Wikimedia Norge/Newsletter/2020-10
Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Here is an overview of some of Wikimedia Norge's activities for the next few weeks:
- Virtual meet-up
- The next virtual meet-up is on Wednesday, October 29th. Infoboxes are this month's theme. The meet-up will, as usual, take place on Google Meet from 17:00 CET, You don't need to have/use a Google account to participate, and there is no requirement for having a camera or microphone. Everyone is welcome to join, and we would like to remind you of Wikimedia Norge's safe space policy.
- WikiGap
- In the daytime on November 19th, there will be a small event at the Swedish embassy in Oslo. WikiGap is about minimizing the gender imbalance on Wikipedia. The event will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council's Resolution 1325. Due to infection control, only a small number of participants may join. Send an email to
if you wish to participate!
- Wikigrants
- The next deadline for wikigrants is on November 20th. All contributors to the various Wikimedia projects can apply for our wikigrants. The maximum amount is 8 000 NOK. The wikigrant must be used for activities that support one or more Wikimedia projects.
- The Wikipedia Library
- On November 22nd, accesses to Retriever will again be dispersed to active Wikipedians. Access to Sámi newspapers for contributors to the Northern Sámi Wikipedia will also be dispersed on the same date.
- Giellavahkku, Sámi Language Week
- This week, the Sámi Language Week is organized all over Norway. We are marking the language week by launching a cooperation with the National Library and Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway about placenames. We have written about it on our blog!
Have you remembered to pay your membership dues for 2020? If not, you can always re-register on this page.
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