Wikimedia Meetup 2005 Cluj-Napoca/auf Deutsch

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  • Wunderbare, historische und multietnische Stadt
  • Cluj ist die größte Stadt in Transilvanien, und einer der ersten Rumäniens, wenn man über die Wohlstand der Einwohner spricht
  • Eine interessante Bestimmnung, die von viele Augen nicht gesehen wurde
  • Sehr leicht zu erreichen - Vom internationalen Flughafen kann man nach Rumänien, Italien, Deutschland und Ungarn fliegen, aber es gibt auch einige europäischen Züge. Und die Stadt ist gar nicht weit von Budapest entfernt, ein größes Flughafen in Osteuropa (nur 4 Stunden mit dem Auto).
  • Exzellentes Essen und Nachtleben
  • Sehr sicher
  • Sehr viele billige, und gute Hotels
  • Sehr viel billiger als Westeuropa, auch als Prag, aber mit den selben Zweckmäßigkeiten
    • Sehr, aber sehr billiges Essen! Man kann hier für nur 5 bis 10 euro essen und trinken !
    • Die örtliche Bier heißt Ursus, es wird behauptet das beste Bier Rumäniens zu sein und kostet nur 0,7 euro in einem kleinen Laden.
  • Es gibt ein aktives Esperanto-Club in der Stadt
  • Sehr viele Leute sprechen neben Rumänisch, Ungarisch, Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch
  • Es wert sich die Umbgebung sehen
  • Die rumänische Wikipedianer hoffen aus Cluj Napoca 2005 eine angenehme Erfahrung. Wenn Klausenburg gewählt werden wird , wir werden ein Online-Reiseführer auf Meta-Wiki stellen, und zwar mit Infos damit man hier auflöst. Alles wird sehr gut organisiert. Unter anderen werden wir Ihnen Wikimedia - The Romanian way präsentieren.


  • Rumänien ist kein Schengen-Staat
  • Es gibt nicht so viele Wikipedianer die hier leben

Wo es verlaufen könnte:

  • Konferenzräume von Hotel Continental - es gibt zwei wunderbar-dekorierten Konferenzräume mit LCD Bildschirme, Video- und Dataprojektionsapparaten und Internet. Der Konferenzraum soll ab 00:00 geschlossem sein, aber das Hotel ist 24 Stunden am Tag geöffnet. Hier werden oft Rezeptionen organisiert, also es soll keinen Problemen mit dem Staff geben. Simultanübersetzungen sind hier möglich. Diese Variante soll perfekt sein, weil alles ein Paar Meter von den Hotelräumen verlaufen wird, und zwar Hotelräumen mit 3 Sternen Komfort, aber auch Räume in der Jugendherberge. Eine der Zimmer hat Tische mit Stühle, die andere hat runde Tische mit Essendienst während der Konferenz. Beide Zimmer sind schön im Barok (wie der Rest des Hotels)dekoriert. Die Rote Saal hat 390 m² mit Platz für 140 Leute (Kino), 60 (Schulklasse) oder 36 (U-Forme). Die Grüne Saal hat 67 m² und Platz für 40 Leute (Kino) oder 30 (Schulklasse).
Auch die Rote Saal sieht ein bisschen klein für unsere Bedarfen - bis jetzt, 53 Leute kommen sicher, also sie würden da hineingehen, aber man weisst nicht wie viele nicht sicher sind, aber in die Ende kommen werden.
Der Staff des Hotels sagte dass die Konferenzräume billiger für Leute die beim Continental unterebracht sind, besonders wenn mehrere Leute ins Frage kommen.
  • Hotel Transilvania Konferenzräumen

  • A great venue would be Babeş-Bolyai University, one of the largest and most famous universities in Romania. They have conference rooms of a higher capacity than Hotel Continental and regularly host conferences and congresses in literature, science and education, therefore being well-prepared for large events. There is a central conference room with around 300 places too, and prices are a lot cheaper than other parts of Europe, especially since we may get sponsorship (at least in part) from the Cluj-Napoca City Hall for cultural activities. The university is in the city, not far from most hotels.

Getting there:

  • By air:
  • TAROM, the national Romanian airline, provides connections 3-4 times a week to Frankfurt, Vienna, Milan and München, all important European hubs. This means that, for example, you can fly to Frankfurt directly from all around the world and then catch a connecting flight to Cluj-Napoca. Also, these flights are codeshared with Alitalia, Austrian Airlines, etc. The flight from Frankfurt to Cluj-Napoca by TAROM costs around 275 euro including tax, at the lowest rate.
  • TAROM also flies several times a day from Bucharest.
  • Carpatair, another Romanian airline, flies directly from Budapest to Cluj 12 times a week, while it also flies to several provincial Italian and German cities via Timişoara, cities including Bergamo, Bologna, Verona, Treviso, Munich, Stuttgart as well as Rome-Ciampino. Carpatair rates are lower than TAROM rates.
  • Clubair, an Italian discount airline, flies from Bologna and Verona to Cluj-Napoca for only 99 euro. This is convenient for Italian Wikipedians. It may also be accessible for European Union/Schengen citizens who can travel to Verona and Bologna fairly easily by train and then transfer to a flight to Cluj.
  • By train: Cluj-Napoca is the railway hub of Transylvania. There is an international train from Vienna to Cluj-Napoca which continues on to Bucharest.
  • By bus: Eurolines provides connections between Cluj-Napoca and a vast network of European cities. This may be convenient for many due to the price. A fare from Frankfurt to Cluj-Napoca by coach costs between 90-105 euro at the moment.

