Wikimedia México/Proyectos/Proyecto conjunto WM-MX - NCCEP-México/en

Wikimedia Mexico - National Council for Community and Education Partnerships Mexico Project




Start a new project between National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP) Mexico, and Wikimedia Mexico Chapter.


  1. Through the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships support, get the Wikimedia Mexico Chapter foundation succesfully done.
  2. Take necessary steps to develope working and capacity building projects in order to get results from Wikimedia Mexico Chapter.
  3. Improve from schools and educational structure, a better participation and use of Wikimedia projects for Mexico.


  1. Work on specific goals and action plan.
  2. Provide NCCEP information and proposals to work together.
  3. Knowing which action guides from NCCEP might be interesting to work together, such as consultancy, legal and administrative support, connections with government, NGO's or private sector.

About National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (Mexico)


The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP) it's a non-profit international organization, that helps maximizing public schools resources, creating public-private partnerships. Getting strategic goals clarified, NCCEP brings together colleges, universities, foundations, government agencies, corporations and community-based organizations in collaborative efforts to improve education at a basic level. NCCEP's guiding principles are:

  1. Improve students academic results
  2. Incorporate technology at basic education
  3. Strengthen teachers and directors develope
  4. Involve parents on education

Since 1999, when NCCEP was founded at Washington DC, its work model has consolidated at making sustainable partnerships grow, supporting students success. Kellog Foundation's sponsorship at 2006, lead NCCEP to it's first international office at Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Since then, NCCEP has been working at project models development, where corporations, NGO's, and government are getting their efforts together to improve students academic achievement.

Corporative projects and strategic partnerships


For this 5 years, NCCEP has developed too, strategies that help Corporate Social Responsability Areas, bringing greater benefit in mexican context.

NGO's alliance (incubator)


NCCEP has already worked as incubator for other NGO's at Mexico, in order to help them to accomplish their own goals and impact on different social work. Some of them are:

  1. Empresarios por la Educación Básica
  2. Via Education
  3. Mariposas A.C.

NCCEP's role at this partnership, has been established by a collaboration agreement, where it's main comittments are:

  1. Office and facilities use
  2. Consultancy for legal constitution as Civil Asociation
  3. Connections with strategic allies at government, corporates or other civil organizations