Wikimedia Norge/Newsletter/2022-02/en
Hello, here are the latest news from Wikimedia Norge!

- English Wikipedia most visited
- Statistics for pageviews to encyclopedias in Norway in 2021 were recently shared on Torget. Not surprisingly, Wikipedia is the most-visited encyclopedia; the English-language edition is slightly ahead of the Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk editions (combined), with 348 and 325 million pageviews, respectively. In comparison, the next encyclopedia on the list, Store norske leksikon, had 112 million pageviews. The numbers speak for themselves: Wikipedia is where people go to learn.
- It is also a reminder that Wikipedians' efforts are incredibly important. We hope these numbers can help motivate both new and experienced contributors.
- Thanks to H@r@ld for sharing this information.
- Bot workshop
- On Sunday 27 February from 12:00–16:00, we will hold a bot workshop! We will go through how to set up and run the most common bot framework, Pywikibot, on PAWS, and show some of the most common standard scripts in Pywikibot.
- Maximum 10 participants! Sign up on the meet-up page or via e-mail to
- Year of Queer Culture
- panel debate in Bergen
- On Thursday 24 March, Wikimedia Norge and the National Archive for Queer History will hold a panel debate at Litteraturhuset, Bergen. The theme for the debate is how archives, museums and Wikipedia can make queer history, art and culture more visible. IT will also examine how we use contemporary labels for the past. A common understanding of what queer history is will help us to make queer history more visible.
- The event is part of the Year of Queer Culture 2022.
- Wiki meet-up and general assembly in Bergen
- Wikimedia Norge will host a wiki meet-up with pizza and something to drink at Villa Paradiso Ole Bull on 25 March, starting 18:30. Register on the wiki meet-up page or by e-mail to
- The next day, on 26 March from 12–14, we will hold our general assembly, taking place at Litteraturhuset, Bergenː All members are welcome! The general assembly will also be streamed for those who can't be there in person, and voting will happen digitally.
- Active contributors can get a travel stipend. Send an e-mail to in order to apply.
- Remember membership fees before the general assembly!
- You can finally use Vipps to set up a regular, annual payment of your membership. We have updated our website and hope even more people will use a recurring payment. If you wish to use AvtaleGiro, that is also still possible.
- Remember that you must have paid your membership fee for 2022 in order to vote at the general assembly.
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