Фондация Уикимедия ― Акценти, септември 2013 г.
Highlights от Wikimedia Foundation Report и Wikimedia engineering report за септември 2013, с подбрани важни събития от движението "Уикимедия".
Фондация Уикимедия ― Акценти
22 предложения бяха направени относно Индивидуалните годежни помощи
Спомагателните субекти, или така наречените малки отбори работят по проекти, които помагат на доброволците от Уикимедия в тяхната дейност. Програмата стартира в началото на 2013г. и втората й група от предложения беше отправена на 30 септември 2013г.22 complete proposals събраната сума от дарения е в размер на $297,575. Различни привърженици на кампанията даряваха суми от $10 до $30,000. Чрез различни методи - онлайн организации и различни проекти, целта на кампанията бе тя да повлияе благоприятно на около 15 различни проекта на Уикимедия. Като например "Reimagining Mentorship on Wikipedia", както и работа от осигуряване на gadgets that support editing are updated to be compatible with the new VisualEditor. През месец октомври предложенията бяха проверени за eligibility, докато дискусиите в обществото течаха преди откриването на formal review, състояло се на 23 октомври.
FDC получи 11 предложения с различни планове за годишна помощ
Комитета по финансиране е само част от WMF, където редица организации, част от движението "Уикимедия" могат да поискат различни видове помощ и финансиране за продължаване на дейността си и изпълване на плановете си. Комитетът, който разглежда предложенията и отправя препоръки към Борда на настоятелството, изцяло подкрепя дейността на WMF. Вторият рунд на FDC за 2013г. приключи през септември с изумителни резултати - 11 "Уикимедия" организации поискали помощ в размер на 6 милиона долара. До 31-и октомври членовете на "Уикимедия" бяха поканени да участват в community review period
FDC също работи по подготовката на 2012-2013 annual report взимайки пример от работата си от 2012г.
Започват консултации относно новата политика за поверителност
The Foundation's Legal and Community Advocacy team announced the launch of the 4.5 month-long community consultation and feedback period (scheduled to conclude on 15 January 2014) for the new privacy policy draft. Feedback and discussion has been very fruitful thus far and have already helped improve the draft.
Data and Trends
Global unique visitors for August:
- 497 million (+0.97% compared with July; +8.90% compared with the previous year)
- (comScore data for all Wikimedia Foundation projects; comScore will release September data later in October)
Page requests for September:
- 25.90 billion (+8.6% compared with August; +30.8% compared with the previous year)
- (Server log data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects including mobile access)
Active Registered Editors for August 2013 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, excluding bots):
- 76,612 (-0.34% compared with July / -2.94% compared with the previous year)
- (Database data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects.)
Report Card (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects):
Wikimedia Foundation YTD Expenses by Functions as of August 31, 2013 |
(Financial information is only available through August 2013 at the time of this report.)
All financial information presented is for the Month-To-Date and Year-To-Date August 31, 2013.
Revenue | $5,408,836 |
Expenses: | |
Engineering Group | $2,515,199 |
Fundraiser Group | $573,336 |
Grantmaking & Programs Group | $607,306 |
Grants | $502,420 |
Governance Group | $130,722 |
Legal/Community Advocacy/Communications Group | $533,787 |
Finance/HR/Admin Group | $1,201,542 |
Total Expenses | $6,064,312 |
Total (loss) | ($655,476) |
Revenue for the month of August is $2.29MM versus plan of $0.99MM, approximately $1.3MM or 133% over plan.
Year-to-date revenue is $5.41MM versus plan of $1.99MM, approximately $3.42MM or 172% over plan.
Expenses for the month of August is $3.34MM versus plan of $4.26MM, approximately $919K or 25% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, legal fees, grants, and travel expenses partially offset by higher payment processing fees.
Year-to-date expenses is $6.06MM versus plan of $7.69MM, approximately $1.63MM or 21% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, legal fees, grants, and travel expenses partially offset by higher payment processing fees.
Cash position is $38.75MM as of August 31, 2013.
Other movement highlights
Wiki Loves Monuments 2013
The fourth edition of Wiki Loves Monuments took place from September 1 to September 30. The competition to upload freely licensed images of national monuments to Wikimedia Commons has become the world's largest photo contest. In November, an international jury will review the finalists from each country, and the global winning picture is expected to be announced in early December.
Indian Wikimedians and German university collaborate to digitize works of 19th century scholar
Community members from the Malayalam Wikipedia and Wikisource have formed a partnership with the University of Tübingen, Germany. The university holds an archive of the works of Hermann Gundert (1814–1893), a German missionary, scholar, and linguist (as well as the grandfather of German novelist and Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse). Gundert published numerous books in Malayalam, including a grammar for the language, and a Malayalam-English dictionary. The Malayalam Wikimedians will help to typeset scanned copies of these books, provided by the university.
Australian government agency supports Wikimedia cooperation with Paralympic Movement
A collaboration between the Australian Wikimedia chapter, the University of Queensland and the Australian Paralympic Committee (APC) has been awarded funding from the Australian Research Council, a government agency. The project concerns the history of the paralympic movement and disabled sport in Australia, and aims to improve the coverage of these topics on Wikimedia projects.