
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Highlights, August 2015 and the translation is 86% complete.

"Encuentro de Activistas Digitales de Lenguas Indígenas - Colombia 2015 - 3.JPG" by Diego F. Gómez, freely licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.; "Taipei_Wm2007_Guillaume.jpg" by Cary Bass, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.; "OrangeMoody-BubbleGraphCombined-Nolabels.jpg" by James Alexander, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.; "Coding da Vinci 2015 - Preisverleihung (18880680843).jpg" by Thomas Nitz/Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland, freely licensed under CC BY 2.0.; "Wikimania Translathon 20150718 162444.jpg" by Amire80, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.; Collage by Andrew Sherman.


数百个英语维基百科的与破坏者有关联的账户在调查中被发现。用户名(绿色)和IP地址(黄色)已经从图像中移除。 Graph by James Alexander, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


德國戰艦"提爾皮茨號戰列艦"下海前不久。當它在1940年開始服役時,它是世界上規模最大和最現代化的戰艦之一。 Photo from the German Federal Archives, freely licensed under CC-by-SA 3.0.

维基百科用户兼管理员Nick Dowling在英语维基百科上写了三篇关于皇家海军在第二次世界大战期间试图沉没德国提尔皮茨号战列舰的特色条目。他谈论了他面临的阻碍,和如何去战胜它们的。

坐在长椅上的纪尧姆 Photo by Cary Bass, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

兩年前,維基百科的編輯 Guillaume Paumier 發現他有自閉症。當他了解到更多關於自己和他的大腦的工作方式,Guillaume 開始通過這個新方向的鏡頭看過去的經驗。他分享一些他沿著他的成功,失敗,和許多令他混淆的過去,尤其是在維基媒體運動中學會了的經歷。

在Wikimania 2015上的内容翻译会议。 Photo by Amire80, freely licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

維基媒體國際會議2015年—從各地的維基人第十一次的年度盛會—最近在墨西哥城舉行。維基媒體基金會的語言工程隊參加了黑客馬拉松和維基媒體國際會議的會議,舉辦一些講座和兩個翻譯研討會。主要的焦點是內容翻譯項目與用戶溝通 ,了解他們的問題,並提高人們對這一個新條款創建工具的關注度。

Content Translation is available as a beta-feature for all logged-in users on Wikipedias of all languages. You can follow the instructions on how to get started with the tool. Additional help is available in the FAQ section. We also invite participants to our testing sessions and you can also help translate the UI messages for Content Translation. You can provide feedback on the project talk page.

参与者的小组。 Photo by Diego F. Gómez, freely licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

The User Group Wikimedistas de Colombia gathered this past June in Bogotá, Colombia, to begin discussions on the ways Wikipedia can be used to document and share endangered indigenous languages in the country. Indigenous language speakers came from all over Colombia to share their experiences, knowledge, and resources to help.

Participants brainstormed the impact Wikipedia could have on the indigenous languages of Colombia, including the use of the site as a way to help younger generations of indigenous language speakers access articles and media in their own languages. This would help bridge the gap between indigenous languages and education, where Spanish dominates the classroom as the spoken language.

Coding da Vinci精選了20個不同的項目,並提供給維基共享資源600,000件文件。 Photo by Thomas Nitz/Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland, freely licensed under CC BY 2.0.

一個免費的文件現在可在維基共享資源使用(感謝 Coding da Vinci) ,最近的一次文化數據黑客馬拉松在柏林的猶太博物館舉行。這份文件由百年前錄下的機械鋼琴,二戰照片,乾花掃描,到其他藝術和文物的記錄,全部都由德國的博物館,檔案館和圖書館採購。

Andrew Sherman, Digital Communications Intern, Wikimedia Foundation