Wikimedia LGBT/2022-01-25
This online videoconference is open to all participants of the LGBT+ User Group, and is intended as an opportunity to discuss shared opportunities, challenges, and issues.
- Date: Tuesday 25 January 1700 UTC (1700 UK, 1800 DE, 0900 PDT, 1200 EST)
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The Wikimedia Friendly Space Policy and Universal Code of Conduct will be followed for this meeting.
edit- Intro
- review past notes at Wikimedia LGBT/2022-01-04, mostly about QW planning
- QW Planning team status
- Governance Committee status
- Universal Code of Conduct enforcement ratification
- As of 24 January 2022, up for public review at Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines
- Wikimedia Foundation Board noticeboard/January 2022 - Board of Trustees on Community ratification of enforcement guidelines of UCoC
- Wikimedia Foundation election reform
- Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Board of Trustees elections/Discuss Key Questions
- As an affiliate organization, Wikimedia LGBT+ is a stakeholder in this because there is a proposal to take away the organizational right to vote
- (Lane raises own issue) - demographic profiling -
- general issue: Lane predicts unexpected consequences of applying public demographic data to Wikidata
- one consequence will be that we can query universities for a count or list of LGBT+ researchers
- this will create new pressures and incentives for people to disclose or hide their demographic status
edit- QW 2022 Conference
When and under what circumstances do we submit the QW2022
- We need to ensure that our funding proposal is submitted and valid
- Survey results will be added to the proposal, the survey is to be closed at the end of January. There have been 15 replies to the survey so far, which gives some statistically meaningful results and charts that can be released on Commons (they do not compromize anyone's privacy).
- The QW conference team will need to be assembled, starting by April
- The proposal does not prescribe the conference content, but the conference format is described and plans for how virtual it should be. We do not know how many affiliates will help us yet, they should decide before April to start arranging logistics. The grant proposal is very generic for now.
- In terms of non-virtual engagement, we may have 20+ people meeting in Linz, we might even have 50 or more meeting in person but how realistic this will be depends on the pandemic either, so plans have to stay flexible.
- The WMF grants team has been asked for a pre submission meeting.
- Submission deadline is 7th February 2022, WMF was notified and there might be comments in February/March. Has to be in the grants space: we already have our own draft but we have to move this to the grants: namespace on meta and have to reformat some of the responses normal maximum is: 90k USD for a conference
- L.: Claudia has agreed for WMAT to be financial partner in receiving the money and paying people
- BlueR: 30k for a project manager does not seem a lot of money to organize a conference, and I think it will be hard to hire people who can do this
- L.: the person he had in mind was a junior project manager (PM), with a few years of experience; we can also have team to help the PM organize the conf
- L.: we are behind on core team of organizing, it should be more diverse than we are now
- Owen: we have had two volunteers so far for languages
- L.: we have not yet promoted the call for volunteers yet
- L.: 1 April is when budget is finalized, at the time we need to finalize the team as well, we need to recruit in various projects and beyond our community
- Blue R: i would like to recruit first from LGBTQ+ community
- BR: how will this ad look?
- L.: about 25k could go to PM and 5k to assistant
- BR: maybe two PMs?
- L.: is not a huge conference, maybe 300 ppl participating in different ways (online?)
- Z.: it would be easier to have 2 or 3 people to work, not 1
- L.: if we had two how would we divide? We might consider having honorariums for the volunteers, have a central PM and then others to take specialized tasks such as tech/promotion. There is also the content team to ask for speakers and prepare program. There are also the subcontract jobs: PM, the paid translators and facilitators. Our team has to be involved, the PM will not understand it all from a few meetings
- BR: we can revise the budget from PM later, after the proposal is in
- owen: there is a 10% flex on budget numbers before WMF needs to approve
- L.: we should not overstretch us in the proposal, if a thousand people watch we will surprised but it is not extra work really
- Z.: we had 80+ registration and WMAT said that 80+ was maximum at the time. There will be registration to manage the number of attendees
- BR: if there is anything to volunteer for, sign me up
- Governance committee
- 1 ongoing action, that Owen is looking at, but which is confidential we need one or two people to join the committee, we need long term people for that
- Jeffrey and Rachel are on the team and also on AffCom
- we need to have governance talks even for the conference
- Q: what kind of commitment is expected? there are requirements on the page: Wikimedia_LGBT+/Governance
- - It does involve making financial decisions and members will prolly need to be "known" to the WMF
- Owen: it is a few extra calls and some Telegram discussion
- and Conf Com will want oversight by the Gov Com
- Owen: wants to have more than white men from Europe and north America and not all business en anglais
- Z.: we need more than translating documents
- Universal Code of Conduct ratification
- L.: this is important for us
- Owen: Shani E wrote an email about this just today: Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/January_2022_-_Board_of_Trustees_on_Community_ratification_of_enforcement_guidelines_of_UCoC there is a bunch of UCoC stuff to review now and we as UG should respond to it
- Z.: we should have a separate meeting about UCoC
- L.: who wants to coordinate to have a zoom?
- Owen: is volunteering
- L.: Shani said that 50% volunteers are need to approve the UCoC
- Owen: skeptical
- L.: there is no clarity what to do if the UCoC is rejected, many folx will see a bit to reject
- Owen: There is a letter from ArbCom: Open_Letter_from_Arbcoms_to_the_Board_of_Trustees
- Election reforms
- but noone really participated in the discussion
- Z.: it was super complex at times
- L.: it was baised towards the bigger affiliates, someone who was opposed by WMDE would not be elected, as example
- Owen: there are concerns about politicing
- L.: but we cant really find anything better
- L.: maybe we can discuss this on Telegram
- Z.: people should rotate more from a bigger pool
- Lane raised issue about demographic data
- because personal data on Wikidata
- https:// yt /vvb9DaPr3Ys
- there are different notability requrements on Wikidata but that can be mined for relationships and consequences and interconnections: who wrote on what and went to what conference like the trans woman L. worked with go as woman to a country where it is against the law, Wikidata can expose that she is trans
- Owen: someone should make an analysis of ethical issues and publish it as a paper
- Owen: we could get a rapidgrant for that
- L.: also metadata for Commons; like Hong Kong photographers
- L.: also military named people in pictures and they asked for names to be removed; Commons usually refuse these requests
- L.: we need so that we do not have people with deadnames, outed without consent; people can really suffer for these
- Owen: This feels like something that WMF Trust & Safety might want to try analysing; it's only something we care about because they don't, effectively
- L.: the foundation will only act in extreme cases
- L.: but we need project-wide policies without having a big discussion
- L.: are you gonna keep the past data?
- Owen: there is also the legal "Right to be forgotten" within the EU, which should concern the WMF
- L.: this group will recommend right to be forgotten for our projects too
- Any Other Business
- L.: put timing proposal on Meta to alternate between weekends and work days
- L.: before April we need to think about the conference team meetings
- weekend meetings because we have the same group of people, we know some cant make it
- not all to every meeting but more people to some meetings
- people can also pre-raise things for meetings if they cannot come
- it is good to state the topic so that it is easier to commit
- we can have a meeting for the UCoC and pre-read it before the meeting