder
Runners training in a park
A column of Sherman tanks
Disk drive and printer of a UNIVAC 9480 (1970s mainframe computer)
Bells of the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam