Wikimedia Macedonia/Second General Assembly

The Second General Assembly of WMMK was on 5th of June 2013, in Skopje. All 15 members of WMMK were invited. Two of them responded they are unable to come, because of health and work issues.


  • Date and time: 05 June, 2013, 19:00 CEST
  • Place: Skopje
  • Duration: 3 h 30 m



On the Second General Assembly, the members discussed about making changes in the oganization. The changes which took place on this Assembly are:

  • ~ is no longer a member of the Board, but he remained on other duties with WMMK, as manage with bank account
  • New board members were elected
  • Slobodan Jakoski was put in charge for making changes in the Bylaws of the Organization

(New Law of the State requires some changes in the Bylaws of the NGOs)

  • The Board has to make the new annual program plan of WMMK
  • The Board is responsible to create, apply and carry out all projects which are or are not in the annual program plan

See also
