Destacados de Wikimedia, Diciembre de 2013
Destacados del Informe de la Fundación Wikimedia y el Reporte de Ingeniería de Wikimedia para diciembre de 2013, con una selección de otros importantes eventos del movimiento de Wikimedia
Destacados de la Fundación Wikimedia
Nuevo panfleto explica cómo editar Wikipedia
La programa equipo de educacion terminaron el trabajo sobre una versión completamente diferente del Welcome to Wikipedia brochure(ahora tituló "Editing Wikipedia"). Es también disponible para traducción en idiomas diferentes.
"Borradores" rasgo provea una ventaja más suave para los articulos de Wikipedia
En Diciembre, el nuevo Draft namespaceera launched on the English Wikipedia, como soicitó por el comunidad local. se da todos los usarios (certificado o anónimo) el opción para empezar articulos nuevos como un barrador, en vez de se publicando inmediatamente(cuál puede ser portador del riesgo que el articulo nuevo está nominó para supresión antés de había mejorado). Borradores se marca por un "Draft:" en el título del pagina, y no son visible para busquedas de sitios webes.
Recipients of Annual Plan Grants (FDC) and Individual Engagements Grants (IEG) announced
In December, 11 Wikimedia organizations were awarded annual plan grants totaling $4.4M, following the recommendations of the volunteer-run Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) in the first round of requests for 2013/2014. The approved amount was lower than the overall requested amount of US$5.94M, affirming the FDC's guidance to the organizations to be thoughtful about growth.
Also in December, the selection of seven projects for the second round of Individual Engagements grants (IEG) was announced. They focus on activities from outreach to tool-building, all aimed at connecting and supporting the community.
= Campaña de Recolección de fondos en linea de Fin de Año Exitosa
El equipo de recaudación de fondos WMF ejecutó la Campaña de recaudación de fondos en línea de fin de año en los EE.UU., Reino Unido, Canadá, Australia, y Nueva Zelanda. Se obtuvo aproximadamente USD $ 18.700.000 a partir de más de un millón de donantes en diciembre. Durante las dos semanas cuando la campaña se ejecutó a toda su capacidad, el equipo creó y probó alrededor de 250 diferentes anuncios. Los anuncios se utilizarán en otros países e idiomas a lo largo de 2014.
Datos y tendencias
Global unique visitors for November:
- 533 million (+9.95% compared with October; +0.42% compared with the previous year)
- (comScore data for all Wikimedia Foundation projects; comScore will release December data later in January)
Page requests for December:
- 18.270 billion (-4.0% compared with November; -9.4% compared with the previous year)
- (Server log data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects including mobile access)
Active Registered Editors for November 2013 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, excluding bots):
- 74,803 (-1.33% compared with October / -4.88% compared with the previous year)
- (Database data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects.)
Report Card (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects):
(Financial information is only available through November 2013 at the time of this report.)
All financial information presented is for the Month-To-Date and Year-To-Date November 30, 2013.
Ingresos | 14 609 876 |
Gastos: | |
Grupo de ingeniería | 6 589 458 |
Grupo de Recaudación de Fondos | 1 439 053 |
Grupo de becas | 720 055 |
Grupo de programas | 723 516 |
Donaciones | 950 624 |
Grupo de Gobierno | 302 012 |
Legal/Community Advocacy/Communications Group | 1 367 697 |
Finance/HR/Admin Group | 3 029 513 |
Gastos Totales | 15 121 928 |
Déficit total | (512 052) |
en dólares estadounidenses |
- Revenue for the month of November is $2.96MM versus plan of $8.83MM, approximately $5.87MM or 66% under plan.
- Year-to-date revenue is $14.61MM versus plan of $16.71MM, approximately $2.1MM or 13% under plan.
- Expenses for the month of November is $2.89MM versus plan of $3.73MM, approximately $844K or 23% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, payment processing fees, and travel expenses partially offset by higher outside contract services and recruiting expenses.
- Year-to-date expenses is $15.12MM versus plan of $18.43MM, approximately $3.31MM or 18% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, legal fees, payment processing fees, staff development expenses, and travel expenses partially offset by higher outside contract services and recruiting fees.
- Cash position is $38.8MM as of November 30, 2013.
Other highlights from the Wikimedia movement
Se anunciaron los ganadores de Wiki Loves Monuments 2013
The 2013 edition of Wiki Loves Monuments, the contest to upload freely licensed photos of national monuments to Wikimedia Commons, concluded with the announcement ot the global winners in December. This time, there were 51 national or regional competitions in 52 countries. With more than 365,000 submissions, the record from 2012 was broken. The global winning photo, by Commons user Kabelleger (David Gubler), shows a bridge in the Swiss mountains being crossed by a train.
Nueva herramienta para subidas en masa de GLAM a Wikimedia Commons
The GLAMwiki Toolset was activated on Wikimedia Commons on December 17. It allows GLAM organizations (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) to upload many images (or other media files) at once, while automatically importing metadata in XML form. The work on this new MediaWiki extension was funded by Europeana and the Dutch, British, French and Swiss Wikimedia chapters.