Attractions and background info:

  • Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important academic, cultural and industrial centers in Romania. Regarded as the historic capital of Transylvania, the city is located in northwestern Romania, and is approximately 320 km (200 miles) northwest of Bucharest. It has a population of 318,000. The city has many beautiful medieval buildings and streets, and brings together Romanian, Hungarian and German cultures and influences. The city maintains an important Hungarian minority of around 20%. There are also many museums in the city, as well as vibrant nightlife and dining venues. Cluj-Napoca also has a Romanian and Hungarian theater which offers excellent performances, especially in June-August, when it is summer.
  • Besides the cultural and historical aspects of the city, the natural surroundings are beautiful. Day tours can be taken to a variety of natural sites and villages around the area. We could even stay a day at Stâna de Vale, a wonderful mountain resort, or some nearby thermal spas. The Botanical Garden is also one of the best in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Temperatures in Cluj-Napoca are temperate. In summer, temperatures can get very warm, above 30-35 degrees Celsius.
  • See the Cluj-Napoca Wikipedia article for more background information, photos and map showing location, etc.
  • Prices in Cluj-Napoca:
    • a set lunch (soup/main course/salad/desert) in a restaurant: €4 (basic) - €8 (very nice)
    • fast food (burger/cola/french fries): €2
    • 0.25 l of Coca Cola in a bar: not more than €1
    • 0.5 l of beer in a bar: €1.2-€3
    • 0.1 l of wine in a bar: €0.5-€2
    • 20 ml of tequilla pancha: €0.27-€1 (the lowest price you can find in Shaki, a bar not far form the city centrum)
    • cigarettes: the well known trademarks (like Kent, Pall Mall, Camel, Winston) around €1
    • accomodation at youth hostels (which are not really only for youth): €15-€30 per night
    • accomodation in hotels: €40-€100+ per night
    • 1h playing pool: €1.5-€3

Where to stay:

  • Hotel Continental (***) - very centrally located, has conference facilities, one of the most famous hotels in the city; prices are: 48 euro (single room), 62 euro (double), 86 euro (apartment) per night. Breakfast is included.
  • Hotel Continental Youth Hostel - located in the top level of the Hotel Continental, this youth hostel offers comfortable facilities in the middle of the city at a fraction of the price of the main Hotel Continental rooms. A single room in the youth hostel costs 17 euro, while a double is 28 euro. Breakfast is included.
  • Hotel Golden Tulip Ana Done [1] - It is the newest four star hotel in the city of Cluj Napoca. It is only minutes away from the center of the city and it offers very good hotel services like: fitness, massage, free parking space, conference halls and sauna. A standard single room starts at 79 euro.

See also: Wikitravel guide for Cluj-Napoca for tourism, background and transport details.

Preparation and progress: If Cluj-Napoca is chosen for Wikimedia Meetup 2005, we will release an online information guide and programme. This will provide detailed information about how to get here, list of suitable hotels, the conference area, attractions, emergency numbers, etc

Some ideas for the event:
  • Arrive on Wednesday, workshops and entertainment from Thursday to Saturday, wrap up on Sunday.
  • Accomodation and breakfast at the Cluj-Napoca Agape hostel, a guesthouse with very good service, a few steps from the cities most important plazas (Unirii, Avram Iancu and Mihai Viteazul), the fanciest clubs and of course the most stylished shops.
  • Workshops, depending on the number of participants, can be held in the Continental Hotel (some 100m from the guesthouse), in one of their two conference rooms (up to 100 Wikipedians), or at the Transilvania hotel.

Get around in Cluj: Digital map at [2]

Time frame: The middle-end of August should be the best period here. As a person that lives here, I can tell you that it should be a pleasure staying on a terrace, have a cola, not being obligged to carry a jacket after you. The city is wonderful during the summer, in my personal opinion. Also, in August, many inhabitants have their vacation, so the city is not that busy.

Local helpers: Danutz, Ronline - both are local Wikipedians who have contributed very actively to the Romanian Wikipedia as well as the Romanian Wikitravel. The wider community would also be willing to help, consisting of at least 3-4 very active users.